


  • Thrombus aspiration in all acute myocardial infarction patients or based on thrombus assessment ?

    急性心肌梗死患者 血栓抽吸:所有患者抑或根据病变评估?

  • Thrombosis : Formation of a Blood clot ( thrombus ) in the heart or a Blood vessel .

    血栓形成:在心脏或血管内形成血凝块( 血栓)的一种 病理现象。

  • The decrease in percentage difference of radioactivity over these two sites indicates the rate of thrombus dissolution .

    两部位放射活性百分比差异的减少提示了 血栓的分解率。

  • Obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery by a blood clot ( thrombus ) .

    心脏冠状动脉内的 血栓 形成

  • This is severe atherosclerosis of the aorta in which the atheromatous plaques have undergone ulceration along with formation of overlying mural thrombus .

    严重的动脉粥样硬化病灶内形成了溃疡同时也伴有血管壁上 血栓的形成。

  • Influence on thrombus formation by blood flow in T-bifurcation of artery

    T型分叉血管中血液流动对动脉 血栓形成的影响

  • Thrombus Aspiration in Acute Myocardial Infarction : Is It Always Necessary ?

    急性心肌梗死的 血栓抽吸治疗:是否必要?

  • A target international normalized ratio of2-3 limits the risks of hemorrhage while providing protection against the formation of thrombus .

    在防止 血栓 形成的治疗过程中,调整剂量在国际标准化比值2-3之间预防出血的危险。

  • The true size of the aneurysm would have been underestimated by coronary angiography because it contains substantial thrombus .

    这血管瘤含有大量的 血栓,因此其实际大小在传统的冠状动脉血管摄影必然会被低估。

  • The stasis in this aneurysm allows mural thrombus which is present here to form within the aneurysm .

    血液在动脉瘤处淤滞,使得此处形成附壁 血栓

  • Clinical analysis of left ventricular mural thrombus after acute myocardial infarction

    急性心肌梗死并左室附壁 血栓 形成 50 临床分析

  • Objective : To investigate the clinical value of CT guided radioactive seed125I implantation in treating portal vein tumor thrombus in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma .

    目的:介绍肝癌门静脉癌 激光联合光敏剂治疗的方法,并探讨这一治疗方法的安全性和有效性。

  • Become blocked by a thrombus ; of blood vessels .


  • The arterial wall is undergoing necrosis and there is thrombus formation in the lumen .

    经血管内腔冠状动脉血管造形术动脉壁逐渐坏死,血管腔内有 血栓形成。

  • Interventional therapy for deep venous thrombus of lower extremity

    下肢深静脉 血栓 形成的介入治疗研究

  • The absence of significant morbidity makes aggressive radical surgery feasible in the patients with tumor thrombus and metastatic disease .

    死亡率并不显著使得在伴肿瘤 血栓以及肿瘤转移患者中进行积极根治性手术成为可能。

  • How should cerebral thrombus notice food ?


  • Use of the Thrombus Extraction in the Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Acute Myocardial Infarction ;

    纤溶酶激活剂在 血栓性 疾病 出血 疾病的诊断具有 潜在应用价值。

  • Surgical removal of a blood clot ( thrombus ) from a blood vessel .

    去除血管中的血液 凝块的手术。

  • Local caliber of vein thrombus in 6 cases was evidently broadened .

    6例静脉 血栓局部的管径明显增宽。

  • Relationships between vasculature and viscera can be demonstrated as well as vascular patency thrombus or calcification .

    同血管的开放度、 血栓或钙化一样,脉管系统和内脏之间的关系可以清楚显示出来。

  • On account of your hypertension I suppose it 's cerebral thrombus .

    因为您的血压很高,我认为您得了脑 血栓

  • When the rotating time was 5 minutes thrombus did not well formed .

    旋转时间为5分钟时,不能形成 血栓,旋转时间为10分钟时, 血栓 形成不良;

  • It is concluded that CO2-HAS is helpful to diagnose and design the therapeutic regimen of portal vein tumor thrombus .

    我们认为CO2肝动脉超声造影对确诊门静脉癌 及门静脉癌 治疗方案的设计有重要作用。

  • Study on safety and efficiency of thrombus aspiration during primary PCI for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction


  • Plasmin is the main protease to break down and dissolve thrombus .

    胞浆素是消除和分解 血栓的主要蛋白酶。

  • MPR could display mural thrombus flap true and false lumen .

    MPR可较好显示附壁 血栓,真假腔和内膜片;

  • Results : Of55 consecutive patients 11 ( 20 % ) had a detectable thrombus .

    结果:55名连续纳入的患者中,有11名(20%)发现 血栓

  • Sodium selenite ; salvia miltiorrhiza parenteral solution ; thrombus ; Orthogonal design .

    亚硒酸钠;丹参注射液; 血栓;正交设计。