time wages

[taɪm ˈwedʒɪs][taim ˈweidʒis]


  • At that time C $ 500 was the equivalent of two years of wages for the average Chinese worker .

    当时,500加元相当于普通中国工人两年的 工资

  • Facing the situation of consumer market in towns it is time to raise wages dramatically to favor residents and promote the level of consumption of middle and low income classes and also carry out consumption subsidy policy to bring about hot spot of consumption .

    面对我国城镇消费市场的现状,作者提出应大幅度 提高 工资,增加居民的 货币 收入,来提高中低收入阶层的消费水平,实施消费补贴政策,促进消费热点的形成;

  • At the same time structural changes in the labour market have continued to drive wages higher at an average annual rate of about 20 per cent in the main centres .

    与此同时,劳动力市场的结构性变化继续推动主要城市的 工资水平以年均20%左右的速度上升。

  • To salvage the public finances at the same time as restraining wages or pursuing microeconomic reform may seem to be asking too much .

    似乎在要求意大利拯救其财政问题的 同时,要求其限制 工资 涨幅或推行微观经济改革都有些过分。

  • For at a time of stagnant wages and a high unemployment rate this vast lightly populated Peace Garden State is one of the few places in America where jobs are plentiful .

    曾几何时,北达科州以低廉的 工资和较高失业率而闻名,这个巨大、人口稀少的和平花园之州是美国少数几个工作充裕的州。

  • Even during a time of renewed job growth Americans ' wages are stubbornly stagnant and the on-demand economy may provide novel streams of income .

    即便 现在就业已经在重新增长,美国人的 工资却依旧停滞不前,所以按需的经济模式也许能提供全新的收入来源。

  • Since there are always likely to be areas of spare labour round the world companies may be able to expand for some time without pushing wages higher .

    由于世界各地总有劳动力富余的地区,因此企业或许可以在不提高 薪资的情况下扩张一段 时间

  • On the basis of the particularity of the crew work and the shipping safety our country shall stipulate more rights on rest time and wages for crew than other profession .

    从船员工作的特殊性,以及水上安全等方面的考虑,我国法律应当在船员的 休息工资等权利上规定比其他工种更多的权利。

  • Mr Kim had invested millions of dollars in Faith – a 24-part drama about a plastic surgeon who travels back in time – only to find himself facing a commercial flop and an angry cast pursuing him for unpaid wages .

    金钟学曾向24集的《信义》(Faith)投入数百万美元,最终遭遇商业失败,而愤怒的剧组人员向他追讨被拖欠的 薪酬。该剧讲述的是一位整形外科医生穿越 时空回到过去的故事。

  • European executive pay has come under attack for the second time in less than a week after Swiss voters overwhelmingly backed curbs on corporate wages that snatch the power away from company boards .

    绝大多数瑞士投票者支持对企业 薪资实施限制,这一限制将剥夺公司董事会的权力,这是欧洲高管薪资在不到一周的 时间 第二 遭到抨击。

  • But the South 's Unification Ministry says more time is needed to resolve issues such as unpaid taxes and wages before the seven remaining South Koreans can leave the Kaesong industrial complex .

    但是韩国统一部说,在最后滞留的7名韩国人能离开开城工业园区之前,需要更多的 时间解决未支付的税款和 工资

  • This would hit companies in those sectors hard as their revenues would be limited at a time when wages and other costs are continuing to rise .

    这将对这些领域的企业构成严重冲击,在 工资及其它成本都在持续上涨的 当下,这些企业的收入将受到限制。

  • At the same time helping migrant workers in the event of AIDS wages work injury occupational disease etc. when relief is most important to be activist .

    同时,帮助农民工在遭遇艾滋病、 欠薪、工伤、职业病等情况时得到维权救助也是重中之重。

  • The time of such payment . total amount of wages and salaries ( to be paid to the employees of a company )

    发薪日发放 工资或薪水的 日子(公司员工的)薪水总额。

  • These figures taken at a time when the economy was stronger corporate profits were soaring but wages stagnating revealed a bleak picture of a German workforce that was failing to enjoy the fruits of its labour .

    上述统计进行之 ,德国经济要强劲得多,企业利润大幅攀升, 职工 薪酬却停滞不前。这些数据揭露出一番凄凉景象:德国的劳动者一直未能享受到自己的劳动果实。

  • The Bundesbank used to focus on these variables because over time they can put upward pressure on activity wages and prices .

    以往德国央行关注这些指标,因为 长期而言,它们会给经济活动、 工资和价格带来上行压力。

  • Staff turnover at Flextronics Zhuhai fell 20 per cent in 2010 at a time when wages were rising sharply in southern China .

    2010年,华南 工资 水平大幅提升, 伟创力珠海的员工流动率却下降了20%。

  • After entering WTO it is the critical time for Chinese enterprises which are faced with a new competition of the talent to set up a scientific wages management system .

    中国加入WTO以后,大量 外国企业将进入中国市场。面对新一轮的人才竞争,建立合理的 薪酬管理制度是每个企业急需解决的问题。

  • Solow Model and Summers Model have limitations . It is necessary to give consideration to the influences of absolute wages relative wages and unemployment rate on labors ' efficiency at the same time when establishing General Model of Efficiency Wages .

    索洛模型和萨默斯模型存在局限性,在建立效率 工资一般模型 ,应当 同时考虑到绝对工资水平、相对工资高低和失业率对工人劳动效率的影响。

  • Widespread reports say many cannot get credit at a time when they also face pressure from higher wages and other costs .

    大量报道声称许多公司在面对巨额 工资 支付和其它花费 不能获得信用。

  • That means he is wasting time with wages by getting flay you know ?

    这意味着他用榨取的 时间浪费 工资,你明白吗?

  • At the same time there are signs that higher food prices and increasing wages are causing some inflation across the region .

    此外,有迹象表明,食品价格上涨以及 工资不断攀升,正导致亚洲地区出现通胀。

  • They are buying time by for example boosting food subsidies or hiking wages .

    它们不断的用钱来购买 时间,比如说增加食物补贴或者提高 工资

  • He also expressed support for Little Bird Hotline volunteers who donate their time to advise migrant workers on their rights to fair wages and safe working conditions .

    他还支持小小鸟热线志愿者奉献 时间,告知民工在公平 工资和安全工作条件上的权利。

  • Some lawmakers and economists close to the government have urged the prime minister to postpone by perhaps 18 months thus giving time they hope for wages to catch up to prices and create a less painful kind of inflation .

    一批与政府关系密切的议员和经济学家敦促他推迟增税,比如延期18个月。他们希望,这样就能留出 时间来,让 民众 薪资赶上物价的上涨,创造一种不那么令人痛苦的通胀。

  • Is higher than nearly time of wages me !

    比我高近一 工资

  • At present main factors affecting the scale of implicit pension debt in China are interest rates demography debt repayment time and average growth rate of wages .

    当前影响我国养老保险隐性债务规模的主要因素为利率、人口年龄结构、偿还债务的 时间以及社会平均 工资增长率。

  • Legislators attacked the increase yesterday saying it was too steep at a time when wages and other charges were being cut or frozen .

    立法会议员群起反对,认为在 薪金和其它公共收费下调或冻结 ,这加幅实在太高。