time factor

[taɪm ˈfæktɚ][taim ˈfæktə]


  • In this paper the uncertainties of the main performance parameters of the analogy oscilloscope such as the vertical deflection factor the scanning time factor and the pulse instantaneous response are presented in detail .

    对模拟示波器的主要性能参数(垂直偏转系数、扫描 时间 系数、脉冲瞬态响应)的不确定度评定做了详细介绍。

  • Transfer matrix adding time factor is founded and calculated with shifted QR algorithm .

    计算中建立了加 时间 因子的传递矩阵并用双重步QR法进行求解。

  • The new algorithm will increase the time factor .

    新算法将加重 时间 因素 影响

  • As regards the time factor both war and its laws develop ; each historical stage has its special characteristics and hence the laws of war in each historical stage have their special characteristics and cannot be mechanically applied in another stage .

    时间 条件说,战争和战争指导规律都是发展的,各个历史阶段有各个历史阶段的特点,因而战争规律也各有其特点,不能呆板地移用于不同的阶段。

  • Trust model in P2P network based on time factor and punitive measures

    基于 时间 因子和惩罚措施的P2P网络信任模型

  • Other sizes behave in a somewhat similar manner and the temperature of the size liquor and the time factor both affect the viscosity with similar effects on the ultimate size add - on .

    其它浆料的行为与前述大致相同。浆液的温度和煮浆 时间影响粘度及最终浆纱的加重

  • We would hasten to add that all souls will eventually reach the higher level and the time factor is of no consequence as you have all infinity to do it .

    我们希望赶快促进所有的灵魂最终抵达正确的水准,而 时间 因素根本不重要,因为你们有无限的时间。

  • In the portion of the world that you live in the factors are stable enough that the time factor never varies enough to be noticed .

    在你所居住的这部分世界里,各种因素足够稳定以至于 时间 因素从未发生足够引人注意的变化。

  • The time factor and individual circumstances are the main reason for its formation .

    时代 因素和个人遭际是这种气质形成的主要原因。

  • Here the time factor also counts .

    这里有一个 时间 问题

  • Of course there is also the time factor .

    当然,还有 时间 因素在里面。

  • Since the tracking system is based on the non-time reference and is immune to the time factor its tracking capability in the uncertain environment can be improved .

    此跟踪控制系统所采用的参考量为非时间量,摆脱了 时间 因素的影响,因此能提高移动机器人在不确定环境中的跟踪能力。

  • This paper put up the time factors in the formula of land productivity discusses divi-sion of every period in fisheries the relations among the time area and output and effect of the time factor to the land productivity .

    本文提出土地生产率公式中的时间因子,叙述了时间因子在渔业上的划分,时间与面积、产量的关系,以及 时间 因子对土地生产率的影响。

  • The TIME FACTOR is the most important . When TIME is up Time or Space movements will reverse .

    时间 因素是最重要的。当时间到达时,时间或者空间变动将反转。

  • We are more than equal to the task even although the time factor concerns some of you but you can rest easy as our technological abilities can deal with the demands upon us .

    其实我们以更加平等的方式在完成这个任务,虽然你们一些人依旧在意 时间 因素,但是你们 到时候可以更容易的放松,因为我们的科技能力能够处理依赖于我们的需求。

  • Time Factor in the Sino-Japanese Dispute over East China Sea : the Critical Date and Inter-temporal Law

    法律适用中的 时间 要素&中日东海争端关键日期和时际法问题考察

  • The Copper-flow analysis with time factor of the life cycle of copper products method was expatiated and the flows of copper in China were analyzed by using this method .

    前言:介绍了“具有 时间 概念的铜产品生命周期铜流分析方法”,并运用这种方法分析了我国铜的流动状况。

  • Time factor : Many test automation efforts are custom developed which leads to high development and maintenance costs .

    时间 因素:有许多测试自动化效果得到了通用的开发,这就使得开发和维护的成本上升。

  • On one side of the scales is an hourglass which symbolizes the time factor .

    在天平的一边是沙漏,它象征着 时间 因素,在另一边是价格的运动。

  • The influence of operating parameters on hydraulic pressure consolidation dewatering time factor and hydraulic pressure consolidation velocity are analyzed .

    分析了影响液力压密脱水的 时间 因素和液力压密速率的各操作参数。

  • Sea Surface Scattering Model of Laser Fuze Taking Account of Time Factor

    考虑 时间 因子的激光引信海面散射模型

  • Describes a personal information filtering technology with time factor .

    提出一种加入 时间 因素的个性化信息过滤技术。

  • The mathematics model of newsboy problem with time-based parameter is given and through analyzing model and numerical instance it shows with contrast of traditional newsboy problem that time factor is not taken into account the former can increase the income of the dealer .

    建立了正态分布下时变参数的报童问题的数学模型,通过模型的求解和数值分析,结果显示,与传统的不考虑 时间 因素的报童模型相比,前者能够增加零售商的收益。

  • Considering the influence of time factor a new consolidation calculation method considering the structure character of soil is provided .

    考虑 时间 因素的影响,提出了反映土结构性的固结沉降计算方法。

  • Time factor be what we must first take into consideration .

    时间 因素是我们必须首先考虑的。

  • A Method of Modeling Workflow Based on Timed Petri Net in Which Places Contains a Time Factor

    一种基于库所含 时间 因素的时延Petri网的工作流建模方法

  • You 've got to consider the time factor when planning the whole project .

    在规划整个工程时你必须考虑到 时间 因素

  • We understand what other factors are involved and how to modify them so that the time factor changes as we wish .

    我们知晓这其中还包含了什么样的其他 因素,还有如何进行更改使得 时间按照我们的期望发生变化。

  • Gann 's forecasts of the stock and commodity markets were based on the time factor which may be defined as The passage of time as a limitation on what can be achieved .

    江恩的预测是基于 时间 因素,可以定义为“时间的流逝限制着事情的完成”。