time of seeing

[taɪm ʌv ˈsiɪŋ][taim ɔv ˈsi:ɪŋ]

[电] 看见时间

  • This comes at the same time as venture capitalists are finding the investment climate in Silicon Valley inflated with increasing talk of a second bubble forming with the result that investments in Europe are seeing a lift .

    与此同时,风险资本家发现硅谷的投资气氛有些过热,有关第二轮泡沫正在形成的说法日益升温,这给投资欧洲带来了 提振

  • The first time she nearly burnt me in my bed and the second time she visited you and must have been reminded of her own wedding day by seeing your wedding dress .

    第一次她几乎把我烧死在床上,第二 她去找了你, 看到你的婚纱她一定想起了自己的婚礼。

  • During the class we spent some time on the Seven Locations of the False Mind and the Ten Aspects of Seeing which we got about half way through .

    在课堂中我们花了不少的 时间,学这「七处徵心」跟这「十番 显见」。

  • The first time of my ever seeing him in Hertfordshire you must know was at a ball & and at this ball what do you think he did ?

    你得明白,我第一 在哈福德郡 看见他,是在一个舞会上,你知道他在这个跳舞会上做些什么?

  • When was the last time you were on your way home with the thought of seeing your parents ?

    最后一 只是为 想见父母而回家是在什么时候?

  • At the Cambridge school for the first time in my life I enjoyed the companionship of seeing and hearing girls of my own age .

    在剑桥学习期间,我平生第一 沉浸在同学之间的友谊当中。 当然,这些同学都是能 能听,和我同龄的女孩子。

  • Even at that time any one who was desirous of seeing it had to make haste .

    那时起,要 看看它的人非赶快不可。

  • Adding doctors shortening the time of seeing a doctor and raising the efficiency

    实行预约挂号、增加医生,缩短 就诊 时间并提高效率

  • At least this time around we have the added wisdom of seeing how the smartphone app ecosystem has built up .

    至少现在 时机已经到了, 如何构建智能手机应用生态系统,我们已经积累了很多经验。

  • I 'd been a cufflink wearer for a long time and grew tired of seeing a lack of innovation in the sector says media entrepreneur Anthony Hayward . There 's constant innovation in watches for instance yet none in cufflinks .

    我戴袖扣已经有很长 时间了,对于这个领域缺乏创新已经 厌倦了,媒体企业家安东尼•海沃德(AnthonyHayward)表示,例如,钟表业就一直在创新,但在袖扣界没有。

  • This system has got the fast development since in the establishment for the first time of our country in 1954 seeing that regional people 's court too much to pass excessive problem merge to the people 's court to 1998 our country .

    该制度从1954年在我国 首次确立之后得到快速发展,至1998年我国 鉴于各地人民法庭过多过滥问题对人民法庭进行撤并。

  • They may be planted at any time of the year . This may be called not seeing the wood for the trees .

    一年四季都可以植树 。这可以叫作见树不 林。

  • Every at that time I am particularly quiet enjoying being hustled smelling the fragrance of cigarette and seeing others sitting on their luggage and talking about everything .

    每每 那时,我的心格外平静,喜欢被挤来挤去,喜欢闻香烟的味道, 喜欢别人坐在行李上,谈东南西北。

  • Commonly they did not think that they were lucky or well paid for their time unless they got a long string of fish though they had the opportunity of seeing the pond all the while .

    一般说,他们还不认为他们很幸运,他们这 半天过得还很值得,除非他们钓到了长长一串鱼,其实他们明明得到了这样的好机会,可以一直 观赏湖上风光。

  • Methods : A total of96 cases of ulcerative colitis cases were divided into test and control group according to the time sequence of seeing doctor .

    对收治的96例溃疡性结肠炎患儿按 就诊 时间顺序分为对照组和治疗组。

  • He many a time spoke sternly to me about my pertness ; and averred that the stab of a knife could not inflict a worse pang than he suffered at seeing his lady vexed .

    他几 很严厉地对我说起我的不懂规矩;而且肯定说那怕用一把小刀戳他一下,也抵不上 看见他的夫人烦恼时那么难受。

  • I felt as though I was transported to another space and time lost in a sea of utter happiness and seeing the world with such intense and undisturbed clarity .

    我觉得我好像是被运送到另一个空间和 时间,迷失在海上彻底的幸福, 看到了世界而不受侵扰如此剧烈的清晰度。

  • Then Hamiltonian evolve in time and the eigenstate corresponding to the final Hamiltonian is the target state of the network after the time T. Seeing from the macroscopy this quantum target state can be considered to evolve from the initial state .

    随后哈密顿量随 时间发生变化,经过一定的时间T后 哈密顿量所对应的量子本征态就是网络需要的目标状态。