titration apparatus

[taɪˈtreʃən ˌæpəˈretəs][taiˈtreiʃən ˌæpəˈreitəs]


  • It illustrated that the WD-CO ⅱ titration apparatus can settle all the problems of the Microscale Analytical Chemical Experiment .

    也证明了WD-COⅡ型微型 滴定 装置能满足微型定量分析化学实验的要求。

  • Multicycle hydrogen-oxygen titration ⅰ . the apparatus and procedure for the determination of Hydrogen Chemisorption

    长周期循环氢氧 滴定Ⅰ. 装置考察及氢吸附的测定

  • This method has both the advantage of high accuracy in titration and the capacity of determining trace amount of analyte in instrumental analysis . The experimental apparatus and procedure are simple .

    该方法既具有 滴定 分析 的高精密度,又具有仪器分析 可以测量微量物质的优点,并且 设备和方法简单。

  • The author investigated the performance of the self-made silver titration apparatus and the factors and interference elements which influenced the Chlorine recovery rate .

    对自制银 滴定 使用性能,影响氯回收率的因素及干扰元素作了考察。