tightening of credit


  • This also caused a sharp rise in mortgage foreclosures which in turn resulted in losses of hundreds of billions of dollars among the nation 's leading banks and a tightening of credit .

    这也导致丧失抵押品赎回权案例激增,致使主要银行损失数千亿美元和 信贷 紧缩

  • From South Korea to Iceland to Brazil the pandemic has spread bringing with it a tightening of credit that has starved even healthy companies of finance .

    从韩国到冰岛到巴西,它像全球流行病一般蔓延,随之而来的是 严格 赊购 制度,即使是财政情况健康的公司也苦于不能贷款。

  • And the effects of changes in monetary policy is greater in the short term . Tightening of monetary policy can increase systemic credit risks .

    特别是货币政策 商业 银行 信贷系统性风险的影响在短期内较大,在国家 实行 紧缩的货币政策时会使得 商业 银行 信贷的系统性风险上升。

  • This year inflation deteriorated the central bank tightening of credit policy is gradually emerging which is obviously not conducive to the development of SMEs .

    今年,我国通货膨胀恶化,中央银行 紧缩 信贷政策逐渐显现,这显然不利于中小企业的发展。

  • A sharp tightening of credit expected after years of easy money may yet wreak havoc .

    急剧的 信用 紧缩,在数年后的宽松借贷之后所预期的,可能将产生浩劫。

  • There was evidence of a slowdown in demand for iron ore in China due to current economic uncertainty and the tightening of credit facilities leading to reductions in steel production and the current significant build-up of iron ore stockpiles at Chinese ports Mount Gibson said .

    吉布森山铁矿公司表示,有迹象表明,“目前的经济不确定性和 信贷 收紧,导致了钢产量下降,中国港口铁矿石库存大量积压,造成中国铁矿石需求放缓”。

  • Yes emerging economies are with a few exceptions in a better position to offset a US slowdown and tightening of global credit conditions than ever before .

    诚然,除了少数例外情况之外,新兴经济体比以往任何时候都更能够抵消美国经济放缓和全球 信贷环境 收紧的影响。

  • Investment in the region is expected to remain strong despite the tightening of international credit conditions due in part to large foreign-financed investments .

    尽管国际 信贷态势 收紧,该地区预期将会继续保持强劲的投资增长,部分是由于大额外资项目。

  • Consumers who account for 72 per cent of the US economy are pulling back amid a brutal tightening of credit conditions on everything from car loans to credit cards and home equity lines .

    从汽车贷款到信用卡和房屋净值信用额度,所有 信贷状况都明显 收紧,占美国经济72%的消费正在萎缩。

  • A hard landing for the Chinese economy triggered by monetary tightening is one of the main risks facing the financial markets . said Gavan Nolan credit analyst at Markit .

    Markit 信贷分析师加万诺兰(GavanNolan)表示:货币 收紧所引发的中国经济硬着陆,是金融市场面临的主要风险之一。

  • At the same time with the state in 2010 began to economic restructuring and adjustment of credit institutions the gradual tightening of the credit scale the completion of bank profits and bank profit growth are also being tested .

    同时,随着国家2010年开始对经济结构调整和信贷机构调整, 信贷规模逐步 收紧,银行利润的全面完成和增长也面临考验。

  • A similar study by the German chambers of industry and commerce ( DIHK ) found that almost two-thirds of firms had experienced no tightening of credit conditions .

    德国工商总会(DIHK)一个类似的研究发现,几乎2/3的公司没有经历过任何 信贷 紧缩 环境。

  • The tightening of finance and credit at present offers good opportunity for the growth of big and strong enterprises .

    目前财政 信贷 紧缩的环境, 客观上为大型优势企业的成长提供了良好的机遇。

  • The downside risk was that a sharp slowdown in the economy associated with weak real income growth and the tightening in the supply of credit pulled inflation materially below the target .

    下跌的风险是,急剧放缓的经济,与薄弱的实际收入增长和 紧缩 信贷供给,退出重大低于通货膨胀率的目标。

  • If history is any guide despite the economic strength visible in the second and third quarter the current tightening of credit conditions pose a risk to us growth in 2008 .

    如果历史可以为鉴,尽管今年第三季度美国经济的强势颇为明显,但当前 信贷环境 收紧仍对2008年美国经济增长构成了风险。

  • The tightening of trade credit comes just weeks after the visit to Beijing of Stuart Levey the US Treasury Under-Secretary responsible for terrorism and financial intelligence .

    在贸易 信用 紧缩前几周,美国财政部负责反恐及金融情报的副部长斯图尔特利维(stuartlevey)曾经访问北京。

  • Surveys of businesses and banks have shown no pervasive tightening of credit .

    对企业和银行的调查显示没有任何普遍的 信用 紧缩

  • Tightening Control of Group Account Credit Risk

    集团( 关联)客户 信贷风险 控制

  • The loss of capital could well lead to a tightening of credit in the years ahead .

    资本金的损失可能在未来几年中导致 信贷 趋紧

  • But in recent years because the rising price of raw material increasing of labor costs tightening of banks credit and other reasons SMEs face many difficulties .

    但近年来,由于原材料价格上涨、劳动力成本加大、银行 紧缩 信贷等原因,中小企业发展面临诸多困难。

  • This reduces demand for houses lowering prices and driving increases in foreclosures leading to further tightening of credit standards and a vicious growth-destroying cycle .

    这减少了房屋需求,压低了房价,并推高了丧失房屋赎回权的数量,从而导致 信贷标准进一步 收紧,市场陷入破坏增长的恶性循环。

  • More recently a rise in the MCI indicates a tightening of monetary conditions reflecting primarily a sharp slowdown in credit growth .

    近期货币状况指数上升显示货币状况 收紧,主要反映 信贷增长显著放缓。

  • Yet the tightening of credit in Europe is not the whole story .

    然而欧洲 信贷 紧缩,只是故事的一部分。

  • The tightening of credit since the crisis has only exacerbated this anxiety .

    危机以来对 信贷 收紧加重了这一担忧。