to assist in...


  • Each method provides a wealth of excellent tools to assist in the requirements gathering effort .

    每种方法都提供大量极好的工具 协助需求收集工作。

  • There are also other commands you can use to assist in the process and post-mirror .

    镜像的过程 以及镜像结束后,您还可以使用其他一些命令。

  • This article focuses on the use of quotas to assist in maintaining reasonable mail databases sizes .

    本文集中论述使用限额 帮助维持合理的邮件数据库大小。

  • Technology should be able to assist in making this process less painful and more accurate .

    技术应该 能够让这个过程不那么痛苦并且更为准确。

  • This is said to assist in pains like muscle cramping and childbirth .

    这是说, 协助痛苦,如肌肉痉挛,和分娩。

  • The system test team defined conventions and well-documented processes to assist in achieving repeatable and consistent testing .

    系统测试团队定义约定及编写良好的过程, 帮助实现可重复的且一致的测试。

  • We illustrate how the consideration of these characteristics leads to the development of frameworks to assist in matching products with strategies .

    我们会例证对这些特征的考虑是如何引出 匹配产品与战略 给与 帮助的发展框架的。

  • A full object model diagram is also available to assist in quickly understanding the new API .

    你还可以 查看完整的对象模型图 快速了解这些新的API。

  • When problems occur the tool is best placed at the point of failures to assist in data collection .

    当出现问题时,最好将该工具安装在故障点 协助收集数据。

  • We 're using your existing security assets to assist in your protection .

    我们用你现有的安全设备 帮助保护你。

  • This article puts forward the idea that the design of the courseware should be used to assist in the instruction and we should design use and appraise the courseware with concrete matters .

    针对这些问题提出了课件的设计要 辅助教学的思想 指导,应该以“求真务实”的态度来设计、应用和评价课件。

  • More people will be sent to assist in the work .

    将派更多的人 哪儿 帮助工作。

  • Tools are also available to assist in the application of estimation methodologies and best practices .

    还可以使用工具 帮助进行评估方法和最佳实践的应用。

  • You 'll counter this cost against developing an automated interface in a system to assist in data synchronisation .

    需要 通过在系统中开发自动接口 帮助进行数据同步, 抵消此成本。

  • To assist in evaluating the quality of research projects ;


  • It provides out-of-the-box reporting tools to assist in problem analysis .

    现成提供了报告工具 帮助进行问题分析。

  • There are many new options in the Preferences window to assist in form design .

    Preferences窗口中增加了许多 帮助表单设计的新选项。

  • Fortunately existing performance tools have been enhanced to assist in monitoring and managing AMS systems .

    幸运的是,现有的性能工具已经得到改进,有 监视和管理AMS系统。

  • He thought he had a duty to assist in this movement .

    他认为他有责任 帮助这次活动。

  • These techniques also facilitate better use of available data to assist in decision making .

    这些技术也有 于更好地利用可获得的数据 进行决策。

  • The toolbars and menus of Lotus Forms Designer have been improved to assist in faster and easier form creation .

    LotusFormsDesigner的工具栏和菜单已经改进了,这有 更快更方便地创建表单。

  • I know that your assignment is to assist in this mission .

    我知道你的工作是 帮助我们完成这次的任务。

  • Chavez is encouraging employees to work with management to assist in improving production .

    查维斯鼓励雇员和管理层一起工作 帮助提高产量。

  • They are employed by business to assist in the internal operations of business by preventing and solving legal problems .

    他们受聘于企业,通过防止和解决法律问题 协助企业内部的动作。

  • These experts will have access to a comprehensive image database to assist in identifying species .

    后方的专家一方面可以实时指挥前方 恰当的方式输入物种的适当形态,另一方面可以进入一个包罗万象的图像数据库, 帮助他们进行物种及其形态的鉴别。

  • They brought cloth towels from first class to assist in cleaning up both mom and the infant .

    他们从头等舱 拿来了毛巾 那位妈妈和 婴儿清洁下。

  • To assist in planning and conducting nutritional surveys ;


  • LotusLive forms provides users with an applet-based form layout tool to assist in creating enterprise-level feedback forms and surveys .

    LotusLive表单为用户提供了基于applet的表单布局工具, 帮助创建企业级反馈表单和调查。

  • To take part in supplier assessment and appraisal and to assist in suppler over-all development .

    参与对供应商的审核和考评,并监督和 帮助供应商全面提高。