thus and so

[ðʌs ənd soʊ][ðʌs ænd səʊ]


  • Moreover the capital massive inflows increased the domestic money supply then has affected the exchange rate and the interest rate stability thus the bank faces market risk and so on exchange rate interest rate increased .

    另外,资本大量的流入增加了国内的货币供应量,也影响了汇率和利率的稳定性, 从而银行面对的汇率利率 市场风险增加了。

  • Thus the forces and momentum of the adept in warfare are so overwhelming and ferocious and his timing of engagement is precise and swift .


  • He told me that he had done thus and so in the matter .

    他告诉我说他已 这样处理了那件事。

  • Nowadays the conventional PID controller are more used in the flow control system it is quite convenient but cannot adjust parameter on line thus cannot control non-linearly and so on complex system well .

    现今流量控制系统很多都使用常规PID控制器,这样虽然比较方便,但不能在线整定参数, 因而不能很好地控制非线性 复杂系统。

  • Thus raising your vibrational level and exiting the emotion so as to not get caught into it by doing so you will find better ways to channel this energy such as writing .

    因此,提升你的振动能级 情绪的退出速度 不至于深陷其中,这样做你会发现如写信 引导精力的更好方法。

  • The BPWS4J editor menus are thus context-sensitive and restrict the available actions so that users have a lesser chance of making errors while creating the process .

    BPWS4J编辑器菜单 因此是上下文敏感的 限制了可用的操作, 这样,用户在创建流程时就可以少犯一些错误。

  • Often receives various factor influence in the actual construction to cause the concrete to stop up the tube may the pumping difference thus the delay project progress even affects phenomenon and so on concrete quality .

    在实际施工中往往受到各种各样的因素影响而导致混凝土堵管、可泵性差, 从而出现耽误工程进度甚至影响混凝土质量 现象。

  • Thus new companies arise and old ones fade and so the wheel turns .

    由此,新公司升起,老公司衰落 车轮如是滚动。

  • Compared with traditional virtual reality system using HMD and sensor glove VR interaction system based video input reduces the touch between people and devices thus appears widely in amusement education field and so on .

    基于视频输入的虚拟交互系统较传统的采用接触式传感器的交互系统输入方便、操作简单,在娱乐业、教育业 领域有 重要的应用前景。

  • Thus opposing political views economic competitors counterculture individuals and so forth can be beamed to sickness or death .

    因为 能使那些政治观点与其不同的人、经济竞争对手、反对美国文化的人 患病或死亡。

  • Thus a comprehensive analysis and assessment of development is fulfilled so as to provide reference for the social economic modernization and the transportation modernization .


  • Thus the radiation at high frequencies would be reduced and so the rate at which the body lost energy would be finite .

    因此,在高频下辐射被减少了 物体丧失能量的速率变成有限的了。

  • Conclusion : The 2 to Tiangui particles by improving the aging oocyte and early embryo development potential and thus improve the fertilization rate pregnancy rate and so on and its mechanism may be related to increased oocyte and early embryo of the mitochondrial membrane potential .

    结论:二至天癸颗粒通过改善衰老卵母细胞及早期胚胎发育潜能, 进而提高受精率、妊娠率 ,其机理可能与提高卵母细胞及早期胚胎的线粒体膜电位有关。

  • It has been thus and will continue to be so .

    事情一直是 这样将继续 这样下去。

  • Diao Dou good at telling stories and thus carry their own ideas and individual experience . So that it is possible that the reader gain experience through the story .

    刁斗擅于讲故事,并 以此承载自己的思想 个体经验, 使通过故事为读者提供存在经验成为可能。

  • Thus economic social and so on various areas of Tianjin need a great large professional high quality talent resource .

    天津市各领域 对于专业化 高素质的人才资源的需求量巨大。

  • We can see that training career development can reduce the mobility of employees and enhance loyalty to the enterprise thus reducing business costs and increasing cohesion so that employees personal goals and organizational goals contribute to the development for the company .

    我们可以看到培训、职业发展可以减少员工的流动性,增强对企业的忠诚度, 从而也可以减少企业的成本 增加企业凝聚力, 使员工个人目标与组织目标相结合,为企业发展做出贡献。

  • Therefore x must be true ; the eggs were fresh and hence satisfactory ; we were young and thence optimistic ; it is late and thus we must go ; the witness is biased and so cannot be trusted .

    因此x必须为真;这些鸡蛋是新鲜的,因而也是令人满意的;我们年轻,因而也乐观;已经晚了, 所以我们也必须走了;目击人有偏见 因此不被信任。

  • He told me that thus and so was to be done in such and such a manner .


  • We can know that Mohist expounded the language 's meaning from the definition of Mou ( things are partly thus and so ) .

    从墨家对 的定义(是 )可以看出其对语言意义的阐述。

  • Such crystals are thus efficient condensation nuclei and so promote precipitation from a cloud .

    这种晶体是 有效的凝聚核 从而促使云变雨降落。

  • It has always been thus and will continue to be so .

    情况一向 如此而且还将继续 如此

  • Thus promoting reform of systems positively and steadily so as to radically assure the integrity and steadiness of the land system in rural areas push on the development of rural economy truly increase farmers ' income .

    只有积极稳妥 推进各项制度改革 才能从根本上促进农村经济发展,切实增加农民的收入。

  • When however it forms its judgment as it usually does on the intuitions of its great and warm heart the conclusions thus attained are often so profound and so unerring as to possess the character of truths supernaturally revealed .

    不过,当他们通常凭自己伟大面温暖的心胸的直觉来形成自己的判断时,他们的 结论往往深刻无误,具有超自然表象的真理的特征。

  • The bigger the network the more attractive it is to new users which makes it even bigger and thus more attractive and so on .

    网络(规模)越大,对于新用户的吸引力越强,这又让网络变得更大,又 进一步增强了吸引力 如此往复。