


  • This paper gives an introduction of the assessment and classification of risks in the field of protection against thunderstruck electromagnetic pulse including classification of directly thunderstruck protection against buildings and analysis of engineering design cases .

    本文介绍了 雷击电磁脉冲防护的风险评估分级,其中也包含建筑物直击雷防护的等级划分,及工程设计实例分析。

  • And suddenly the fat 's in the fire and there they stand thunderstruck .

    胖子 碰到火, 马上 就会 起来

  • A common earthing with equally potential connection is the design basis for intelligent buildings on the requirments of multi points earthing of anti thunderstruck earthing system earthing and weak current earthing .

    针对 防雷接地、系统接地及弱电接地等多处接地要求,将各种接地通过等电位联结共用一个接地体是智能建筑接地设计的基础。

  • Thus he was thunderstruck when he heard the truth and received a dismal confession from Pen .

    这样,他 知道事实真相,听到潘愁眉苦脸的向他 说明 一切 之后,真是 大吃一惊

  • Store and Transportation of Petroleum and Disaster of Thunderstruck

    石油储运与 雷击灾害

  • Ruth was thunderstruck when he presented her with an engagement ring .

    当他送给露丝一只订婚戒指时,她 大吃一惊

  • Discussion on the Common Breakdown Features of the Thunderstruck TV Set


  • When the woman saw her husband she stood as if thunderstruck then fell to her knees and begged for mercy .

    妻子一看见丈夫,犹如 遭到雷击马上跪下请求饶命。

  • We were thunderstruck by the death of the President .

    总统之死 使我们为 惊愕

  • In the first stage for a short time Hunan TV get a lot of commercial returns from self-making teleplay although it always being labeled as thunderstruck copycat or other negative ones .

    在较短的初创阶段,湖南卫视就尝到了自制电视剧带来的丰厚商业回报,尽管同时也常常被贴上 、山寨等负面标签。

  • I was thunderstruck when I heard mention of a bonus over coffee .

    在和 她们喝咖啡时,我听人提到奖金

  • He stared at me thunderstruck .

    他瞪着我, 愣住了。

  • Her fans were thunderstruck when she appeared on stage dressed in nothing but feathers .

    当她出现在舞台上,身上只被羽毛 覆盖着的时候,她的粉丝被 了。

  • The Integrated design and Program of Preventing thunderstruck Carried out in Liaoning Road Charging Station

    辽宁省公路收费站综合 防雷设计及实施方案

  • Anything that is dropped falls towards the centre of the earth because of the pull of gravity . He fell thunderstruck on a seat .

    物体脱手即向地心方向跌落是由于重力吸引的 缘故这时,他 不由自主地跌坐在一个单人 沙发上了。

  • Petra : we were all thunderstruck when we heard the news .

    彼得拉:我们接到消息,都 目瞪口呆

  • The formation and the harm of thunderstruck were analyzed and its prevention measures were provided for petroleum store and transportation system .

    分析了 雷电的形成与危害,并提出石油储运系统的防雷措施。

  • There are two ways to emerge instantaneous over voltage in the side of low voltage which are thunderstruck and instantaneous process of electronic network .

    低压侧瞬态过电压的形成有 雷击和电子网暂态过程两种途径。