


  • After the shock she determined the earthquake being mat us hock-aftershock pattern and predicted successfully the strong aftershock based on analyses and comparisions of the aftershock sequence the local geological tectonic and his toric eathquakes .

    地震后,通过对余震序列和震区地质构造及 历史地震的类比与分析,认为该地震属主震一余震型,并根据资料分析对后续强余震做了准确预报。

  • The Ray Tracing Through a Bracelet Surface and General Toric Surface

    镯面和一般 曲率面的光线追迹

  • Mirror Mirror on the Wall A clinical study of Lo-torque designed toric soft contact lens

    低旋设计 散光软镜临床配戴结果研究

  • Mathematical model based corneal toric surface for excimer laser refractive surgery

    基于 曲面的准分子激光屈光矫正计算模型

  • Clinical Observation and Study of Toric Lens Implantation

    矫正 散光 人工晶体植入的临床观察和研究

  • Objective To investigate the dynamic fitting performance among corneal astigmatism patients with spherical and toric soft contact lens ( SCL ) .

    目的探讨角膜散光的大小、 轴向与球性、 散光软性角膜接触镜的配适状态、 舒适 之间的关系。

  • The Influence of Incision-Induced Astigmatism and Axial Lens Position on the Correction of Myopic Astigmatism with the Artisan Toric Phakic Intraocular Lens

    切口诱发散光和晶状体轴位对有晶状体眼 Artisan凸面人工晶状体植入矫正近视性散光的影响

  • Influence on optical property of film coated toric glass by Ti ions implantation

    钛离子注入对镀膜 托力克玻璃光学性能的影响