


v.兴盛,兴隆( thrive的现在分词 )长得健壮

  • The place HAS developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist centre .

    这个地方已从一个渔港发展成一个 繁荣的旅游中心。

  • There 's a thriving black market in vodka and cigarettes .

    伏特加洒和香烟的黑市交易 兴旺

  • Like most capital cities in Europe it has a thriving youth culture .

    与欧洲大部分首都城市一样,它有着 兴旺的青年文化。

  • On his right was a thriving vegetable garden and beyond it a small orchard of apple trees .

    他右边是一个 生机勃勃的菜园,菜园的另一边是一个小小的苹果园。

  • Newspapers and magazines were thriving .

    报纸和杂志也 繁荣昌盛

  • The country is thriving and the nation is prosperous .

    国家 兴旺,民族昌盛。

  • This move secured the continued success of Egypt 's thriving economy .

    这项措施保证了埃及 繁荣经济的成功延续。

  • He told me he had lived the American dream with a thriving business and three children .

    他告诉我说,他现在生意 兴旺,有三个孩子,已经实现了美国梦。

  • It had been a thriving Roman city with temples markets restaurants and theatres .

    庞培是一座 繁华的罗马城市,庙宇、集市、餐馆和剧院遍布全城。

  • You run a thriving wedding business .

    你经营着一个 兴旺的婚礼生意。

  • Every trade is thriving .

    各行各业都 欣欣向荣

  • Children are thriving in New China .

    新中国的儿童在 茁壮成长

  • As a result of this relocation many thriving northern industrial centers became depressed areas .

    这种重新布局的结果是很多 繁荣的北方工业中心变成了萧条地区。

  • Our country is thriving and prospering day by day .

    祖国 日益繁荣昌盛。

  • ShenZhen is a thriving modern metropolis .

    深圳是一个 繁荣的现代大都市。

  • In fact the university town in the south-eastern German state of Thuringia is a thriving high-tech hub .

    事实上,德国东南部图林根州的大学城已经成为了 繁荣的高科技中心。

  • Although more expensive than other German cities boasts a thriving business district and many high-tech companies .

    虽然慕尼黑的消费比其它的德国城市还要高,但它仍以其 蓬勃 发展的商区和许多高科技公司为傲。

  • The business is thriving and Philippa employs two full-timers for the heavy work .

    业务 蒸蒸日上,菲莉帕雇用了两个全职员工来应付繁重的工作。

  • He has a thriving business .

    他的生意 兴旺

  • He has to lead his people into a thriving and prosperous world and let people have a good life .

    他必须领导他的人民迈向 兴盛和繁荣,给人民有好的生活。

  • He 's thriving he 's normal .

    他在 茁壮成长,他是正常的。

  • Terrific ! The company will be thriving soon .

    太棒了!这家公司不久将 兴旺

  • The city is now one of the centres for China 's thriving private sector economy .

    这座城市目前是中国 蓬勃 发展的私营经济的中心之一。

  • The pollution could decimate the river 's thriving population of kingfishers

    污染可能会造成河边大量 繁殖 翠鸟大批死亡。

  • That suggests that other essentials of a thriving innovative economy have been neglected .

    这就意味着一个 蓬勃 发展的创新性经济所需的其他要素已经被忽视。

  • Matthew 's little shop has turned into a thriving business .

    马修的小店变成了 兴隆的商行。

  • That 's to say the canal made Yangzhou a thriving commercial city .

    大牛:就是说,运河使扬州成为了一座 繁华的商业城市。

  • He eventually found cities and a thriving civilization .

    他最后发现了城市和 繁华的文明。

  • With a thriving tourist Industry the small town was an oasis of prosperity in a desert of poverty .

    因旅游业而 兴旺 起来的这个小镇成为贫困荒芜地区中的一个繁荣的小绿洲了。

  • The fact is that a thriving America is good for China and a thriving China is good for America .

    事实是,一个 欣欣向荣的美国对中国有利;一个欣欣向荣的中国也对美国有利。