


  • They discussed it every which way more or less hopefully but they had to finish where they began and concede that the only really sane explanation of the absence of the notice must be and without doubt was that Tilbury was not dead .

    他们猜过来, 过去, 一会儿走投无路, 一会儿又柳暗花明;可是转了一个大 圈子,他们又回到原地,承认之所以没有 提尔伯里的讣告,惟一真正合理的解释毫无疑问就是 提尔伯里还没死。

  • The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Wednesday The pair must wait for next week 's paper & Tilbury had evidently postponed .

    会议日期从星期五提前到星期三。这对夫妇只有等着下周的报纸&显然 提尔伯里是拖延了 死期

  • Land it 's a tough as Tilbury foster ! & as we say .

    老天爷,就像 提尔伯里福斯特 那么 难缠!这是我们 那儿的一句 俗话。”

  • And so let Tilbury like it or not let him rave in his grave to his fill no matter & no mention of his death would ever see the light in the weekly sagamore .

    所以,不管 提尔伯里高不高兴, 就算他在坟墓里暴跳如雷,也无济于事他的死讯在《萨加摩尔周报》上永无出头之日了。

  • Tilbury wasn 't available evidently he was going to live forever ;


  • The pair must wait for next week 's paper & Tilbury had evidently postponed .

    这对夫妇只有等着下周的报纸&显然 提尔伯里是拖延了 死期

  • Passenger ferries from London to the rest of Europe would run from the Thames port of Tilbury while Dover devolved to the rump England .

    从伦敦坐船去往欧洲其它国家的乘客,将通过泰晤士河港口 蒂尔伯里 转船,而多佛尔港将留给英格兰其它地区。

  • That it was it who had broken the wheel of the tilbury and who was stopping him on the road .

    折断车轮,使他中途停顿,那正是 天意

  • And then it was no longer the tilbury .

    并且,那已经不是那 小车

  • Did not Monsieur le Maire order a tilbury ?

    “难道市长先生没有要过一 小车吗?”

  • The tilbury and the horse will be in front of my door to-morrow morning at half-past four o'clock .


  • DP World also owns ports in Britain such as Tilbury in Essex .

    迪拜环球港务集团在英国也拥有一些港口,如位于埃塞克斯的 蒂尔 布利

  • But there was something distinct about this lunch : Ms. Tilbury is a Briton and there were a whole lot of British accents in this courtyard at the restaurant A.O.C. in Beverly Hills .

    不过,这次午宴有个独特之处: 蒂尔伯里是英国人,在贝弗利山A.O.C.餐馆的这个庭院里到处都能听到英国口音。

  • The Wheelwright had seen at the first glance that the Tilbury was a hired vehicle .

    那位车匠师父一眼就看出 小车是租来的。

  • It was a tilbury harnessed to a small white horse .

    那是一 小车,驾着一匹白马。

  • So he squarely proposed to disguise himself and go to tilbury 's village and surreptitiously find out as to the prospects .

    他直截了当地提议自己乔装改扮, 打入 提尔伯里的村子,偷偷地摸清情况。

  • Tilbury 's letter had started on friday more than a day too late for the benefactor to die and get into that week 's issue but in plenty of time to make connection for the next output .

    提尔伯里的那封信是周五写的,就算 当时就死,也晚了一天,赶不上当周的报纸,不过 下一周的出 时间还早 呢。