



  • That raises the cost and the legal threshold to sue an airline .

    这就提高了起诉航空公司的费用和法律 门槛

  • This requires an update to both threshold policies and the SLA .

    这需要更新 阀值策略和SLA。

  • The bride was carried over the threshold .

    新娘被抱进了 家门

  • Here she is on the threshold of womanhood

    现在她将 迈入成年期。

  • The consensus has clearly shifted in favour of raising the nuclear threshold

    显然大家已普遍开始转向支持提高核武器使用的 门槛了。

  • Of particular note is the deviation threshold parameter and the dimensional shift parameters .

    需要特别注意的是偏差 阈值参数和空间移位参数。

  • This requires an update to the security policy threshold policies and the SLA .

    这需要更新安全策略、 阈值策略和SLA。

  • Fewer than forty per cent voted — the threshold for results to be valid .

    投票的人不到40% ——投票结果无效。

  • This can be useful when the correct adjustment cannot be carried out through amplitude threshold and phase adjustment .

    通过振幅, 开端和相位调整,当正确的调整不能被执行时,这个能有用。

  • No party is entitled to a seat in the new parliament unless it gets at least 5 per cent of the vote . Many will fail to cross that threshold .

    任何政党只有获得至少5%的选票才能够在新一届议会中获得一个席位。很多政党都过不了这个 门槛

  • This threshold can be controlled using the SP_THRESHOLD onconfig parameter .

    可使用 SP THRESHOLDonconfig参数控制该阈值。

  • For example a certain threshold defined for a queue was exceeded .

    例如,某个队列超过了为它定义的 阈值

  • In this window you can define a threshold for this chart .

    在这个窗口中,您可以为此图表定义一个 阈值

  • The interruption threshold for this incident was significant .

    对于这一事件来说中断 阀值是很重要的。

  • We have now reached the threshold of civilization .

    这样,我们就走到文明时代的 门槛了。

  • These classes encapsulate information values and thresholds associated with a threshold alert .

    这些类用于封装与 阈值警报关联的信息、值和阈值。

  • You need to establish system performance threshold both at the operations center and multiple data centers .

    在操作中心和多个数据中心都需要建立系统性能 阈值

  • If the number of errors exceeds a threshold specified by a specific parameter processing is stopped .

    如果错误数量超过了由一个特定参数指定的 阈值,那么将停止处理。

  • A TLU learns by changing its weights and threshold .

    TLU通过改变它的权系数和 阈值来学习。

  • She has a low threshold of boredom and needs the constant stimulation of physical activity

    她容易 厌倦,需要时常进行活动来刺激一下。

  • The effects of external cavity feedback on the threshold gain and emission linewidth are discussed theoretically ;

    理论上分析了外腔的引入对激光器的 阈值增益和光谱线宽的影响;

  • In this paper a nonlinear multiwavelet transform adaptive threshold value method is proposed to suppress speckle noise .

    文章提出了一种新的用于斑点噪声抑制的非线性多小波变换自适应 阈值算法。

  • Threshold level in the resource user and / or data requests set too high .

    资源、用户和/或数据请求所设置的 临界值过高。

  • To cross the threshold is not difficult but mastery is another question .


  • If this threshold is exceeded an alert is sent to the notification list .

    如果超过了该 阈值,则会向通知列表发送警报。

  • He stopped at the threshold of the bedroom

    他在卧室 门口停住了。

  • We are on the threshold of a new era in astronomy .

    我们很 就将 迎来天文学的新纪元。

  • This article has introduced an improved algorithm variable difference threshold value which is based on gradient .

    文章介绍了一种改进的基于斜率的可变差分 阈值算法。

  • Signal-to-noise ratio of cylinder head vibration signal was enhanced by using wavelet 's soft threshold value de-noising method .

    用小波软 阈值降噪的方法提高了柴油机缸盖振动信号的信噪比。