Studies on Brix Degree Tota Sugar Content and Their Relationship in the Juice of Sweet Sorghum Stem
甜高粱茎秆汁液锤度与 总糖含量 间相关性的研究
Tota sales of enterprises above designated size in wholesale and retail trade by category of main commodities
限额以上批发零售贸易业商品销售类 值
The kitchen is a major consumer of water in the home using around 10 % of tota household water consumption for cooking cleaning washing or drinking .
厨房是家中的 用水 大户, 占 到家庭 总用水量( 包括做饭、清洁、饮用等)的近10%。
Coefficients of correlation among factors are during 0.227-0.551 lower than that between factors and tota ( l0.435-0.765 ) .
问卷各因子之间相关系数在0.227-0.551之间,且低于因子与总分之间的相关系数( 0.435-0.765)。
AN ANALYSIS OF INCOMPLETE DIALLEL CROSS ON DIFFERENT STEM JUICE COMPONENTS IN SWEET SORGHUM Studies on Brix Degree Tota Sugar Content and Their Relationship in the Juice of Sweet Sorghum Stem
甜高粱茎秆汁液内含 物的双列分析甜高粱茎秆汁液锤度与 总糖含量 间相关性的研究
Tod you ths horoscope stuff s a tota scam .
我告诉你 占星的东西 完全是故事。
In this paper levels of free thyroid hormone ( fT_3 fT_4 ) tota thyroid hormone ( TT_3 TT_4 ) and cholesterol ( ch ) in serum of patients with hyperthyroidism were calculated and correlation between them were analysed as well .
本文测定甲亢患者血清游离甲状腺素(fT3、fT1)、 总甲状腺素(fT3、fT1)和胆同 醇(Ch)水平,并进行相关分析。
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