total bacterial count


  • ' The total bacterial count exceeding the legal limit indicates unsatisfactory hygienic conditions but doesn 't mean it would lead to food poisoning ' a Centre for Food Safety spokesman said in the statement .

    香港食物安全中心发言人在声明中说: 超出法例标准,显示产品的卫生情况欠理想,但并不表示饮用后会引致食物中毒的情况。

  • Total bacterial count of 2 water samples was exceeded allowable limit .

    2份水样 细菌 总数 含量超标。

  • Significant differences of indicators for immune ( lysozyme activity and SIgA in saliva ) total bacterial count and the number of hemolytic streptococcus in nasal mucosa were found among the children in polluted area and control area ( P < 0.05 ) .

    污染区儿童免疫指标如(唾液溶菌酶活性、SIgA含量)、鼻粘膜 细菌 总数及溶血性链球菌数目与对照区比差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。

  • Examination of dust particles and total bacterial count of air in dispensaries of hospitals in Changzhou Prefecture

    常州地区医院制剂室空气中尘粒和 细菌 总数的检测

  • The results show that the physical chemical and microbe indexes of low-salt Chinese cured-meat were steady . Compared with traditional one the strength sheared of low-salt Chinese cured-meat was decreased and the total bacterial count was decreased largely .

    结果表明,低盐腊肉在整个贮藏过程中理化及微生物指标较稳定,与传统腊肉相比降低了剪切力,且大大降低了 细菌 总数

  • CONCLUSIONS The height of sampling and culturing time were important factors that could affect the result of total bacterial count in the air .

    结论采样高度及培养时间可能是影响医院病室空气 细菌 总数 计数的重要因素,应引起足够 重视

  • The total bacterial count of tissue napkin obtained by examination with patch culture was higher than that obtained with washings culture method .

    餐巾纸用贴片培养法检测,所得 细菌 总数较洗液培养法为高。

  • Results : After disinfection with high-intensity ultraviolet irradiation and wiping with disinfectant the rates of total bacterial count on toothdrill handpiece exceeding the allowable limit were 18.18 % and 9.09 % respectively .

    结果,使用高强度紫外线照射消毒和消毒剂擦拭消毒,牙钻手机上 细菌 总数超标率分别为18.18%和9.09%;

  • Affecting Factors of the Total Bacterial Count in Air of Ward

    医院病室空气 细菌 总数 计数的影响因素研究

  • The rate of exceeding allowable limit of total bacterial count of air in treatment room was 33.3 % ( 4 / 12 ) and this was also severe in department of geriatrics and depart-ment of digestive disease .

    治疗室空气 细菌 总数超标率为33.3%(4/12),亦以老年病科和消化内科为严重。

  • Paper and board-Determination of microbiological properties & Total bacterial count

    GB/T12661-1990纸和纸板菌落 总数的测定法

  • Results showed total bacterial count of sliced frozen lamb was increased with prolonged storage time and there was an increase in bacterial growth rate as storage temperature rose .

    发现 菌落 总数随贮藏时间的延长而增加,细菌生长速率随贮藏温度的升高而增大。

  • Effect of incipient total bacterial count on shelf life of vacuum shrink chilled beef

    初始 菌落 与真空热缩包装冷鲜牛肉保质期的关系

  • The results showed that the total bacterial count in indoor air at different places was 4000 cfu / m 3 in average before disinfection .

    结果,消毒前不同地点室内空气中 细菌 总数平均为4000cfu/m3。

  • However continuous operation of the Air Purifying Disinfector in occupied room could keep the total bacterial count in air below 200 cfu / m ~ 3 which meets class - ⅱ environmental sanitary standard of hospital while the ultraviolet radiation could not .

    但室内有人工作的情况下,该空气净化消毒器持续运行可使空气中 细菌 总数保持在200cfu/m~3以下,符合医院Ⅱ类环境卫生标准,而紫外线则不能。

  • OBJECTIVE In order to provide theoretical evidence for controlling cross infection in hospital the affecting factors of the total bacterial count in the air of ward were studied .

    目的探讨影响医院病室空气 细菌 总数 计数 检测结果的因素,为控制院内交叉感染提供理论依据。

  • Futher works were casted on water quality total bacterial count total viable count total heterotrophic count and total vibrio count .

    进一步测定池水的水质情况,并用平板涂布法计算了其池水和肠道内的 、总活菌数、总异养菌数和总弧菌数。

  • In order to know the bacterial contamination of the water in drinking water machine the total bacterial count and coli-group bacteria in water were examined .

    为了解饮水机所供水的细菌污染状况,对水中 细菌 总数与大肠菌群进行了检测。

  • The disinfectant solution in use with a total bacterial count within the allowance ( < 250 cfu / ml ) accounted for 80 . 2 % ( 1992 ) and 81.7 % ( 1993 ) .

    使用中消毒液 细菌 总数低于允许标准者(<250cfu/ml)所占比例分别为80.2%与81.7%。

  • Examination found that except the disinfected toilet tissue hich did not fulfill the standard requirement and no standard for toothpick the total bacterial count of samples of other items did not exceed the allowable limit .

    经检测,除消毒级面巾纸未达标准要求,牙签尚无标准外,其他各项样本 污染 细菌 总数均未超过标准。

  • Methods The survey was conducted to examine total bacterial count by sampling of air or public tools surface and hygienic investigation to 68 parlors was made while some employees were inquired about AIDS by questionnaires .

    方法对理发美容院的公共用具和空气 细菌 总数进行采样监测,并进行卫生学调查,对从业人员艾滋病进行问卷调查。

  • The results showed that in the filling workshops the eligible rate of dust particles in air was 78.1 % that of total bacterial count was 81.3 % .

    结果表明,灌装车间空气尘埃粒子合格率为78.1%, 细菌 总数合格率81.3%;

  • The total bacterial count of restructured beef gradually decreased with the increase of storage time .

    菌落 总数随着冷冻贮藏时间的延长而逐渐减少。

  • Studies on the Rapid Detection Method of the Total Bacterial Count in Food by Calorimetry

    利用量热法快速检测食品中 细菌 总数的方法研究

  • Studied on effect of feeding and milking mode on total bacterial count of the raw milk

    饲养和挤奶方式对原料奶中 细菌 总数的影响

  • The results indicated that when the Electrostatic Air Purifying Disinfector is used for indoor air disinfection in hospital it can operate continuously in occupied room and keep the total bacterial count in air below 200 cfu / m ~ 3 .

    结果显示,静电空气净化消毒器用于医院室内空气消毒,可以在有人条件下持续运行,能保持空气中 细菌 总数在200cfu/m~3以下。

  • Results 82.85 % samples ( 720 / 869 ) were qualified on total bacterial count .

    结果三年共监测样品869份,合格720份,合格率 82.85%,监测合格率逐年上升。

  • Examination found that irradiation once twice and three times could reduce total bacterial count of bank notes by 95.6 % 99.5 % and 99.9 % respectively and that of hospital laboratory report sheet by 94.9 % 94.2 % and 94.9 % respectively .

    经检测,照射1次、2次与3次,可分别使人民币上细菌 总数减少95.6%、99.5%与99.9%,医院化验单上 细菌 总数减少94.9%、94.2与94.9%。

  • Objective To evaluate the effect of chlorhexidine varnish on Streptococcus mutans and total bacterial count in dental plaque of orthodontic children and the changes of salivary pH.

    目的观察和探讨洗必泰涂料对正畸儿童牙面菌斑中 细菌 总数和变形链球菌 的影响,以及唾液pH值的改变。

  • Total bacterial count of air and dust particle count were measured by plate sedimentation method and GLJ-BG-type dust particle counter .

    用平板沉降法和GLJ-BG型尘埃粒子计数仪分别测定了空气中的 细菌 总数、埃粒子数。