to back down

[tu bæk daʊn][tu: bæk daun]


  • To back down now and abandon our plans would be the road to economic ruin .

    现在 打退堂鼓并放弃我们的计划将是一条经济毁灭之路。

  • He proves that he is right and his critics have to back down .

    他证明了他是正确的,而那些非难他的人 不得不 收起 他们 一套。

  • I 'm not going to back down to tybalt .

    “我绝不向提伯特 让步”。

  • He had to back down on plans to backdate the tax changes .

    不得不 放弃 追溯税收调整的计划。

  • Seeing someone who refused to back down they turned and ran away .

    这群狗因为见到了这位要不不 后退让步的人,就掉转头跑掉了。

  • His determination his refusing to back down and possibly his integrity had won the day .

    他的决心,他的 不屈不挠,也许还有他的正直, 使他获得 成功。

  • But it also makes it much harder for him to back down .

    但这也让他 骑虎难下

  • John agreed that it was probably better to back down than to risk getting shot .

    约翰同意撤回也许比冒险 枪子儿好。

  • He said this was theirjurisdiction and for us to back down !

    他说那是他们负责的任务,让我们 放弃

  • I have been sure they are going to back down but there isn 't a sign of that .

    我原来以为他们一定会 让步的,但此时尚无迹象。

  • They finally had to back down on their unreasonable demands .

    他们终于 不得不 放弃不合理的要求。

  • China had to back down .

    中国人不得已而 退让

  • So you guys are really gonna walk down the aisle because neither of you is willing to back down .

    因为你们 不愿 回头,那么真要走教堂走廊了。

  • It 's too late to back down now

    现在 打退堂鼓已经太晚了

  • You can refuse to back down because of fear . You can stand up for whats right .

    不要因为害怕而 退缩,敢于坚持正确的事。

  • Refuse to back down ; remain solid under criticism or attack .

    拒绝 放弃 主张;在身受批评或攻击时而坚持自己意见。

  • They think they can get me to back down by investigating me ?

    他们认为通过调查我可以让我 放弃我的主张?

  • There may be time yet for Mr. Assad to back down .

    然而,阿萨德有可能 放弃当前主张。

  • His determination and refusal to back down had won the day

    他的坚定和 退让 使他赢得了胜利。

  • But this week it appeared to back down .

    但本周日本央行 似乎作了 让步

  • In order to reach an agreement both sides need to back down .

    想要达成协议,双方都需要 作出 让步

  • The bully had to back down .

    这个欺凌弱小者 不得不 后退

  • After being shown conclusive evidence the other side had to back down .

    出示确凿的证据之后,对方 不得不 作出 让步

  • They don 't know each other so nobody wants to back down .

    他们互不相识,所以没人 退让

  • When they argued she refused to back down .

    他们吵架时,她决不 让步

  • But because we refused to back down and kept fighting we now stand on the verge of victory .

    但是,由于我们 拒绝 让步,我们坚持斗争,我们现在站在了胜利的前沿。

  • You are not inclined to back down although you will seek out a common ground where the two of you can agree if there is any .

    你不会趋向 退让,虽然党双方达成一致时,你也会寻求一个共同的基点,如果能找到这样一个共同的立足点的话。

  • Tell him to back down carefully .

    告诉他小心 下来,活梯不稳。

  • She had to back down on or over the penalty clauses .

    不得不根据惩罚条款 认错