


  • If Bathsheba had known how strong the feelings of this dark and silent figure were she would have blamed herself terribly for her thoughtlessness .

    如果芭丝谢芭知道这个黝黑、沉静的人的感情是多么强烈的话,她一定会为自己的 慎重 自责 不已

  • He repented his thoughtlessness .

    他后悔自己的 轻率

  • Lydia 's thoughtlessness first betrayed to me that you had been concerned in the matter ; and of course I could not rest till I knew the particulars .

    只因为丽迪雅 自己 留神,先露出了 口风,我才知道你牵涉在这件事情里面;那么我 打听个清楚明白,当然不 罢休。

  • Thoughtlessness and carelessness in promises are particularly hazardous and may have potentially disruptive results such as abortion suicide or criminal deeds .

    缺乏 考虑的承诺会带来灾害,可能预示着潜在的破坏性:如流产、自杀或者犯罪。

  • Often a large group of people against her thoughtlessness .

    往往会得罪一大帮的人, 成为 众矢之的

  • One of the reasons for this thoughtlessness is the antiquated water distribution scheme introduced by the Communists which makes water extremely cheap .

    其中的原因之一是因为陈旧的水分部方案,使得 水费非常便宜。

  • I am infuriated by kirk 's thoughtlessness .

    我为 科克 缺乏 考虑 愤慨

  • There are certain political and social plagues which are propagated only in the atmosphere of shallow self-confidence and vulgar thoughtlessness .

    某些政治和社会瘟疫,只在浅薄的自信和庸俗 轻率的气氛里才会传播 开来

  • Thoughtlessness want of attention to others people 's feeling and want of resolution will do the business .

    粗心大意无视 别人的情意,还有优柔寡断,都会造成那种 后果

  • Bathsheba would not have minded being spoken to angrily by Gabriel for her thoughtlessness if only he had told her he loved her .

    若是盖伯瑞尔告诉芭丝谢芭他爱她的话,芭丝谢芭并不会在意他 由于 考虑 斥责她。

  • The most striking quality of Eichmann she claims is not stupidity wickedness or sadism but one she describes as thoughtlessness .

    阿伦特认为艾希曼最重要的特征不在于愚蠢、邪恶或者施虐本性而是由于 思想

  • Everything listened to the singing larks in brooding thoughtlessness .

    周围的一切都 忘情 听着云雀的歌唱。

  • Thoughtlessness leads to monstrous crime committed by the ordinary people .

    思想导致了一个普通的人犯下了骇人听闻的 滔天大罪

  • But unfortunately he marred the good impression by wiping his nose in his gloved hand once or twice out of thoughtlessness .

    但遗憾的是,他 粗心大意地用戴手套的手擦了一两下鼻子,玷污了自己留下的好印象。

  • I deeply regret my thoughtlessness .

    我深为反省自己的 轻率

  • Emotional pain is caused by any number of events : death of a loved one a breakup thoughtlessness or cruelty on the part of others .

    情感痛苦是由任何数目的事件引起:一位所爱的人去世、分手,别人的 无心或残忍。

  • I hope and pray it was only youth and thoughtlessness that prompted such forward conduct .

    我期望这样的 卤莽行为只是 由于年轻和 考虑 引起的。

  • At a distance of decades I am staggered by our thoughtlessness in those years .

    事隔几十年后, 回顾那些 年头 醉生梦死的状况, 着实 使我惊愕不已。

  • Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me .

    我要是在银钱问题上 粗心大意,那是不可原谅的。