timing phase

[ˈtaɪmɪŋ fez][ˈtaɪmɪŋ feiz]

[计] 定时相位

  • To satisfy the stringent requirements of symbol timing and carrier phase recovery for a QAM system with large constellation this paper presents an all digital synchronization scheme .

    针对高阶QAM系统对于符号 定时载波恢复精度的严格要求,文章提出了一种全数字的同步方案。

  • The key factors which affect the valve timing phase variation of the Engine and its precaution measures

    影响发动机 相位变化的主要因素及预防措施

  • Because of the importance of the Trader and of the boats the timing of the Craftsman phase is of high importance .

    因为商人和商船的重要性, 选择工匠 阶段 时机非常重要。

  • The influences of timing offset and carrier phase offset on the performances of MPAM and MQAM are analyzed .

    文中分析了同步偏差即 定时偏差和载波恢复 相差对MPAM和MQAM接收性能的影响。

  • Modeling and algorithm for equilibrium area signal timing based on general signal phase structure

    基于一般 相位结构的区域信号 二层规划模型与算法

  • Summary : Recent advances in our understanding of the etiology pathophysiology and therapies tied to the timing phase and duration of cardiac arrest can improve outcomes for children .

    总结:我们认为将心搏停止的病因,病理生理以及治疗的最新进展与停止发生 时间阶段和持续时间结合起来能改善患儿的预后。

  • Base on the wave-guide model theory of VLF propagation the timing pattern of VLF phase velocity and the regression function of VLF phase prediction are established .

    以VLF传播全波波导模理论为基础,导出了 VLF传播 相速日变化模式函数和相位预测函数的回归方程。

  • Chapter III gives the synchronization algorithms of SISO-QAM in burst mode and gives the simulation results of synchronization system including signal detection reference parameter estimation symbol timing recovery and phase tracking .

    第三章给出了突发模式下SISO-QAM系统的仿真实现。仿真的重点放在信号到达检测、参数估计、位 定时 同步相位跟踪构成的同步系统,并给出了详细的仿真分析。

  • However OFDM system is so sensitive to frequency offset timing error and phase noise that a tiny synchronization offset may lead to the deterioration of the BER ( Bit Error Rate ) performance of system even communication failure .

    然而,OFDM技术对载波频率偏差、 符号 定时误差和 相位噪声相当敏感,较小的同步误差即会导致系统的误码性能恶化,甚至于通信失效。

  • Algorithm for Symbol Timing and Carrier Phase Offset Acquisition for OQPSK Modulation

    OQPSK调制快速位 定时和载波 相位捕获算法

  • Firstly the algorithms for estimating carrier phase and timing phase jointly based on maximum likelihood criterion and high sampling rate are studied .

    首先研究了基于最大似然准则的载波相位与 定时 相位联合估计算法。接着研究了基于高样点速率的载波 相位 定时 相位联合估计算法。

  • It on-line may examine the multi-purpose electrical energy tables with the electrical energy table system when the daily reckoning error meanwhile has the GPS automatic timing the phase determination the frequency measurement and the variable voltage output function .

    它与电能表系统联机可检定多功能电能表的日计时误差,同时还具有GPS自动 相位测定,频率测量和可调电压输出功能。

  • It uses programmer timing counter producing pulse lock phase ring controling automatic rise-fall velocity . It realizes preferably working procedure example for making package fill seal and cutting off etc. in phase .

    该设计采用了可编程 定时计数器实现控制脉冲的产生,采用 锁相环实现自动升降速的控制,能够实现制袋、下料、封口和切断等工序的同步工作。

  • A new kind of frequency converting timing system of short phase shifting current mode circuit was introduced in view of the defects of inverse circuit of series wound diode current mode which is widely adopted in frequency converting timing systems .

    针对应用较为广泛的串联二级管式电流型逆变电路变频 调速系统存在的缺点,提出一种新型的短路换 式电流型逆变电路。

  • In the acquire phase it utilizes the training symbols to achieve packet header detection frequency offset estimation and symbol timing . During the tracking phase it makes use of the pilot signal and cycle prefix to fulfill the tasks of carrier frequency tracking .

    在捕获阶段利用训练符号完成了数据帧头捕获,频偏 估计,符号 定时等任务,在跟踪 阶段利用循环前缀,导频信号完成载波频率跟踪等任务。

  • But look carefully there are no lurches pauses hitches or dead spots in their stroke technique-they have excellent rhythm and timing moving seamlessly from one phase of the stroke to the other .

    但仔细观察,就会发现在他们的划水技术中,没有踉跄,没有暂停,更没有被钩住和死点&他们拥有优秀的节凑和 时机,正无缝地从一个 相位转到另一个 相位

  • Joint Symbol Timing and Carrier Phase Estimation for Multi-h CPM

    多指数连续相位调制 定时 相位联合估计

  • Main tasks : First design a fully symmetrical output signal timing high-speed phase frequency detector and high-current matching wide-swing output fully differential charge pump circuit .

    主要工作包括:首先,设计了一种输出 时序信号完全对称的高速 频鉴 器和高电流匹配性宽摆幅输出的全差分电荷泵电路。

  • The optimized culture conditions were : induction temperature 34 ℃ IPTG concentration 0.4mM induction timing mid-exponential growth phase induction time 6 hours .

    获得优化培养条件:诱导温度为34℃,IPTG量为0.4mM,诱导 时机为对数生长 中期,诱导后表达6hour终止。

  • Frequency - converting timing system of short phase - shifting circuit of current mode

    变频 调速系统&短路换 式电流型逆变电路

  • When the mixture is fit to combustion although the retardation of ignition timing could delay the combustion phase and slow combustion velocity the cumulative heat release has little change .

    当混合气浓度适宜时,推迟点火 时刻虽然导致放热 时刻推迟、 放热速度减慢,但是对最终的累积放热量影响不大。

  • In digital signal transmission systems orthogonally multiplexed QAM system ( OMQAM ) is the most efficient transmission technique at present for non ideal channel yet the problem is that this technique is quite sensitive to the timing and carrier phase deviation in the system .

    在数字信号传输系统中,正交复用QAM(OMQAM)是目前最有效的一种抗信道失真传输技术,但它对系统的 定时偏移和载波 相位误差非常敏感。

  • Historian Stavrianos has outlined his theoretical system characterized with a global concept of history that governs many theories like those of civilization pattern geographical politics cultural communication and of long timing phase and macro-history .

    历史学家斯塔夫里阿诺斯秉承18世纪启蒙思想进步史观的传统,以全球史观统帅文明模式理论、地缘政治理论、文化交流理论、长 时段和宏观历史理论,构建了全球通史体系。

  • A New Algorithm for Tracking Timing and Carrier Phase in Orthogonally Multiplexed QAM System

    正交复用QAM系统的 定时和载波 相位跟踪新算法

  • Digital filtering timing extraction algorithm and phase processing carrier recovery algorithm are used in the all digital synchronous receiving . The timing estimation can be optimized through Kalman filtering and fast acquisition of carrier phase can be obtained from the receiving signals .

    全数字化同步接收采用数字滤波 定时提取算法和 相位处理载波恢复算法,通过卡曼滤波对定时偏差估计值进行优化,并实现对接收信号的快速载波跟踪。

  • In high-rate digital mobile burst communication it is important to acquire the symbol timing and carrier phase offset rapidly .

    在高速数字突发通信中,需要快速、高效地对接收信号的位 定时和载波 初始 相位信息进行估计。

  • The loudspeaker array has more equal pressure field and higher radiating level by SINC setup QR timing or phase delay .

    介绍了离散扬声器阵列和连续 扬声器 阵列的基本辐射特性。

  • This slide deck by Pam Rostal gives the timing for each phase of the exercise and also provides some sample backlogs for the participants to use .

    Pam Rostal的这一幻灯片中为练习中的每个 阶段设定了 时间,同时也提供了一些backlog样例供参与者使用。

  • Analysis of Timing Error in TDD Phase Pre-Equalization OFDM Systems

    TDD 相位预均衡OFDM系统中的 定时误差分析