time lock

[taɪm lɑk][taim lɔk]


  • But this time the Lock Owner section contains additional valuable information .

    但是, 这次 LockOwner部分包含额外的、有价值的信息。

  • In addition we felt that UA 's side-effect was strong enough that without a cast time an affliction lock could too easily keep an enemy team peppered with UA 's with little risk to themselves .

    我们认为没有施法 时间的UA过强,一个痛苦术用 UA可以轻松牵制一队敌人而没有什么风险。

  • Effects of morphine and electroacupuncture on the time lock and not - time lock responses of cortical unit discharges evoked by nociceptive stimulation in cats

    吗啡和电针对伤害性刺激诱发体感皮层单位放电的 和非时锁反应的影响

  • These statistics include how the lock was acquired the total amount of time the lock was held and the average amount of time that the lock was held .

    这些统计数据包括锁被请求的方式、锁被持有的总 时间以及 被持有的平均时间。

  • A combination of 50 fs cross correlation time gating and lock in amplifier detection is shown to be a versatile technique to image objects through various highly scattering medium .

    利用50fs互相关 时间选通门和 锁相放大相结合,成功地实现了对埋藏在不同散射介质中的物体进行透射式成像。

  • Next time they 're gonna lock you up brother .

    下次,他们会 关进大牢,小兄弟。

  • Two groups all arrange the load amount is 10ml the continuous amount is 2ml / h PCA is 0.5ml / time the lock time is fifteen minutes .

    两组设置都为负荷量10ml,持续量为2ml/h,PCA为0.5ml/ 锁定时间为15分钟。

  • In this case the locks held at the time of the lock wait are

    在这里,发生 等待 ,被持有的锁是

  • In the event of a sudden system shutdown or panic the MUI may have trouble starting when booting up because the MUI doesn 't have the proper time to clean up leftover lock files when a system fails .

    如果发生系统突然关机或panic,MUI可能在启动时很难打开,因为系统崩溃时MUI没有适当的 时间来清除剩余的 文件。

  • Note how the time to wait is adjusted before calling WaitForObject to account for time spent acquiring the lock .

    请注意在调用WaitForObject之前如何调整要等待的时间,以便将为获取 而花费的 时间考虑在内。

  • The first section provides information about the date and time of the lock timeout occurrence and about the corresponding instance and database .

    第一部分提供与 锁定超时发生的日期和 时间,以及相应的实例和数据库相关的信息。

  • After failing to lock the data the random time locking method waits a random time and begin to apply lock again which not only boosts the processing efficiency but also reduces the probability of dead lock .

    随机等待加锁法在加锁失败时并不连续、不间断地申请锁,而是等待一个随机 时间后重新启动新的 过程,不但提高了系统的执行效率,而且降低了死锁的机率。

  • Each time the key opens a lock a record is stored in both the key and the lock cylinder creating a detailed audit report of openings and denied entries .

    每次 操作人员使用钥匙 开锁后,钥匙和锁芯就会自动生成记录,建立了一个详细的关于开锁和阻止开锁的统计报告。

  • Time sharing proton lock system

    制质子 场系统

  • On condition that error codes occur in the telemetry stream the method of getting the optimum parameters is supposed in accordance with the algorithm of locking frame synchronization . The minimum average time of getting lock of frame synchronization is the most important foundation to determine these parameters .

    在遥测数据流存在误码的情况下,针对锁定帧同步的算法,给出如何求出该算法中最佳参数的方法,提出平均入 时间最小是确定这些参数的重要依据。

  • The only reason for the delay could be that there are too many writer threads and sufficient time has elapsed before a lock could be acquired .

    造成延迟的惟一原因是写线程太多,要等待很 时间才能获得

  • The first lane is Time indicating when this lock contention occurs .

    第一列是 时间,表明什么时候 出现了竞争。

  • The Frequency tab shows the list of SQL statements with their frequency of execution along with the average response time lock wait and wait IO time .

    Frequency选项卡按执行频率列出SQL语句并显示平均响应 时间等待时间和IO等待时间。

  • And time is short to lock phase . This new PLL is used in 100 kHz / 30 kW high frequency induction heating power supply .

    整个设计负载范围 锁相 时间短,现已成功应用于100kHz/30kW的感应加热电源中。

  • At the same time he ordered Hephaestus to lock the Titan 's chains-in a cunning way that only Hephaestus knew .

    同时他又命令赫菲斯托斯用一种只有赫菲斯托斯知道的巧妙方法 牢铁链。

  • In the scenario just described the low-priority thread runs at high priority when lock contention occurs until the point in time that it releases the lock .

    在刚刚描述的场景中,发生锁争用时低优先级的线程以高优先级运行, 直至线程释放

  • Pressure pads and a steel door with a time lock .

    压力垫和带有 时间 的钢制门。

  • I had to type this statement several times a day . Each time my computer would lock .

    我每天都要 这个密码输入好几

  • Effects of Time and Space on Lock Bolt Support with Shotcrete

    锚支护的 时间效应与空间效应

  • Such as how to utilize SHARED-VARIABLE properties and a limit time LOCK sentence to perform a better parallel processing control ;

    如:如何用SHARED-VARIABLE属性和一个控制 时限 LOCK语句更好的实现了对并发的控制。

  • With Poisson distribution the frame sync acquisition probability is obtained and followed by computer simulation . By Markov modeling techniques the probability and the mean time into lock mode are given .

    并用Poisson分布和Markov链导出了一次通过帧同步捕获概率, 锁定概率以及进入 锁定的平均 时间,还给出了计算机模拟结果。

  • Futexes optimize the time to obtain an uncontested lock without relying on the kernel ; kernel intervention is required only for contested locks .

    Futexes对获得非竞争 时间进行了优化,而不用依赖内核;只有对竞争的锁才需要内核干涉。

  • Children are especially excited at this time so lock the back door so that they have to remember to open it and actively keep the pets inside .

    孩子们在这个 时候肯定会很兴奋,所以 最外面的门也关好了,这样可以最大限度的防止宠物穿门而出。

  • Harris was sweating and cursing by the time they reached the lock .

    他们来到水闸 ,哈里斯已是汗流浃背, 骂不绝口

  • Each time you lock yourself in indignation and anger even if it concerns injustice or suffering that you find unbearable to watch I ask you to step backwards and move into the center of yourself .
