



  • The first impulse to write this novel is described as a throb .

    写这本小说的第一冲动就被描绘成 悸动

  • There was only spring itself ; the throb of it the light restlessness the vital essence of it everywhere .

    有的只是春天本身。春的 悸动,轻快的动荡不安,到处都能感觉到它那生机勃勃的本质。

  • A dull pain began to throb behind his lids .

    他的眼皮后面开始 隐隐 作痛 抽动

  • A throb of pain shot through his head .

    他的头部 一阵 剧痛

  • Presently George 's ankle began to throb with pain .

    不一会儿,乔治的脚踝就开始一 阵阵 疼。

  • I shall melt into the music of the flute and throb in your heart all day .

    我将融合在笛声 终日 荡漾在你心头。

  • Dylan is still my heart throb !

    迪伦仍使我的心 跳动

  • That same dull throb of sound was borne to the listeners again .

    与此同时, 那种沉闷的声音又灌 他们 耳鼓

  • The bullet graze was beginning to throb savagely .

    子弹擦 伤处开始猛烈地抽

  • I hit my toe against the door this morning and it 's starting to throb .

    今天早晨我的脚趾踢到了门上,现在开始 作痛

  • The music throbbed hypnotically

    音乐 咚咚作响,叫人昏昏欲睡。

  • She felt her heart give a great throb .

    她感到心 猛地

  • The long climb up the hill made her heart throb .

    长时间的爬山使她的心脏 悸动

  • Jaw muscles and clenched and temple or neck veins throb .

    下巴肌肉紧绷着,太阳穴或脖子上 青筋 突出

  • The ache was subsiding into a dull throb .

    疼痛渐渐消退,变成隐隐的 搏动了。

  • His head throbbed

    他的头 阵阵 作痛

  • The gardens blazed with colour and throbbed with birdsong .

    花园里万紫千红,鸟鸣 嘤嘤

  • A new thrill and a new throb of the same life is being felt .

    我感到同一个生命正在产生新的震颤,新的 搏动

  • Her head was beginning to throb her shoulders to ache .

    她的头开始 ,肩膀开始作痛。

  • He felt the violent throb of her heart under his mouth .

    他的嘴感觉到她心脏 跳动 特别 厉害

  • An office full of eight people seemed to throb with 30 voices .

    一个办公室里有8个人,可是 上去像有30种声音。

  • We may not throb and crazy but our inclusion and guard will be with U forever .

    我们或许没有 很多 很多 悸动和疯狂,但包容与守护永伴左右。

  • The engines throbbed

    发动机 隆隆 震动

  • A personality within it was so far-reaching in her influence as to spread into and make the bricks mortar and whole overhanging sky throb with a burning sensibility .

    这是因为屋子里 一个人物,她的影响是如此深远广大,深入到了砖墙、灰 和头顶的整个蓝天 之中使 它们带着燃烧的感觉 搏动

  • Once again he felt the throb of the recognition and regret .

    他又 认出和遗憾而感到 心跳不已。

  • To beat loudly or heavily ; throb or pulsate .

    跳动大声地或沉重地 跳动搏动或震动。

  • Twitch or throb with pain .

    带着疼痛颤动或者 悸动

  • Would he arouse him with a throb of agony ?

    他要引起牧师一阵痛苦的 悸动吗?

  • A throb of pain ran through my back .
