


  • She is going to be a timekeeper at the track meet .

    她将在田径 比赛 担任 计时

  • The watch is an excellent timekeeper .

    这个表 计时 相当 精确

  • Design And Application of Brainpower Test Instrument of Timekeeper in Plane

    智能型飞机 波道 定时 机构检测仪的开发与应用

  • The feat was recorded on video and scored by an official timekeeper validating it for Guinness World Records purposes said Sara Spaulding spokeswoman for event sponsor Jump Mobile .

    大赛赞助商JumpMobile公司的发言人莎拉斯伯丁说,比赛全过程有现场录像,并有官方 计时 为选手 计时,目的是为《吉尼斯世界纪录》提供依据。

  • Are you also taking part in the track and field events today Helen ? She is going to be a timekeeper at the track meet .

    海伦,你今天也要去参加田径比赛吗?她将在田径 比赛 担任 计时

  • The Design and Realization of the Timekeeper of Weiqi 30-second Fast Match

    围棋30秒快 棋赛 计时 控制器设计与实现

  • Y ou 're the backbone the timekeeper .

    你是骨干,是 掌握 节奏

  • The factory timekeeper keeps account of the hours of work done .

    工厂 计时 记录工时。

  • Discussions on the Accuracy and Uncertainty in Measuring Natural Gas Energy a good bad w_1409 timekeeper


  • The great timekeeper crystal however does not project its energies in the same way as the fire-crystals ` because it is hermetically sealed .

    因为它是密封的,然而大的 时间 记录水晶不能同样像火-水晶那样发射能量。

  • The brand serves as Official Timekeeper for the Diamond League at all of the events in this its second season .

    该品牌成为钻石联赛第二个赛季的所有赛事的官方 计时 钟表

  • Fiyta became the official timekeeper for China 's aeronautical exploits in the20th Century despite intense competition from numerous wristwatch brands .

    20世纪初,经过相关部门重重检测, 飞亚达从众多腕表品牌中脱颖而出,成为中国航天事业 合作夥伴。

  • Officials include a referee judges and a timekeeper .

    裁判人员包括一名 上裁判员、 若干 评判 和一名 计时

  • The score-supervisor will be seated at the official score table between the scorekeeper and the timekeeper .

    分数监督员将坐于大会设置的分数桌,坐在计分员和 计时员中间。

  • Cell Choosing of Photovaltaic Power Timekeeper under Faint Room Light

    室内弱光下光伏电源 钟表的电池选择

  • Not complying with the provisions in guaranteeing the safety of the persons going on and off the vessel or installation ; or Officials include a referee judges and a timekeeper .

    不按规定保障人员上下船舶、设施的安全;裁判人员包括一名 上裁判员、 若干 评判 和一名 计时

  • Yacub Addy : In social music there is a bell the timekeeper that starts before anything is involved .

    雅库布·艾迪:在社交音乐中有钟,是 计时 工具,在任何表演开始前演奏。

  • Sometimes a mail steamer would come in and Captain Nichols having scraped acquaintance with the timekeeper would succeed in getting the pair of them a job as stevedores .

    有时候一艘邮轮 进港,尼柯尔斯船长同 雇用 计时 交情,会给两人找个临时装卸工的活儿。

  • In the best cesium fountains the largest source of error are so-called cold collisions Gibble explained . In spite of its huge size Big Ben is a very good timekeeper and almost never gets more than a second off time .

    吉布解释:「最好的铯原子喷泉钟内,最大的误差来源是所谓的冷碰撞。尽管大钟 硕大无朋,走时却很准确, 误差几乎从未超出一秒。

  • The factory timekeeper keep account of the hour of work do .

    工厂 出勤 时间 计时 记录工作的时间。

  • In spite of its huge size Big Ben is a very good timekeeper and almost never gets more than a second off time .

    尽管 大钟 硕大无朋,走时却很准确, 误差几乎从未超出一秒。

  • The pineal gland is therefore a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper for the human body .

    因此松果体是人身体一个感光性器官和一个重要的 时钟

  • This article analyses the common mistakes and arguments concerning the work of the check of course the starter the timekeeper the judge at the finish in track events .

    本文分析了径赛中检录、发令、 计时和终点裁判工作中常发生错误和争议的问题,并 指出 采取 正确 解决 方法