third-party claim

[θə:d ˈpɑrti klem][θɜ:d ˈpɑ:ti kleim]

[法] 索赔涉及第三方的诉讼参加诉讼

  • In the event of a third-party claim with respect to which a party is entitled to indemnification hereunder Any party who fail to fulfil his contract obligation may be sued and ordered to make compensation .

    如果 提出按本合同规定有权获得补偿的 索赔 请求不履行合同义务的任何一方都有可能受到指控并被强令赔偿损失。

  • Third-party payments can not be ignored in electronic payments and a large number of third-party payments business claim China Banking Regulatory Commission should strengthen the risk-based supervision .

    第三方支付是电子支付中一种不能忽视的支付平台,大量的 支付企业的出现 要求银监会加强对它的风险监管。

  • On the Innovation regarding Third-party Underwriting and Claim Settlement Information Services

    论两核信息服务 管理模式创新