through rates

[经] 全程费率,全程运价

  • Encouraging bad decisions through Teaser mortgage rates was a central contributory factor in the financial crisis .

    开出诱人的贷款 利率,鼓励人们做出错误决策,这正是引发金融危机的一个主要原因。

  • But the master himself disowned the MTFS because the Bank of England continued to regulate the money supply through interest rates rather than via the monetary base .

    但这位经济大师本人不赞成中期财政战略,因为英国央行(bankofEngland)对货币供应量的调节仍是 通过 利率而不是货币基础。

  • By solving the residual equations through iteration the corrosion rates and Tafel constants can be obtained .

    通过迭代,解残差方程组,求出金属的腐蚀 速度和塔菲尔常数。

  • Monetary transmission affects macroeconomic mainly through ways of interest rates channel non-monetary asset prices channel and exchange rate channel to channel . Credit transmission channel affects macroeconomic variables mainly through the change of financial system and institutions .

    货币传导主要 通过 利率渠道、非货币资产价格渠道以及汇率渠道对宏观经济产生影响;而信贷传导渠道则主要通过金融体制和机构的变化对宏观经济变量产生影响。

  • These include the prevention of inappropriate producer subsidies & including through manipulated exchange rates or distorted state enterprise accounting .

    这些领域包括阻止为生产商提供不适当的补贴&包括 通过操纵 汇率或者扭曲国有企业会计信息。

  • Hydrophytes affected the removal of NH3 NOx total phosphorus and organic nitrogen through influencing rates of various mecha - - nisms especially nitrification-denitrification chemical precipitation and metabolism of algae .

    水生植物主要 通过改变硝化/反硝化进程、自身代谢和化学沉降 速率影响NH3、NOx、有机氮和总磷的去除。

  • Meanwhile among the currency areas adjustment occurs far more via the exchange rates than through interest rates on safe-haven debts .

    与此同时,在这些货币区,经由汇率渠道发生的调整,远多于 经由避风港国家债务 利率而发生的调整。

  • Methods : The 25 kinds of food samples collected were continuously cultivated in selective medium ⅰ . The separated bacterium were screened through comparing their rates of cholesterol-degrading and enzyme activities and enzymology characteristic was primarily studied .

    方法:将采集的25种样品,选择培养基Ⅰ连续传代培养, 通过比较胆固醇降解 和酶活力,筛选出降解胆固醇能力较高的菌株,并研究其酶学特性。

  • They are happy for the financial sector to experiment with new products on - and off-balance sheet allowing the system gently to displace state allocation of capital through decreed interest rates loan quotas loan-to-deposit ratios and specific credit restrictions .

    一方面,他们乐于看到金融行业试验表内和表外的新产品,允许金融体系 通过限定 利率、贷款配额、存贷比以及具体信贷限制等方式,温和地取代政府的资金分配职能。

  • They argued that damage to the real economy of jobs production savings and consumption could be contained once bubbles burst through aggressive easing of interest rates .

    他们认为,一旦大幅降低 利率 导致泡沫破灭,就业、生产、储蓄及消费等“实体经济”都将受到损坏。而事实证明他们的观点是错误的。

  • The latter can occur through higher nominal exchange rates or higher inflation .

    后者可以 通过名义 汇率或通胀上升来实现。

  • Annual reports meeting and policy documents during 1997 - 2002 collected from the county dispensary were reviewed . Descriptive analysis was used through rates ratio and proportions .

    收集两县1997&2002年结核病报表资料、会议资料及实施细则等, 利用 、比等描述指标进行比较分析。

  • Through the shape recovery rates for a series of samples with different component content are tested under different conditions the influences of such factors as recovery temperature stretch ratio recovery time etc. on the shape memory function for the system have been studied .

    不同条件下,对不同组分含量试样的形状回复 进行测试,研究回复温度、拉伸率、形变固定时间、回复次数等因素对该体系形状记忆性能的影响。

  • That will eventually feed through to higher interest rates on loans to companies and consumers .

    而这最后将必然 依靠高的消费者和企业贷款 利率来填补。

  • Early studies based on the IS-LM analysis framework monetary policy affects enterprise investment scale through changing interest rates . Therefore it is referred to as interest rate channel of the monetary policy transmission .

    早期的研究建立在IS-LM分析框架之下,货币政策 通过 利率的调整影响企业投资规模,因此被称为货币政策传导的利率渠道。

  • Many insured themselves through managing exchange rates and building huge currency reserves .

    许多 国家 通过 汇率管理和建立庞大的外汇储备来给自己上“保险”。

  • European central banks yesterday intensified their efforts to combat the continent 's severe recession by unveiling bolder-than-expected moves to buy assets and boost growth through historically-low interest rates .

    欧洲央行(ECB)昨日加强了其应对欧洲大陆严重衰退的努力。该央行宣布比预期更为果敢的举措,拟 通过购买资产和历史低位的 利率,来促进增长。

  • Intermediate target of monetary policy is generally considered to be interest rates and money supply that is monetary policy impact economy growth and price stability policy through interest rates and the of money supply which is the objective of monetary .

    货币政策中介目标通常被认为是利率和货币供给量,即货币政策 通过利率和货币供给量的影响而实现经济增长、物价稳定的货币政策目标。

  • Male circumcision could have a major public health impact in countries where HIV prevalence is high transmission is predominantly through heterosexual contact and rates of male circumcision are low .

    在艾滋病毒高发,主要 通过异性接触感染艾滋病毒和包皮环切 低的国家中,包皮环切可产生重大的公共卫生影响。

  • Objective To provide guidance on the rational applications of the clinical X-ray examination through analyzing the positive rates of X-ray diagnostic examination of Shandong province .

    目的 了解山东省X射线诊断检查的阳性 ,指导临床X线检查的合理应用。

  • These inflows complicate macroeconomic policies in recipient countries through their impact on exchange rates and commodity prices .

    这些资金流入对 汇率和大宗商品价格产生影响, 从而让接收国的宏观经济政策变得复杂。

  • But the channel through which negative real interest rates can translate into a credit bubble will remain open .

    措施是很严厉的,但是 通过消极实际 利率转变成信用泡沫的渠道依然畅通。

  • The main reason for this situation is information asymmetry between farmers and financial institutions adverse selection and moral hazard effect on the financial institutions through interest rates and lead to credit rationing in rural areas .

    造成这一状况的主要原因在于农户和正规金融机构间存在严重的信息不对称,逆向选择和道德风险 通过 利率作用于正规金融机构,迫使正规金融机构在农村地区实行信贷配给。

  • According to this new orthodoxy macroeconomic stability should be achieved through interest rates .

    根据这一新的正统理论,宏观经济稳定应 通过 利率实现。

  • One reason is to enable you to look through calculations of projected internal rates of return .

    一个原因在于,它使你能够看 明白预期内部回报 是如何计算的。

  • In this world the US central bank is a serial bubble-blower has distorted asset markets and visited excess monetary emission on trading partners around the world above all on those who seek monetary stability through pegged exchange rates .

    在这个世界里,美联储是连环吹泡沫者,扭曲了资产市场,造成了世界各地贸易伙伴的资金过剩,特别是那些希望 通过盯住 汇率 维持货币稳定的国家。

  • Hong Kong imports US policy through its currency and interest rates but is most influenced by China in terms of trade and culture .

    香港的汇率与 利率受美国政策的影响,但在贸易与文化上受内地影响最大。