through traffic

[θru ˈtræfɪk][θru: ˈtræfik]


  • Dynamic charges is a more recognized method of obtaining real-time tariffs through traffic congestion analysis from real-time road traffic flow features data .

    交通拥挤动态收费 通过实时获得的道路交通流特性数据进行 交通拥挤分析,从而得到实时的收费价格,是一种较为被认可的手段。

  • Rush through traffic conquer multiple racing events and outrun cops in hot pursuit to become the Champion Road Racer !

    闯过 交通,征服多样的竞赛事件,而且跑得更快(远)热的追求警官变成冠军道路叁赛者!

  • We don 't have struggle through traffic in the morning and afternoon if we choose telecommuting .

    如果选择远程上班的工作方式,我们就无须早晚受困于 车流之中。

  • We all have people we need to chat with every day so make good use of your time in the car and get the talking out of the way while you make your way through traffic .

    我们每天都要与一些人闲聊,所以好好利用你在车上的时间。不过当你 穿过 车流中, 奉劝你最好不要这样做。

  • In order to connect the traffic of each side or to link up the through traffic it is necessary to build large urban road-highway bridges which are in the dual nature of both urban bridges and highway bridges .

    为联系两岸交通或沟通 过境 公路,需修建具有城市桥梁和公路桥梁双重特点的大型城市公路桥梁。

  • I decided to run through traffic in front of you when you disappeared .

    在我决定 穿越 车流奔跑到你面前的时候,你消失了。

  • Through traffic survey and analyzing datum use VISUM the macroscopic traffic simulation software to forecast walking volumes of walking aisles and roads which can be used to confirm the locations of collision between vehicles and visitors .

    通过游客 交通调查和资料分析,应用VISUM宏观仿真软件预测园区步行走廊和道路的游客步行流量,并根据宏观需求预测结果确定园区主要的人车冲突位置。

  • Elephants walk along a road through traffic in New Delhi .

    新德里大象们走过马路穿行 交通线上。

  • Developing International Through Traffic and Enhancing Port Construction

    发展国际 联运加强口岸建设

  • The A7 prototype uses an array of stock sensors including radar and a front-facing camera to navigate through traffic .

    这台A7原型车使用了一系列传感器,包括雷达和正对前方的摄像头,用来感应 车流 状况

  • Study of the Analysis of the Incident Affect in Freeway through Traffic Dynamic Approach


  • Discussion on Design Standards of Through Traffic and its Interchanges

    过境 公路及其互通式立交若干设计标准的探讨

  • Through traffic investigation and statistic analysis of the measuring data the character of pedestrian traffic behaviors is expounded the influence factor of pedestrian unafe behaviors and characteristics of pedestrian delay at uncontrolled crosswalk are systematically analyzed .

    阐述了行人交通行为的特点, 通过 交通调查与对实测数据的统计处理,系统分析了行人不安全行为的影响因素及无信号控制人行横道处的过街延误等 交通特性。

  • Resistance to information leakage through traffic analysis

    阻止 通过 流量分析导致的信息泄漏

  • Currently the main control on speeding driving is through traffic engineering measures and enforcement measures and the traffic management department is often array special campaigns to prevent speeding driving .

    目前对超速行驶的防治主要是 通过 交通工程措施和现场执法措施达到治理超速的目的,交通主管部门经常统一布置超速专项整治行动。

  • Submitting articles with links to your web site to directories is yet another famous SEO trick that can really boost the amount of traffic you generate while also giving click through traffic too .

    提交文章链接你的网站目录,是又一著名的SEO招,可真正能刺激 交通量你产生,同时也给予点击 通过也是如此。

  • Applications of security policy of Oracle to Management Systemof International Railway through Traffic

    Oracle安全策略在国际 联运管理系统中的应用

  • He takes extra care when driving through traffic accident hotspots .

    他在驾车 驶过那故事多发拐角时总是格外小心。

  • The distribution of actual axle load and data of overload were obtained through traffic surveys and tests with the HPS portable wheel load scale .

    通过 交通 交通组成调查,利用HPS便携式轮重仪进行现场轴重测试,得到车辆的轴载谱及超载的可靠数据。

  • Through traffic survey and analysis the writer gives the key factor of influencing the capacity of road network . He also studies the total resources of time and space of the road network .

    通过 实际调查、分析,确定出影响 路网容量的关键因素,研究了路网时空总资源。

  • The driver maneuvered the car through traffic .

    司机 街道上操纵着汽车。

  • You may also watch taxis crawl their way through traffic jams .

    你也可能会无奈地看着的士 拥堵 车流中举步维艰。

  • Through traffic analysis and traffic management study we can find ways to address these challenges .


  • When the offset model is established to minimize the mean stops and the stop delay of the through traffic the paper takes the four aspects of the actual traffic conditions into consideration .

    论文确立优化相位差的目标为 通过 车流在主干道上的停车次数和停车延误最小。

  • Described are the working principle technical parameters structure as well as its development and trial operation of the KFW-9 AC inductor generators for through traffic passenger cars .

    介绍了国际联运客车 KFW&9型客车交流感应子发电机的工作原理、技术参数、结构及其研制和试运行情况。

  • One lane of Palestine Street where the explosion took place was reopened to through traffic last year although police set up numerous checkpoints .

    爆炸去年发生在巴勒斯坦街的一个车道上,现在这个车道已经恢复 交通

  • Through traffic collection and traffic testing positive from the right rate evaluated the performances of the two systems based on true positive rate building model time testing time concise of algorithm models description CPU utilization and memory consumption . 5 .

    通过进行 流量采集和测试,从正确肯定率、建模时间、测试时间、算法的模型描述简洁度、CPU使用率和内存消耗等指标对两系统的性能进行综合评估。

  • A lot of through traffic and speeding vehicles in community road seriously affect the safety and the living environment of community residents .

    社区道路大量的 过境 交通和车辆的高速行驶严重的影响着社区居民的安全和生活环境。

  • For this should develop all sorts of container flatcar and through traffic car .

    为此,应发展各种集装箱平车和 联运车辆。

  • Another is that when planning and designing the main city roads quick through traffic flow was mainly considered but the pedestrians ' needs were neglected .

    城市道路规划设计过程中,在将快速 机动车 交通作为城市干道主要功能的同时,忽视了步行者的需求。