


  • Electromagnetic Wave in Discharge Process from Thundercloud to Ground


  • To explain the lightning eliminating mechanism simulation tests were carried out which reveal that the dissipating current will cut down the net charging current inside a thundercloud slow down the rising speed of voltage and reduce the cloud voltage value so as to prevent from lightning strokes .

    为探索消雷机理用 体积 电荷雷云进行了模拟试验。结果表明,消散电流对雷云净起电电流的削减将减缓 雷云电压的上升速度并减低雷云电压数值,从而实现消雷。

  • The corona current characteristic of actual rods system under thundercloud

    雷云 电场下实 针系统的电晕电流特性

  • In your distress you called and I rescued you I answered you out of a thundercloud ; I tested you at the waters of Meribah .

    你在急难中呼求,我就搭救你。我在雷的隐密处应允你,在 米利巴水那里试验你。

  • Since there is high frequency thunderstorm in Qinghai-Tibet plateau and thundercloud is lower relatively transmission line in this zone is easier to be stroke than in plain .

    青藏高原雷暴活动频繁,且由于高原的原因, 雷云相对比较低,输电线路比在平原地区更易 遭受到雷电的 侵袭

  • The total lightning and cloud lightning presented linear distribution over the moving track of the thundercloud and the ground lightning concentrated in hail falling zone the most ground lightning was minus .

    雷雨 移动路径上,总闪和云闪为线状分布,地闪集中分布在降雹区, 最多,地闪中绝大多数为负闪。

  • Taking feasible method to decrease the galloping of ground wire and the moving speed of thundercloud can effectively reduce accidents caused by lightning.10 .

    采取切实可行的方法降低减小导地线舞动、减小 雷云移动速度,从而有效减少雷害事故的发生。

  • The mechanism of thundercloud electrification is studied .

    本文对 雷暴 的起电机制进行了研究。

  • The forest fire caused by lighting are introduced from the several aspects such as the construction of thundercloud and the formation developing energy and power of the lighting . The principle of equivalent energy generator is provided to simulated lighting .

    雷雨 的结构、 闪电的形成与发展过程、闪电的能量与功率等方面介绍了闪电引发森林火灾的过程,提出了采用等效发生器的原则对雷电进行模拟。

  • Using the data of 325 m meteorological tower in Beijing the fine structure and characteristics of turbulence and spectra of the density current of thunderclouds during the thundercloud passage are analysed .

    本文利用强雷 雨云通过期间北京325米气象塔资料,分析了强 雷雨云低层流出气流的小尺度结构、湍流结构和谱特征。

  • The electric field produced by the lower positive charge center of thundercloud

    雷雨 下部正电荷中心产生的电场

  • The Simulation of Cubical Charge Thundercloud and Research on Dissipating Currents of Lightning Eliminators

    体积电荷 雷云的模拟和消散电流的试验研究

  • Meaning : The swollen upper portion of a thundercloud usually associated with the development of a thunderstorm .

    膨胀的上半部分的 雷雨 ,通常与发展的雷暴有关。

  • The polarization of a thundercloud may thus be due to the rates at which large and small raindrops fall .

    这样,一 雨云的分化取决于较大与较小的雨滴下落花流水的速度。

  • The model simulating thunderstorm cell by means of three layers plane charged disk the calculations for thundercloud electrostatic field use mirror method .

    应用 电磁学中的镜像法和静电比拟方法,计算其 电位、场强的表达式。

  • The Cor on a Current on the Needle Electrode under Thundercloud

    针电极在 雷云 电场电晕电流的研究