through the ages


  • Clubs and balls changed considerably through the ages .

    高尔夫球杆和球随作 时代 变迁也变化不断。

  • Their heroic names and meritorious deeds will be eulogized through the ages and go down in history !

    他们的英名和功业将 千秋颂扬,永垂史册!

  • From the representative fine brushwork of flower and bird through the ages we may get intimate knowledge of the lyricism of colors .

    历代直有代表性的工笔花鸟画家 作品中,我们都可以切身感受到色彩的抒情性;

  • Through the ages the earth has cooled . But there is still fiery hot rock deep inside .

    随着 时间 推移,地球冷却下来了。但是地球内部仍有滚烫的岩浆。

  • Through the ages people stress sincerity praise highly sincerity .

    千百 ,人们强调诚意,称叹的诚意。

  • The tragic story of Abelard and Heloise has resonated through the ages .

    阿伯拉尔和埃洛伊丝的悲剧故事 世世代代 回荡 人们心里。

  • In our traditional juristical culture the drawback that the substantive law has been attached more importance to than legal procedure has been all through the ages and the design and application of the legal procedure has been received little attention .

    在我国传统的法律文化中, 历来有重实体而轻程序的 积弊,程序设计和运用受到了不应有的冷落。

  • Excuse me how many people the visual impact through the ages worship .

    劳驾 古往今来多少人的观瞻、朝拜。

  • Some say he ` d been sleeping through the ages .

    有人说他 这些 沉睡。

  • Their heroic deeds admired by the Poples are spread through the ages .

    他们的英雄事迹,受万众景仰,被 千古流传。

  • The ethnic mainland culture through the ages is the soil and spring for the growth of art .

    千百 积淀 下来的民族本土文化是艺术 萌芽成长的土壤和源泉。

  • China made contributions to the world down through the ages but for a long time conditions have been at a standstill in China and development has been slow .

    中国 历史上对世界有过贡献,但是长期停滞,发展很慢。

  • These customs have been handed down through the ages .

    这些风俗是 世世代代传下来的。

  • Through the ages Shengzhou Tea is famous for its fragrance pure and mild taste .

    自古 以来嵊州茶以香气馥郁、滋味醇和而著名。

  • Through the ages a large enough food supply has been humanity 's greatest need .

    自古 以来,充分的粮食供应一直是人类最大的需要。

  • Through the ages people have been considering this question without stopping through various kinds of ways all the time .

    千百 ,人们一直在通过各种方式不间断地思索着这个问题。

  • Through the ages social political cultural and aesthetic concerns have been explored and expressed through the visual medium documenting cultural history in a pictorial format .


  • You came here because you want your name to last through the ages .

    你是为了你能 千古 留名而来。

  • Haven 't people discussed the true the good and the beautiful all through the ages ?

    人们 历来不是讲真善 吗?

  • The Phoenix decorations of jade wares through the ages embodied proper time characters in sharp design art style and processing technique because of the difference in time spirit and social custom .

    由于时代精神和社会风俗的差异, 历代玉器上的凤纹在造型、纹饰、艺术风格和制作技法上均有一定的时代特征。

  • Experience through the ages was the teacher .

    代代相传的经验即为 师。

  • It was under such feudal economic exploitation and political oppression that the Chinese peasants lived like slaves in poverty and suffering through the ages .

    中国 历代的农民,就在这种封建的经济剥削和封建的政治压迫之下,过着贫穷困苦的奴隶式的生活。

  • For most civilizations through the ages the sun was considered the life giving force to all earthly creatures .


  • Ways of keeping count of time were developed slowly through the ages by many peoples .

    经过人,计时方法 发展相当的缓慢。

  • It said some lives are linked across time connected by ancient calling that echoes through the ages .

    据说有些生命能够跨越时空, 透过一个 回荡 历史的古老召唤紧紧相连。

  • On his return to Germany in the mid-80 's he set up Noah 's Ark-a gallery which reflects his love and respect for the wealth and diversity of India 's culture through the ages .

    在他返回的80年代中期,他成立了诺亚方舟-画廊反映他的爱和对财富和印度的文化多样性的尊重, 千古德国。

  • Blowing or spraying pigment around a hand pressed against rock surfaces would become a common practice among cave artists down through the ages & and even some of the youngest schoolchildren to this day .

    将手压到岩石表面,在其周围吹或喷洒颜料成为了后来的洞穴艺术家 惯用 手法,甚至到了今天,一些年幼的学生还在使用这个方法。

  • His family has collected many famous paintings through the ages .

    他家收藏了许多 历代的名人字画。