n.Thread ID 线程标识符

  • Methods : 42 angina decubitus patients with routine treatment were given trimetazidine 20 mg tid for 4 weeks .

    方法42例卧位心绞痛患者在原有治疗不变的情况下,加用曲美他嗪 20mg每天 3 ,治疗4w。

  • Results : 1.General analysis : Among all biopsy-proven cases of adults and children the incidence of glomerulonephritis ( ON ) was respectively 97.8 % and 96.2 % while the incidence of tubulointerstitial Disease ( TID ) was only 2.2 % and 3.8 % .

    结果:1.总体分析:在成人和儿童肾活检病例中,肾小球疾病( GN)分别占97.8%和96.2%;

  • This tid_0000 thread in turn ran code from two modules .

    tid 0000线程又 运行两个模块中的代码。

  • With this configuration two SAP message flows deployed to two different brokers can share the same TID store on the remote queue manager and can therefore operate as a single RFC server .

    利用这样的配置,部署在两个不同代理上的两个SAP消息流即可共享远程队列管理器上的相同 TID存储,因此可以作为单独一个RFC服务器运行。

  • The return value is the trade id ( tid ) the key generated when inserting the database record .

    返回值是交易ID( tid),这是在插入数据库记录时生成的键。

  • 60 patients as the control group received cefaclor 0.25 g tid both for 7 ~ 14 days .

    对照组60例,给予头孢克洛片0.25g, tid疗程均为7~14d。

  • The outcome shows that this model has definite guidance function to build ATS and design TID .

    结果表明该模型对组建ATS和设计 TID具有一定的指导作用。

  • Electron-vibration approximation method for hydrogen isotope compounds TiH_2 TiD_2 and TiT_2

    氢同位素化合物TiH2, TiD 2和TiT2的电子振动近似理论方法

  • CONCLUSION : Metoprolol was good for the respiratory functions in patients with CHD at the dosage of ≤ 25 mg po tid .

    结论:美托洛尔是较好的选择性β1受体阻滞剂,对冠心病合并有呼吸系统疾病时,可采用该药(≤25mg,po, tid)治疗。

  • If you have some problems you can tell TID by these way .

    如果你有些问题,你可以用这些方法告诉 TID

  • According to the characteristics of the railway system the paper uses the artificial intelligent technology and proposes to adopt the construction method of the Expert System ( ES ) and the deduction principle to realize Train Identification ( TID ) and Confirmation ;

    提出 分布式 协同工作的原理。根据线路特点,运用人工智能技术,提出采用专家系统的构建方法和推理原则实现 车次号的 追踪和确认。

  • In conclusion these data suggest that sildenafil has a clinically relevant dose-response relationship with a significant improvement in6-MWD only at a dose of50mg tid .

    结论,这些数据显示,万艾可有与临床相关的量-效关系,在50毫克日 剂量下, 6-MWD有显著改善。

  • The control group inhaled salbutamol 200 μ g tid .

    对照组吸入沙丁胺醇200μg, 每日 3

  • This method is utilized for a typical TID event and the result is in good agreement with that obtained by numerical studies of full-wave solution .

    用此法对一典型 TID事件进行分析计算,所得结果与全波解数值研究结果很好符合。

  • Storing the TID store in a shared queue is not supported in Message Broker V6.1 because each broker has a separate TID store .

    MessageBrokerV6.1不支持在共享队列中存储 TID存储,因为每个代理都具有一个独立的TID存储。

  • Since all brokers read from a single TID store Message Broker can ensure transaction integrity and avoid duplicate event delivery in the case of a connection failure .

    由于所有代理均读取同一个 TID存储,因此MessageBroker就能够确保事务完整性,在发生连接故障时避免出现重复的事件交付。

  • METHODS : 150 patients with moderate cancer pain were treated with 3-4 daily dose of 2 tablets of Galake .

    方法: 盖克 每次2片, tid qid, 应用 150例中度癌痛患者。

  • Serrapeptase was given in group B ( 10 mg tid po ) .

    B组给予舍雷肽酶15d(10mg, tid,po)。

  • The other types of code units which you will see in later sections are TID for kernel thread MOD for module and SYM for symbol ( subroutine name ) .

    在后面的部分您将看到的其他类型的代码单元是表示内核线程的 TID,表示模块的MOD,以及表示符号(子例程名)的SYM。

  • TID may require the applicant to submit a sample of the advertising brochure / pamphlet if deemed necessary .

    如有需要, 工业 贸易 会要求申请企业提供有关的宣传刊物/小册子。

  • In the above data SystemProcess_0000 runs code from one kernel thread tid_0000 .

    在上面的数据中, SystemProcess0000运行内核线程 tid 0000 的代码。

  • Deuterium behaviour in TiD x / Mo was investigated by ion beam analysis of nuclear reaction analysis ( NRA ) elastic recoil detection ( ERD ) rutherford backscattering ( RBS ) .

    用核反应分析(NRA)、前向反冲分析法(ERD)、背散射谱法(RBS)等离子束分析方法研究了 TiDx/Mo样品中氘的行为。

  • The queue manager used to maintain the TID store is a shared queue installed on a separate server machine .

    用来维护 TID存储的队列管理器是安装在另外一台服务器上的一个共享队列。

  • Based on the study of space radiation environment the radiation damage especially caused by total ionizing dose ( TID ) single event effect ( SEE ) and DD was analyzed respectively .

    本文在研究宇宙空间辐射环境的基础上,分别从辐射总 剂量、单粒子和位移效应分析了辐射危害。

  • Accordingly the tid variable ( holding the Twitter name ) is associated with the username parameter .

    因此 tid变量(保存Twitter名称)与username参数关联。

  • Encode / decode ; configuration information decision ;

    1编/ 解码、配置信息的确定、 建立 切换 号码 TID 索引

  • For the Trade entity the trade id ( tid ) is kept in the process as a reference to retrieve the corresponding data from the database .

    对于 Trade实体,在流程中使用交易ID作为引用从数据库中获取相应的数据。

  • Twenty patients of trial group received 5-amino salicylic acid enteric-coated tablet 0.8 g tid for 6 wk .

    试验组20例病人服5氨基水杨酸肠溶片,0.8g, tid