


v.认为以为想( think的过去式和过去分词)思索

  • He had given some thought to what she had told him

    他认真 考虑了她对他说过的话。

  • I waited a long time until a script came along that I thought was genuinely funny

    我等了很长时间,直到出现了一个我 认为真正逗趣的剧本。

  • I thought we had been burgled


  • I thought I 'd enrol you with an art group at the school .


  • I tormented myself with the thought that life was just too comfortable


  • He pushed the thought from his mind

    他抛开心头这个 想法

  • ' Would you like to move into the ward ? ' — ' A kind thought but no thank you . '

    “你想不 挪到病房里来?”——“哦,您太好心了,不用了,谢谢。”

  • I thought you were mocking me


  • Many of you have written to us to express your thoughts on the conflict

    你们中有许多人给我们来信,表达对冲突的 看法

  • This school of thought argues that depression is best treated by drugs .

    这一 学派主张抑郁症最好用药物治疗。

  • I have often thought about this problem

    我常 考虑这个问题。

  • The thought of Nick made her throat tighten


  • Mr Goodman do you have any thoughts on that ?


  • I jumped to my feet so my thoughts wouldn 't start to wander

    我跳起来,免得 走神

  • I 've just had a thought .

    我刚刚有了个 主意

  • ' She has given them this seven hundred pounds . ' — ' What a lovely thought . '

    “她给了他们这700英镑。”——“太 慷慨了。”

  • Aristotle 's scientific theories dominated Western thought for fifteen hundred years

    亚里士多德的科学理论统治了西方 思想达1年。

  • I thought she was fantastic .


  • Usually at this time our thoughts are on Christmas

    通常在这种时候,我们的 心思全放在了圣诞节上。

  • If he wasn 't there physically he was always in her thoughts .

    就算他人不在那儿,他也总在她的 心里

  • I thought you might have invited her over .


  • We met and I thought he was awful

    我们见了面,我 觉得他很讨人厌。

  • At first they all thought I was a loony .

    一开始他们都 以为我是个疯子。

  • Sarah 's first thought was to run back and get Max

    萨拉首先 想到的就是跑回去把马克斯叫来。

  • Just now I thought I saw someone .


  • What I dread is to get into a rut . One yearns for freshness of thought and ideas .

    我害怕的就是墨守成规。人总是向往新 思想和新观念的。

  • I thought I 'd you know have a chat with you .


  • I didn 't give my name because if I did I thought you might not have come .

    我没有留下我的名字,因为如果我这么做的话,我 你可能就不会来了。