thoroughfare channel

[ˈθə:roˌfɛr ˈtʃænəl][ˈθɜ:rəʊˌfeə ˈtʃænl]


  • At present Kunming-Bangkok Highway - the international thoroughfare from Kunming to Bangkok has been basically completed and the Nanning-Bangkok highway has also been able to go through Vietnam so there are two paths through Laos to Bangkok and a most convenient channel is under discussion .

    目前,连接中国昆明至泰国曼谷的国际 通道(昆明曼谷公路)已基本建成,而南宁曼谷公路途经越南后也已有两条路可经老挝到曼谷,还有一条最便捷的 通道正在酝酿中。