


  • Sang who uses a wheelchair is an official torchbearer for the 2008 Olympics .

    桑兰现在只能坐在轮椅上, 现在是2008北京奥运会的官方 火炬

  • Do you want to become a torchbearer in2010 Guangzhou Asia Games ? What will you do to achieve this goal ?

    你有想过成为2010年广州亚运会的 火炬 吗?你会怎样做来达成目标呢?

  • The identity of the final torchbearer of the Olympic Torch Relay ( always a citizen of the host country of the Games ) is kept secret until the last moment .

    最后一 火炬 (通常是奥运会举办国的一位公民)的身份会直到最后一刻才被揭晓。

  • Liu Kai was a torchbearer and forthgoer in ancient Chinese prose campaign in the early period of Northern Song dynasty .

    柳开是北宋古文运动的 启蒙 、先驱者。

  • The Olympic torchbearer Jinjing was invited to visit France again .

    奥运 火炬 金晶受邀再次访问法国。

  • The change of the content and spirit of The Women ' Journal showed the transition of female identity from being enlightened to the torchbearer .

    《妇女杂志》内容和精神旨趣的变化展示了 二十 世纪 女性从受启蒙者到 启蒙 的转变。

  • Zhao Shuli : An Intellectual between Torchbearer and Spokespeople

    赵树理: 介于 启蒙 与代言人之间的知识分子

  • The youngest torchbearer and her mom make a team .

    最年轻的 火炬 与母亲成对。

  • Lin Li was the first torchbearer of the Olympic torch relay in San Francisco America .


  • Then the Olympic flame will be awarded the first torchbearer it also marks the formal start of the torch relay .

    火炬随后奥运圣火将授予第一 火炬 ,这也标志着火炬传递的正式开始。

  • He is also well known for his philanthropic work and environmental advocacy which were cited as reasons he was the only Chinese recording artist selected as a torchbearer for the London 2012 Olympic Games .

    同时,他还热衷于慈善工作和环保事业,这也是为什么他被选为2012年伦敦奥运会的 火炬 ,他也是唯一可以 此殊荣的华人 歌手。

  • Liang Qichao is the torchbearer and specialist of bourgeois journalism in China in the modern times and he regards running newspaper as powerful means of realizing his politics ideal as a politician .

    梁启超是中国近代资产阶级新闻 思想 启蒙 集大 ,政治家出身的他把办报看作是实现政治理想的有力手段。

  • Though the subjects of two discourses are different the torchbearer and revolutionary always appear at the same time in the novel narration . They carry on the potential dialogue in the spirit and revolution aspect .

    尽管两种话语的主体不同,但在小说叙事中 启蒙 和革命者总是同时出现,在思想精神和革命现实层面进行着潜在的对话。

  • The torchbearer in the 54 times realize that the liberation of the nature is the important part in the liberation of the human and it is advance position of the thought revolution . Therefore they choice modern sexual affection as initiation driving force .

    五四 启蒙 意识到性的解放是人的解放中的重要部分,是思想革命的前沿阵地,所以选择以现代性爱为启蒙原动力。