

v.扔抛掷投( throw的过去式 )

  • She threw the cake I 'd made on the floor and stood on it . Talk about being humiliated !

    我做的蛋糕 到地上,然后踩在了上面。真是欺人太甚!

  • The crowd threw petrol bombs at the police who responded by donning riot gear .

    人群 警察 汽油弹,警察则穿上了防暴衣。

  • He struggled out of his bulky jacket and threw it on to the back seat

    他费劲脱下他那件笨重的夹克, 随手 在后座上。

  • I threw aside my mosquito net and jumped out of bed .

    我把蚊帐 到一边,跳下床来。

  • Butler and Stone concur that the war threw people 's lives into a moral relief

    巴特勒和斯通一致认为这场战争 使人们的生命得到了道义上的解脱。

  • Farmers threw eggs and empty bottles at police who replied with tear gas

    农民 警察 鸡蛋和空瓶子,警察则以催泪弹回击。

  • He threw Brian a rope .


  • I threw a mute look of appeal at Paula .

    我默默 向葆拉 去恳求的目光。

  • Our surprise attack caught the enemy off balance and threw them into confusion .

    我们的突然袭击 敌人打了个冷不防,他们 顿时乱作一团。

  • I wanted to kill him but instead I just threw him out of the house

    我本想杀了他,不过我只是 撵出了门。

  • Trembling with fear he threw himself down on the bed and covered his head with the quilt .


  • He unlocked the car and threw the coat on to the back seat

    他用钥匙打开车门, 外套 到了后座上。

  • Masked youths threw stones and firebombs .

    蒙面年轻人 投掷 石块和燃烧弹。

  • She waved her handkerchief and threw him a kiss .

    她挥动手帕, 他一个飞吻。

  • The father could no longer control himself when his son threw back an insinuation .

    当儿子 反唇相讥的时候,父亲再也不能控制自己了。

  • He threw it aside with an impatient gesture and another oath and walked off .

    他不耐烦地 到一边,又骂了一句,然后走开了。

  • I threw the book aside in disgust .

    我厌恶地 到一边。

  • He threw the old cloth saddle across the donkey 's back .


  • They threw him in a cell and roughed him up a bit

    他们 扔进牢房,揍了他几下。

  • The horse threw him off but he got away in a whole skin .

    他从马背上 下来,但他却安然无恙。

  • He threw me to the ground and started to kick


  • I threw caution to the wind and rode as fast as I could .


  • The professor rather threw me by asking if I went in for martial arts

    教授问我是否爱好武术,这个问题让我 一惊。

  • I threw off my clothing quickly and ran a warm bath .

    我很快 了衣服,放上洗澡的热水。

  • She threw me a faint smile .

    她对我 微微一笑。

  • Ma threw that out . She said it smelled

    玩意 出去了,她说它有股怪味。

  • I threw the apple to him and he caught it .

    苹果 给他,他接着了。

  • Someone threw an apple core

    有人 一个苹果核。

  • He wasn 't discouraged when they threw cold water on his ideas .

    他们对他的想法 冷水时,他并不泄气。

  • We threw a huge birthday party

    我们 举办 盛大的生日聚会。