to average out

[tu ˈævərɪdʒ aʊt][tu: ˈævəridʒ aut]


  • In the novel algorithm Signal Constellation Rearrangement is employed to average out LLRs between bits in a mapping symbol thereby reducing the variations in bit reliabilities .

    该算法采用星座重排技术平衡同一映射符号内比特的对数似然比(LLR, Log-Likelihood-Ratio),从而减小比特可靠性的差异。

  • After followed up for 1 month to 65 months ( average 40.5 months ) 3 patients ( 4 eyes ) dropped out because of the inability to tolerate the foreign-body sensation of RGP lenses .

    随访1 65个月( 平均 40.5个月),3例(4眼)患者因不能适应镜片的异物感而停戴。

  • Secondly we use MatLab to emulate the average model derive out a kind of control method based on the position and speed feedback .

    接着,运用MatLab作为工具,对 平均化模型 进行仿真,推导 一种基于位置和速度反馈的控制方法。

  • We feel the best course is to ask several people and then average out their answers .

    我们觉得问路的最好的办法是多问几个人,然后 他们所说的 平均

  • In this paper the method to catch the flame picture and compute the average gray was also introduced and the application example was also gave out .

    介绍了 BCB6.0作为编程环境实现火焰图像采集、图像分割处理以及 平均灰度值计算的方法,并给出了实际应用结果。

  • Secondly graphs of output link are obtained by means of kinematic simulation on a sound basis of which kinematic study related to laws of average ratio of transmission and velocity fluctuation as a kinematic characteristic is carried out .

    对机构进行运动学仿真分析,得到可视化的结果并以输出构件的 平均传动比im和速度波动系数δ为特性指标 进行运动学分析。

  • We will change match-ups for each negotiation during the course so you may expect your good luck and bad luck to average out .

    我们在课中会改变每次谈判的配对,因此,你可以认为好运和霉运是 均等的。

  • In a typical year a Vuze user will go to the flicks eight times whereas the average non-Vuze punter will go out to a movie only six times .

    一年之中Vuze用户 平均 电影院看8次电影,而其它被调查者的次数则只有6次。

  • Cash was offered by five women to commuters at busy bus stations up and down the UK but an average of only eight people at each station out of thousands of bus travellers took up the offer .

    在调查中,由五位女性在英国几处人来人往的公交车站 下班的人群发钱,尽管有数以千计的乘客上下车,但 平均每个车站只有8个人接受她们的好意。

  • To ascertain indications of average scaling rate and total mineralization degree by carrying out the experiment of scaling prediction and sensibility .

    采用结垢预测和敏感性实验确定 平均结垢率和总矿化度指标。

  • Finally on the basis of analyzing the BRT station setting method aimed to achieve minimum average travel time of BRT passengers the calculating models of the most advantageous BRT station distances was worked out .

    最后,在快速公交站点设置分析的基础上,以快速公交乘客 平均出行时间最短 目标, 提出快速公交最优站距的计算模型。

  • The researchers looked for data related to exercise from 3 healthy middle-aged married couples with an average age of about 55 each of whom had filled out the questionnaires at least twice with about six years between their answers .

    研究人员分析了3261名健康的中年已婚夫妇的运动相关数据,他们的 平均年龄为55岁,每人都至少 过两次问卷,且填写问卷的时间间隔约为六年。

  • Under the 5 % of selection pressure 100-grain weight can be improved for 2.9 to 4.1 g above the average . It is possible to select out new strain with super large grain ;

    在5%的选择压力下,百粒重可在 平均 的基础上进一步提高29 41g,选育超大粒品系材料是有可能的;

  • In part because the once expensive elliptical trainer machines have become more affordable to the average person who likes working out at home rather than a gym .

    部分,因为一旦机器更加昂贵椭圆教练员 一般人负担 起,喜欢在家工作不是禁令。

  • This article put out a SFC system more close to the production reality by improving the traditional average elastic time method . It tries to solve the problem of working out shop-schedule for small-batch multi-bread full-load and with converse sequence processed objects .

    通过对传统的 平均松紧时间算法的改进,提出了一种更 接近生产实际的SFC系统,试图解决小批量、多品种、满负荷有逆顺序加工件的车间计划 制定问题。

  • But the lure of the big win was too hard to resist : pigeons chose to gamble more than 80 percent of the time even though on average that path paid out fewer pellets .

    但是头奖的诱惑太难抵挡了:80%的情况下鸽子都会选择赌一把。虽然这个选择 平均 来讲得到的食物更少。

  • Your days are going to average out to about twenty-four hours .

    你的日子 平均分天 每天大致24小时。

  • However it is the arithmetic average Asian options that we use most in practice so a lot of financier and mathematicians devote their time to the numerical study of arithmetic average Asian options hoping to find out an approximate solution to this problem .

    然而,在实际应用中常见的是算术平均业式期权,因此,吸引了许多金融学家和数学家 研究利用数值方法 寻求算术 平均业式期权定价模型的近似解。

  • In the Gansu Corridor area the farmland average income per year is 200 Yuan / Chinese - acres which compared with the income of going out to work the average per person farming 50 Chinese-acres income only quite to the income of going out works .

    河西走廊区内农地年收入平均200元/亩,与外出务工收入相比, 人均耕地50亩的收入才可与 外出务工的收入相当。

  • Recalling more than one past instance of an event you want to make a decision about helps average out the emotion .

    对你 希望做出一个事件的决定回忆一个以上过去的例子有助于 平均化情绪。

  • As body temperature is the main response to body thermal condition the variation regularity of body temperature with environment is also discussed and a simple way to acquire average body temperature is brought out .

    由于人体温度是人体自身热状态的主要反应,本文还进一步探讨了人体温度随环境变化的规律,并 提出了人体 平均温度简便求解方法。

  • The absorption coefficient obtained make up for the deficiency that experiment data are related to the absorption coefficient of a spot area in average . It is helpful to carry out the research on high-precision coupling rule between laser and materials in future .

    这种方法弥补了实验只能给出光斑区 平均吸收系数变化的不足,对后继高精度 开展激光与材料耦合规律研究非常有帮助。

  • First assume for the moment that all goes to plan . Assume too that Greece 's average interest on long-term debt turns out to be as low as 5 per cent .

    首先,暂且假设一切都 计划进行,同时假设希腊长期债务 平均利率能够低至5%。

  • Compare that to the average wage rise of1.9 % over the same period and it doesn 't take a genius to work out that no one 's going to be better off .

    相比之下,新西兰人的 平均工资同期只涨了1.9%,不需要多聪明也能 看出没有人能过得更好。

  • This paper analyzes the signal to noise ratio of arithmetic average filter by using the random Variable 's digital characteristic and points out the question which should be paid attention to in practice .

    本文利用随机变量数字特征分析了算术 平均 滤波器的信噪比,并 指出应用中需注意的问题。

  • To further underscore that this isn 't an average wedding 18 fighter jets and5 troops have been called out to pay tribute to the couple .

    为了进一步强调这不是一次 普通的婚礼,瑞典还召集了18架战机和5000名士兵向这对新婚夫妇致敬。