


  • Observation on Efficacy of Thrombin Nebulization Combined with Pituitrin on 30 Cases of Hemoptysis


  • In addition to the role in hemostasis and coagulation thrombin has other numerous biological activities affecting inflammation immune responses tissue repair and wound healing .

    它不但参与止血和 凝血、炎症、免疫反应、组织修复和创伤愈合,而且可激活正常细胞的 潜能和导致 恶性 细胞 转移 表型

  • Our in vitro study proved that Ligustrazine could strongly inhibit platelet aggregation induced by adp collagen thrombin and reduce the production of MDA from platelets ;

    本文研究证明,川芎嗪在体外对由诱导剂二磷酸腺苷、胶原、 凝血酶诱导所致的家兔血小板聚集有强烈抑制作用,同时也能抑制血小板丙二醛的生成。

  • Objective : To study clinical value of radiocystitis therapy with thrombin intra-bladder perfusion .

    目的:探讨 凝血酶膀胱灌注治疗放射性膀胱炎的临床应用价值。

  • An enzyme liberated from blood platelets that converts prothrombin into thrombin as blood starts to clot .

    血小板释放的一种酶,能在血液开始凝结时将凝血素转化为 凝血酶

  • Thrombin clotting time measurement of plasma heparin and its clinical application


  • Thrombin is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen to the insoluble protein fibrin .


  • High dose thrombin suppresses proliferation and induces apoptosis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG_2


  • Thrombin generation assay was applied to determine the generation condition of thrombin in patients and healthy controls .

    采用 凝血酶生成试验检测先证者及健康对照者的凝血酶生成情况;

  • Experimental Study on the Effects of Exogenous Thrombin on Angiogenesis in Rabbit Ischemic Hindlimb


  • PurposeTo calibrate the2 nd national standard for human thrombin by the collaborative study .

    目的协作标定第二批人 凝血酶国家标准品。

  • EIS combined with aluminium phosphate gel and thrombin therapy in liver cirrhosis with esophageal variceal bleeding

    硬化剂注射联合磷酸铝凝胶与 凝血酶治疗肝硬化并食管静脉曲张破裂出血

  • Objective : To evaluate the effects of pseudoaneurysm treated by compression and repair thrombin injection embolization and surgical procedure .

    目的:评价压迫修复、注射 凝血酶、栓塞及手术治疗方法对假性动脉瘤的治疗效果。

  • Methods Ultrasound-guided thrombin injection for the treatment of pseudoaneurysms in25 cases .

    方法利用超声引导下 凝血酶注射法治疗假性动脉瘤25例。

  • The Dynamic Changes of Thrombin and MMP-9 in Plasm and the Relevance between Them after Intracerebral Hemorrhage

    脑出血后血浆 凝血酶及MMP-9的动态变化及相关性

  • Thrombin Related to Cerebral Edema and Blood-brain Barrier Permeability of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage and the Impact of Minimally Invasive Surgery


  • Objective : To evaluate the hemostatic efficacy and safety of a human thrombin in tonsillectomy .

    目的:评价外用人 凝血酶对扁桃腺手术创面的止血作用和安全性。

  • An enzyme such as rennin or thrombin that induces coagulation . sweetened milk coagulated with rennet .

    凝固酶能引起凝固作用的一种酶,如凝乳酶和 凝血酶加糖的牛奶,使用凝乳酶使之凝结。

  • The Relationship between Thrombin and Apoptosis of Brain Cells and Brain Edema Around the Hematoma after Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats

    大鼠脑出血后 凝血酶与血肿周围脑细胞凋亡和脑水肿的关系的实验研究

  • Determination of human thrombin by an aptamer based on affinity capillary electrophoresis-laser induced fluorescence detection

    基于适配体亲和毛细管电泳-激光诱导荧光检测的 凝血酶分析

  • Effect of Thrombin Injection on Systemic Coagulation in the Treatment of Femoral Pseudoaneurysm


  • Experimental study of piezoelectric quartz crystal sensor for detecting plasma thrombin time

    压电石英晶体传感器检测血浆 凝血酶时间的实验研究

  • Application of direct thrombin inhibitor argatroban in cardiovascular diseases

    直接 凝血酶抑制药阿加曲班在心血管疾病治疗中的应用

  • Effect of thrombin preconditioning of neurocytes apoptosis of rats


  • Clinical Researching Pantoprazole Treatment of 36 Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Patients with Thrombin

    泮托拉唑联合 凝血酶治疗36例上消化道出血患者的临床研究

  • Study on the Levels of Thrombin Activable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor Active ( TAFIa ) in the Patients with Hemophilia

    血友病患者 凝血酶激活的纤维蛋白溶解抑制物活性(TAFIa)的检测及其临床意义

  • Fibrinogen and thrombin may concrete blood to jam the crevasses of blood vessels for avoiding excessive loss of blood .

    血纤维蛋白原和 凝血酶,自身手创伤时使血液凝固以堵塞血管破口,防止血液流失过多。

  • We knew thrombin leaked out during hemorrhagic strokes those in which an artery ruptures and we knew that in large amounts it killed brain cells .

    我们知道在出血性中风中,血管破裂 凝血酶泄漏出来并杀死大量脑细胞。