

  • The article makes the rational considerations on preventing mental patients committing crimes thr .

    目的探讨精神病人 发生 睡眠 障碍 相关因素并提出 相对 对策

  • He seems to have lost thr job through no fault of his own .

    他似乎不是由于自己的过错而 失掉了工作。

  • Love is thr flower of life .

    爱是生命 花。

  • Thr Efficacy of Montelukast in Treatment of Cough Variant Children Asthma


  • Blue jeans are a mainstay in thr fashion world .


  • Thr road has changed to a car racing ring ?

    什么 时候 马路变成赛车场了?

  • In the investigation in to the suspect thr policeman was ran over bya car .

    在调查嫌疑犯的 时候,那个警察被一辆汽车撞倒了。

  • We should do a good job of flood control planning in order to mitigate and prevent the flood thr .

    为减轻和预防洪水给 城市 居民 带来 生命 财产 威胁,应做好防洪规划。

  • I kept the little mirror and as I grew up I would take it out in idle moments and continue the challenge of thr game .

    成长的过程中,我保留着这面小镜子;空闲的时候,我还会把它拿出来,继续这种 富于挑战的游戏。

  • Give me thr fruit of meekness so that I may communicate in humbleness .

    给我温柔的 果子,学习以谦卑虚心的言语与人交谈。

  • Translation of an article loses thr beauty of original text not to say of a poem .

    翻译后的文章往往会流失掉 许多原文的美感,更不用说诗句了。

  • Result There were no significant differences between cemented and cementless THR as regards to clinical outcomes possible survivorship curve and the severity of osteolysis .

    结果两组病人 疗效及假体可能生存率,股骨近端广泛 骨溶解无显著差异。

  • Objective To evaluate the effect of rehabilitation nursing with movement getting out of bed in early period after operation on the patients undergone the total hip replacement ( THR ) .

    目的探讨 早期下床活动的康复护理对 全髋关节置换术患者术后 康复的影响。

  • Objective To evaluate the results with or without treating osteoporosis following female total hip replacement ( THR ) .

    目的评价女性患者人工全髋关节置换 使用及未使用抗骨质疏松 药物对疗效的 影响

  • THR : Decades from now when you 're looking back on your career how would you like to be perceived by the industry and the public ?

    报道 :今后十年,当你回首你的事业,你希望业界和公众对你有怎样的认识?

  • Prediction of the suitable size of the femoral component is an important task in the preoperative planning of THR .

    术前选择与 匹配的股骨假体型号是 THR术前计划的重要内容。

  • Functions and Regulation of Protein Ser / Thr Phosphatases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    酿酒酵母丝氨酸/ 苏氨酸蛋白磷酸酯酶的功能与调控

  • THR : How much has the Star Wars experience taught you about the craft of acting ?

    报道 :《星战》的 拍摄经历给你在表演技巧上带来多大的 帮助

  • But comic book writer / executive producer Robert Kirkman already told THR he wanted to avoid having a new big bad every season .

    但是漫画原作者兼执行制作人罗伯特柯克曼告诉 THR他想避免进入每一季都有一个大反派死去的循环。

  • According to THR production was halted Friday while filming its seventh episode .


  • THR : Decameron is diametrically different than Sith . Was your selection of that project an attempt to avoid Star Wars pigeonholing ?

    报道 :《十日谈》和《西斯的复仇》完全不同。你是不是有意做了这样的选择以避免陷入《星战》的套路?

  • He is a member of thr Italian national team . The group goes on a tour of Italy .

    他是意大利国家队 队员。该团队去意大利旅行。

  • On thr whole good health makes for happiness ; and to be happy we should obey the laws of health and keep well .

    总的 来说,健康能使人快乐,所以我们应该遵循健康法则并保持健康。

  • With thr third cup of tea you are family .


  • THR : What have you learned from George Lucas about the business of moviemaking ?

    报道 :关于电影制作方面的工作,你从乔治-卢卡斯那里学到些什么?

  • 3D Solid Modeling and Thr Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Single Screw Compressor

    单螺杆 压缩机三维实体建模及动态特性研究

  • Changing color directly by thr computer changing color whenever wherever no need to pay the extra fees .

    直接电脑改色,可 随时随地改色,无需支付额外费用。

  • Even at that exciting moment I remembered the old Admi - ral Benbow and I seemed to hear the voice of old Bill thr sea - man singing with them .

    即使在这么激动的时刻,我还能记起本葆将军酒店,我好像听见 老船长比尔也在和他们一起唱。