


  • Three men were eventually spotted not in a three-master with a Jolly Roger flapping in the breeze but in powerboat near the river bank .

    三个人最终还是被发现了,不是在 海盗 在微风中 飘扬 桅船 ,而是在河岸边的一艘机动船

  • ON THE24th of February 1810 the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master the Pharaon from Smyrna Trieste and Naples .

    一八一五年二月二十四日,在 避风 望塔上的 了望 人们发出了信号, 三桅帆船法老号到了。它是从士麦拿出发经过的里雅斯特和那不勒斯来的。