time certificate


  • Be two greatly luxury brand PRADA 's and the flagship store of the FENDI later on the example offer as proof actually chasing the display design skill and brand the luxury and the fashion contact get up the time is order by certificate innovation existent possibility ;

    随后是两大奢侈品牌PRADA和FENDI的旗舰店实例举证,把展示手法与品牌、奢侈和时尚联系起来,以次 证明创新点存在的可能性;

  • The flutter flight test of Y-12 is the first time ( in China ) of the Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate up to now .

    Y&12颤振试飞是我国民机适航审定中 首次进行的颤振试飞。

  • At the time of withdrawal with the valid certificate of student in non-compulsory education you will enjoy the same interest rate as lump sum time deposit .

    支取时凡能提供学校 出具的非义务教育学生 身份 证明,均能享受定期 整存整取同档次利率。

  • The normal time span from filing to obtaining a certificate will take approximately12to18months .

    由申请日至发出 证书大约12到18个月。

  • By the time you complete the course you will have earned a certificate .

    你结束课程 ,你将会获得 证书

  • Again we need to specify a password this time the individual certificate password .

    我们需要再次指定一个密码, 这次是单独的 证书密码。

  • A fixed deposit also referred to as a time deposit term deposit or Certificate of Deposit ( CD ) is a kind of savings deposit with a definite length of maturity . storage limit register

    定期存款,也称为期限存款或 定期 存单,是存款期限固定的一种储蓄存款。存储范围寄存器,存储极限寄存器

  • Secondly in view of the limitation and disadvantage of the over-issued CRL model two kinds of new modification are proposed which can satisfy the flexibility requirements of certificate revocation mechanism and at the same time can provide near real-time certificate status information if necessary .

    然后,鉴于 Over-IssuedCRL模型的限制和缺陷,本文提出了两种新的改进措施。该措施不但能够满足证书撤销方案的灵活性,而且在必要的情况下能够提供较为真实的 证书状态信息。

  • This models the situation in which you have two unrelated goals such as getting a degree in mathematics and at the same time obtaining a certificate in first aid .

    这可以模拟另外一种有两个互不相关的目标的情况,例如 同时得到数学学位和急救资格的 证书

  • This property returns a value indicating the time the certificate was validated expressed in local time .

    此属性返回一个值,该值指示用本地时间表示验证 证书 时间

  • Each time I gained an English certificate such as IELTS I would feel pretty proud and think that I had got the hang of English totally .

    一个 证书,比如说雅思,就会觉得很高兴自豪,当时觉得自己学到家了。

  • Part Four studies the time to obtain the real estate certificate the mortgage repayments the source of the funds the purpose of house purchasing and the details of the ways to deal with the mortgaged house in divorce proceeding .

    在前文的理论基础上,从房产 取得 时间和还款情况、购房资金的来源及购房目的几方面,对离婚诉讼中处理按揭房屋不同情形进行细化。

  • Inthe mean time the company has improved strict quality control system and passed ISO9001 certificate .

    同时公司完善了严格的品质管理体系,通过了ISO9001 认证

  • If the report of loss is approved the amount indicated in the original time deposit certificate and the interests incurred shall continue as a pledge .

    挂失生效,原 定期 存单所载的金额及利息应继续作为出质资产。

  • On the problems of certificate application time the author suggests that the certificate application time should be revised as 180 days which is more reasonable .

    在办证 时间的问题上,笔者建议 将办 时间修改为180日比较合理。

  • Occupational qualification certificate system in Germany dates back to the apprenticeship of medieval guild system . At this time it had produced the simple thought for occupational qualification certificate .

    德国的职业资格证书制度最早可以追溯到中世纪行会实行的学徒制度, 此时已产生朴素的职业资格 证书思想。

  • The object name represents an alias for the certificate and must be provided each time the certificate is to be used such as to perform encryption .

    对象名代表证书的别名,在 每次使用 证书(如执行加密)时必须提供此名称。

  • After analyzing the old time stamp protocol which lacks reliable identification and trust a novel time stamp service protocol based on certificate authority center is presented .

    在对原有的时间戳协议缺乏可靠的身份认证和可信性分析后,提出了一种新的基于 证书权威(ca)中心的 时间戳服务协议。

  • In return for their time participants received a $ 10 gift certificate .

    作为 报答,参与者得到了10美元的 礼券

  • The next time a computer logs on a certificate based on the template you select is provided .

    下次计算机登录 ,会提供基于所选模板 证书 证书

  • At the same time the Cuban revolutionary government implemented Certificate for Alien Residents which made the aliens included and integrated into Cuba .

    同时,古巴革命政府实施外侨居留 法,开始将外侨也纳入并整合到整个国家和社会之中。

  • A certificate has a specified time during which the certificate is valid .

    证书具有指定的 时效,在此 时间 证书才有效。

  • Chinese net time query system authorization certificate a certificate to provide input to the external query code .

    时光中文网授权 证书查询系统,一个证书录入提供给外部查询的代码。

  • At one time the operation of certificate applying auditing making canceling and blacklist making for a Registration Authority ( RA ) client is usable through the SSL connection between the RA and CA centre .

    同时,实现一个注册机构(RA)客户端,通过SSL与CA中心连接,进行 证书申请、审核、制作、作废、制作黑名单操作。

  • The Quality Standards in this thesis have officially been approved by SFDA in March 2009 ; at the same time this project was granted the New Drug Certificate and Manufacturing Approve Number issued by SFDA .

    该论文制定的质量标准于2009年3月获得国家食品药品监督管理局正式批准, 同时,该项目获得国家食品药品监督管理局颁发的新药 证书和生产批准文号。

  • The time periods during which the digital IDs in the certificate chain are valid are not consistent .

    证书链中的数字标识所在 时间端无效或不一致。

  • Realization of Time Stamp Service System Based on Certificate Authority Center

    基于 证书权威(CA)中心的 时间戳服务系统的实现

  • A taxpayer shall present the relevant certificate to the responsible taxation authority within the stipulated time limit to undergo certificate inspection or replacement procedures .

    纳税人应当在规定的 期限内持有关证件到主管税务机关 办理验证或者换证手续。

  • At the same time the system achieve the information management of birth certificate . and by using the relevant graphics the system provide personalized follow-up service about the health and growth of every insured child .

    同时,系统还实现了出生 医学 证明的信息化管理,并利用生长发育曲线等相关计算图表为每个参保儿童提供有针对性的,个性化的发育健康状况的对比跟踪服务。