toss up

[tɔs ʌp][tɔs ʌp]


  • He knew where his heart lay but where did his duty lie ? And so did he toss and turn and get up for a drink of water and knock over a pile of books .

    他知道他的良心何在。但是责任何在呢?这个问题使他 辗转难眠起床去喝水,结果打翻了一摞书。

  • They may be pleased or they may not-it 's a toss up .

    他们也许满意,也许不满意 难说

  • We 'll toss a coin to see who does the washing up .

    我们将 钱币看谁洗 盘子

  • There 's only one sweet and two of us so let 's toss ( up ) for it .

    我们两个人只有一块糖,我们 钱币决定 吃吧。

  • Let us toss up a coin to decide who is to begin the game .

    让我们 钱币以决定谁先开始游戏。

  • Let 's toss up who plays first .

    我们来 硬币 决定谁先玩吧。

  • Parents toss a lost bottom tooth up to the rooftops so that the new tooth will grow upwards too .

    父母将孩子下牙床的 掉牙 上屋顶,这样新牙才会向上长。

  • If you toss a coin a hundred times the law of averages suggests roughly fifty will come up heads and fifty tails .

    如果你 一个硬币抛一百次的话,那么根据概率,大概有50次是正面 ,50次是反面向

  • If all you want is to toss up the occasional message box or ask a user for some simple input almost any of the toolkits I 've listed will do .

    如果只需偶尔 抛出消息框,或者请求用户进行某些简单的输入,那么前面列出的所有工具包都适用。

  • Toss a few seeds in the ground and maybe even in a single political term multi-billion dollar companies can surge up to the heavens .

    几颗种子,就可以 参天大树来。有时甚至只需一个政治任期,便可能缔造出价值数十亿美元的企业。

  • Booth : Yeah . I 'll go home tonight and I 'll lie in bed and I 'll toss and I 'll turn and I 'll beat myself up .

    是的,我今天晚上要回家,我会躺在床上 辗转反侧,使劲 折腾 自己

  • You do it like you hold the bat with you right hand and toss up the ball with your left hand .

    你这么做:用右手握拍儿,左手 抛球

  • You might say the probability that you toss a coin and it comes up heads is a half because it 's equally likely to be heads and tails .

    你可以说概率是你 投掷一个硬币, 出现正面的机会是一半,因为出现正面和背面的机会是相等的。

  • I look 'd about me again and the first thing I found was the boat which lay as the wind and the sea had toss 'd her up upon the land about two miles on my right hand .

    我从 睡觉的地方下来,环顾四周,发现那只逃生的小艇被 风浪 到陆地上 在那儿,离我右方约两英里处。

  • ' We might toss up for it ' suggested Ted . ' If it 's heads then we 'll talk . '

    “我们可以 硬币 决定。”特德建议道,“如果是正面,我们就谈谈。”

  • I 'll toss up a snowball and make him look out and then say a kind word to him .

    我要 个雪球上去,引他望过来,再跟他好好说上几句话。

  • Before walking out the door take a few minutes to toss any trash organize your paperwork and straighten up your desk .

    在走出办公室前,花几分钟时间 处理各种垃圾、整理各种文档,并把桌面 收拾干净。