throw back

[θro bæk][θrəu bæk]


  • Let me do it once more ; I can throw it back .

    让我再做一个,我可以 回来

  • I love that it 's kind of a throw back to anthemic pop songs of the80 's.

    我喜欢这种带 回到80年代的流行歌曲的类型。

  • Once it reaches them they can throw it back to you or anybody else they see .

    他们接到后,可以 还给你,或者 别的任何人!

  • I ` m here to help you get your throw back .

    我是来帮助你 找回你的长传的。

  • I should never have told you that . I knew you 'd throw it back at me .

    我压根儿就不该把那件事告诉你,我就知道你会 我的 老账的。

  • We are constantly thrown back on our own resources .

    我们总是不得不 自谋出路。

  • Unless you want me to throw you back to the cops .

    除非你要我 送给警察。

  • Caesar will probably throw you back in the arena .

    恺撒都可能会 扔回竞技场。

  • Hitler with his misanthropic ideas tried to destroy Russia and throw us back behind the Urals .

    希特勒带着他恶毒的想法想要摧毁俄罗斯, 我们 赶到乌拉尔山的另一面。

  • And then throw it back ?


  • NO15 Throw that back on the grill .

    把那还没有熟的 回去烤。

  • I 'll throw something back at you .

    我要 回去 你。

  • A player on the other team had to catch the ball before it touched the ground and throw it back .

    发球员把球发过网,另一组的一个球员在球落地之前,接住球,并 回来

  • There is no reason to throw it back in his face . It reveals your insecurities and looks unattractive .

    没有理由 回击他,这会显示出你的局促不安和看起来毫无吸引力。

  • If you don 't like what you catch you can throw it back .

    如果对抓的鱼不满意,你可以 回去

  • It will throw things back 10 years but not 30 .

    它会 倒退 10年前,但不是30年前。

  • Throw it back to me .

    沙包 回来给我。

  • I like to throw back what I catch .

    我喜欢 钓到的鱼 回去

  • ( of a surface ) throw back ( light heat sound )

    (指物体表面) 反射(光、热、声)

  • Take interest in her interests Listen carefully to whatever girls says or in which she has interest . Respond to the talking quickly and throw back the questions to her to make her keep talking about that subject .

    聊些她感兴趣的话题:不论你面前这个女生在说什么或者她感兴趣什么,请仔细倾听,并 问题来让她继续深入这个话题。

  • Yandry said we ought to throw you back but the lad forbade it .

    杨恩德里认为我们 回去比较好,但是男孩没让。

  • If my shoemaker turn me out an excellent pair of boots and I in some mood of cantankerous unreason throw them back upon his hands the man has just cause of complaint .

    假如我的鞋匠给我做出一双极好的靴子,而我却因为心情不好,缺乏理性, 猛地 它们 到他手上,那么他是有正当理由抱怨的。

  • His father would throw back his straight black hair .

    他爸爸很可能会 那一头直翘翘的黑发 往后一甩。

  • If I don 't throw them back into the sea they 'll die up here from lack of oxygen .

    如果我不 它们 放入海洋里,他们会因为缺氧而死掉的。

  • The portable Web-deployable widgets portlets or other elements that are built on top of Adobe Air Google Gears or even ( big throw back ) a Java applet .

    门户化的网页&可部署的widget,portlets或是其它构建在AdobeAir、GoogleGears或甚至是( 重出江湖的)javaapplet之上的元素。

  • If we tear the starfish into several pieces and throw them back to the sea every piece will grow into a new integral one .

    若把海星撕成几块 入海中,每一碎块会很快 重新长出失去的部分,从而长成几个完整的新海星来。

  • You guys should throw her back in jail .

    你们应该 带回监狱去。

  • Throw him back in the rig .
