


  • I wrote a decidedly intemperate journal entry on Byron 's thunderbolt visit and its miserable outcome .

    我曾以非常激烈的措词写下一篇日记,记叙 拜伦 突然来访,以及它的可悲结局。

  • I am like the storm-driven cloud of summer that having cast off its crown of gold hangs as a sword the thunderbolt upon a chain of lighting .

    我如同夏日里被风暴驱逐的云,抛下黄金王冠,在闪电的锁链上悬挂一个 霹雳,犹如佩上一柄利剑。

  • Finally an idea struck them like a thunderbolt & smoke rose because it was lighter than air .

    最后,他们的 脑海 突然产生了一个想法&烟的上升是因为它比空气轻。

  • But a man hit with the thunderbolt was another matter .

    但是,一个 晴天霹雳 击中了的人可就是另一回事了,他 仔细 瞧瞧

  • I can remember reading Flaubert for the first time and being struck by a thunderbolt : oh brave new world that has such writers in it !

    我依旧记得初读福楼拜的时候,感觉就像被惊天 霹雳所击中,因为我从其的作品中看到了一个勇敢的新世界。

  • The focus is on the thunderbolt surges harm to weak current equipment and preventing measures .

    对弱电设备 雷害进行了 分析,重点探讨了 雷电浪涌对弱电设备的危害及防雷措施。

  • As for the count he could not have been more overwhelmed if a thunderbolt had fallen at his feet and opened an immense gulf before him .

    至于伯爵,即使一个 霹雳 在他的脚下和深裂开在他的面前,也不能使他更惶惑了。

  • I like her a lot but there was no real thunderbolt .

    我很喜欢她,可就是不 来电

  • The thunderbolt always fall on the tallest buildings and tree .

    霹雳总是 在高楼和大树上。

  • The news of her death came as a thunderbolt .

    眨眼 ,传来 霹雳 闪电。她去世的消息 犹如 晴天霹雳

  • Thunderbolt speed by jove 's right hand seek out the height .

    朱庇特右手发射的 霹雳总是寻找高处。

  • A thunderbolt split up the tree .

    一阵 雷电将这树劈开。

  • But like most of the sci-fi films that followed it Thunderbolt Baby failed to imagine the future .

    但与后来的许多科幻电影如出一辙, 霹雳 贝贝 没能想象未来。

  • ThunderBolt is state of the art and incomparable .


  • Perfection of the body includes beauty grace strength and the hardness of a thunderbolt .

    身体的完美包括美丽、优雅、有力和 金刚石 坚硬

  • Had a thunderbolt fallen in the midst of the spectators of this unexpected scene it would not have surprised them more than did albert 's declaration .

    即使打一个 霹雳,也不会有人想到出现这种场面,也没有比阿尔贝的宣布更使他们惊诧的事了。

  • The news came as a thunderbolt . I could hardly believe my ears .

    这消息 犹如 晴天霹雳,我简直不相信自己的耳朵。

  • He unleashed a thunderbolt by announcinghis resignation .

    他宣布辞职好似晴天 炸雷一般。

  • Meanwhile with conventional and non-conventional meteorological data thunderbolt character and thunderstorm weather can be analyzed in the platform .

    同时,可应用该系统平台,结合运用常规、非常规气象资料,对 雷电特征及雷暴天气进行分析研究。

  • This essay is to probe into the main reasons of harm to the computer net and the electronic equipments caused by the thunderbolt and to discuss the measures to be taken .

    针对 雷电对计算机网络及电子设备造成的危害,探讨了其中的主要原因和需采取的措施。

  • If a thunderbolt had fallen at the banker 's feet he could not have experienced greater terror .

    即使一个 霹雳落到那位银行家的脚前,他也未必会这样惊恐万状了。

  • The Effect of Thunderbolt Formation and Development on Tower Cranes

    雷电的形成与发展对建筑塔吊 感应 高压 的影响

  • Thunderbolt and lightning-very very frightening me .


  • The news was like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky .

    这消息犹如 晴天霹雳

  • I know your thunderbolt .

    我懂得你是 晴天霹雳 击中了。

  • If Jupiter hurls his thunderbolt as often as men sin he will soon be out of thunderbolt .

    假使朱庇特每当有人犯罪就大发雷霆的话,他 上的 雷霆便会即将告

  • A category Thunderbolt download accelerator from abroad download forms It used to enhance the P2P download speed .


  • The thunderbolt made matchwood of the hut .


  • The news of his death was a real thunderbolt .

    他去世的消息真是 晴天霹雳

  • The blunder made the underground instrument undergo an undermining of the thunderbolt .

    这个失策让地下仪器经受了一次 雷电的破坏。