


  • If you have diabetes you are also at risk for fungal infections in the mouth called oral candidiasis or thrush .

    如果你有糖尿病,就可能存在口腔真菌感染的风险,这也被称为口腔念珠菌感染或 口疮

  • The singing voice of Japanese Thrush was heard in the forest .

    我听在森林 里乌 的鸣叫了。

  • Objective To observe the recovery of new liquid George thrush in children .

    目的:观察 复新液佐治小儿 口疮 疗效

  • Large European thrush that feeds on mistletoe berries .

    以槲寄生浆果为食的大型欧洲 画眉

  • In the full thrush of a passionate intensely sexual embrace .

    在一个充满 热情的性的拥抱里。

  • Large thrush common in eastern American woodlands ; noted for its melodious song .

    美洲东部森林地区常见的大型 画眉;以音调优美的叫声闻名。

  • There are thirty thousand feathers on that thrush 's throat .

    画眉 的喉部有三千根羽毛。

  • Oh Thrush where are you ?

    啊, ,你在哪儿?

  • Large American thrush having a rust-red breast and abdomen .

    胸部和腹部呈铁锈红色的大型美洲 画眉

  • Pied Kingfisher Smyrna Kingfisher Blue Whistling Thrush Collared Crow Greater Coucal : all easy .

    斑翡翠、苍翡翠、白斑紫啸 、玉颈鸦、褐翅鸦鹃:通通很容易看到。

  • European thrush common in rocky areas ; the male has blackish plumage with a white band around the neck .

    常见于多岩石地区的欧洲 画眉;雄性有带黑色的羽毛,颈部有白带。

  • Are the white filaments edible food or some type of brassica thrush ?

    这些白色的纤维到底是可以吃的食物,还是某种 芸苔属的 病态植物呢?

  • Results Fungal infection or thrush totally regressed in25 patients .

    结果25例患儿皮肤真菌感染或 口疮完全消退;

  • American thrushes : wood thrush ; hermit thrush ; veery .

    美洲画眉鸟; 科鸣鸟;隐士夜鸫;威尔逊鸫。

  • Regional logistics center location by systematical kinetics method ; Nest Site Selection and Home Range of the Grey-sided Thrush

    区域物流中心选址的系统动力学分析褐头 巢址选择和活动区的初步研究

  • Probably in a modern city the man who can distinguish between a thrush 's and a blackbird 's song is the exception .

    或许现代都市中能分清乌鸦和 喜鹊鸣叫声的人本身就是一个例外。

  • Thrush and wren this message bring .


  • Conclusions Thrush was well prevented with 2 % sodium bicarbonate .

    结论2%碳酸氢钠 清洗 口腔可预防 口疮

  • A thrush overhears him telling the news of the weakness to the dwarves and leaves to inform Bard at Lake-town which is a good thing because the dragon has left the mountain to terrorize the townspeople .


  • In Tyltyl 's family he had already taken granddad and granny the little brothers the little sisters and the old thrush !

    在泰笛的家里,他已夺去了爷爷,奶奶,小弟弟们以及小妹妹们,还有老 画眉

  • Thrush : a new bird for me ( and for Chi Gu )!!!!!!!!! Many congratulations on an excellent find !


  • She packed off her child to kindergarten . a baby thrush monkey crocodile

    她把孩子送到幼儿园去。幼小的 、猴子、鳄鱼

  • A thrush 's song was the only sound to break the silence .


  • Just in this time the intruded into close by thrush country villa by chance .

    正在这个时候,凯瑟琳偶然闯进了邻近的 画眉山庄。

  • A thrush alighted on a branch of the pine tree .


  • Candida is the yeastlike fungus which can lead to thrush .

    假丝酵母是能引起 口疮的酵母状真菌。

  • I don 't think either photo is of a dark-throated thrush but are they both the same bird ?

    我不认为任何一张照片是赤颈 ,但这二张是同一种鸟吗?

  • A baby thrush monkey crocodile

    幼小的 、猴子、鳄鱼

  • Nest Site Selection and Home Range of the Grey-sided Thrush

    褐头 巢址选择和活动区的初步研究

  • Who 'll sing a psalm ? I said the Thrush As she sat on a bush I 'll sing a psalm .

    谁来吟唱圣歌?我,歌 说,她坐在灌木上,我来吟唱圣歌。