


  • All these prove that Joyce is the most thoroughgoing reformist in modern literary history .

    运用 印象主义 象征主义 表现 精神 生活,都证明乔伊斯是西方现代文学史上一位最 彻底的改革家。

  • It is quite possible to perform a thoroughgoing stability analysis by combining the existing models .

    用现有模型的组合来完成 完整的稳定性分析是十分可能的。

  • The whole Party must understand that thoroughgoing reform of the land system is a basic task of the Chinese revolution in its present stage .

    全党必须明白,土地制度的 彻底改革,是现阶段中国革命的一项基本任务。

  • The severe reality of corruption of civil servant indicates that corruption control is an urgent and arduous challenge for China to face currently and in future . Thoroughgoing anti-corruption should be a long-term overall and institutional effort .

    公务员腐败现象的严峻现实表明,治理腐败是中国在当前和今后 时期必须面临的一项紧迫而艰巨的挑战, 彻底的反腐败是一场长期全面的制度性的努力。

  • Thoroughgoing materialists are fearless .


  • A transition from psychoanalysis to humanistic psychology thoroughgoing revolutionary spirit ;

    从精神分析到人本主义的转变 忧国忧民 彻底革命;

  • After the war began political mobilization was very far from extensive let alone thoroughgoing . But I still believe that political assassination can be said to be practised very extensively .

    但我仍然相信,政治 暗杀可以说是非常普遍的。

  • A deepwater drilling moratorium is in place and a thoroughgoing review of the regulatory regime is under way .

    白宫 宣布暂停深水钻井,并 开始 彻底审查监管体制。

  • Founded on a thoroughgoing radicalism .

    建立在 彻头彻尾的激进主义之上。

  • Make PPT pattern a thoroughgoing systematical work integrating tourism . economy social developing policy and poverty study .

    结合旅游学、经济学、社会发展学、政策研究、贫困研究, 应用系统论 控制论的方法,将云南省PPT操作模式作为一个系统进行 深入研究。

  • The agrarian revolution is the thoroughgoing application of the principle of people 's livelihood .

    土地革命则是 彻底的民生主义。

  • This dissertation is based on investigations of ethnology and folklore . It makes a systematical and thoroughgoing study of the origin evolution and function of the yi nationality 's taboo .

    本文依据大量的民族学和民俗学调查资料,对我国西南彝族禁忌的起源、发展演变、作用功能进行了比较系统的梳理和 深入的分析研究, 力图 以此 丰富 拓展有关禁忌文化的研究视野。

  • After the war began political mobilization was very far from extensive let alone thoroughgoing . Political mobilization is a problem of prime importance in the struggle against encirclement and suppression .

    抗日以后,政治动员也非常之不普遍,更不说 深入。政治动员是反围剿斗争中第一个重要问题。

  • Owing to the presence of the pro-Japanese group inside the kuomintang it made no definite or thoroughgoing change in its policy at the Third Plenary Session of its central executive committee and did not concretely solve any problem .

    民党的三中全会,由于其内部有亲日派的存在,没有表示它的政策的明确和 彻底的转变,没有具体地解决问题。

  • The study of cross cultural pragmatics in China although still not thoroughgoing has profound significance .

    这一领域的研究在我国还不够 深入,但研究的意义是深远的。

  • The thoroughgoing theoretical analysis and the experimental study aimed at the control system of high speed intelligent controlled hydraulic deep drawing press are carried on in this thesis .

    本论文围绕高速智能液压拉深机的控制系统进行了 深入的理论分析和有针对性的实验研究。

  • Therefore the only way to attain the thoroughgoing mind of great compassion is to be saved through Amida 's Primal vow and become a person of the nembutsu .

    因此,唯一获得的 彻底的慈悲心灵,就是透过阿弥陀佛本愿,获得拯救,并且成为念阿弥陀佛之人。

  • Though a true hero he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and politician a formidable combination ( Mario Puzo )

    “虽然他是一个真正的英雄,但他也是一个 十足的官僚和政治家,一个不可思议的混合体”(马里奥·普佐)

  • 66 . A national revolutionary war as great as ours cannot be won without extensive and thoroughgoing political mobilization .

    (六六)如此伟大的民族革命战争,没有普遍和 深入的政治动员,是不能胜利的。

  • To the contrary throughout its long history Buddhism has displayed a thoroughgoing tolerance and genial good will toward the many religions with which it has come into contact .

    相反,在其漫长历史上,佛教对于所遭遇的诸多宗教一直体现了 完全的宽容与 和蔼的善意。

  • Far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something .

    深远的影响,尤其是对事物的本质 而言

  • Hybrid Systems arise from the requirements of thoroughgoing discrete event systems and modern industry process control .

    混杂系统的提出是由于离散事件系统 深入研究和现代工业过程控制的需要。

  • An exhaustive study ; made a thorough search ; thoroughgoing research .

    彻底的研究;做彻底的搜索; 彻底的研究。

  • After the war began political mobilization was very far from extensive let alone thoroughgoing .

    抗日以后,政治动员也非常之不普遍,更不说 深入

  • Developing the enterprise technology innovation thoroughgoing and lasting is the basic cause of realization the transformation of our country economic growth ways .


  • This authoritative and engaging text which is designed to be covered in a two-semester course was written with a thoroughgoing commitment to the needs and interests of life science students .

    这个权威性和从事文本,目的是要在两个学期的课程覆盖,写的是一个 彻底的承诺的需要和生命科学学生的利益。

  • Thoroughgoing revolutionary spirit ;

    忧国忧民 彻底革命;