to go astray

[tu ɡo əˈstre][tu: ɡəu əˈstreɪ]


  • The idiom is used to show that when confronted with so many choices and complicated things one who seeks truth is likely to get loss or go astray without a correct method .

    这个故事旨在说明,当有很多选择的时候,如果没有正确的方法,是很容易 迷失的。

  • The direction of social rewards and punishments which conform to or go astray the moral value the times ' need will result in two different guidance functions .

    社会赏罚方向与时代所需的道德价值的吻合或 偏离往往导致两种不同的引导方向。

  • Google is not obviously being evil but it is such a powerful technology company that it has the potential to go astray .

    谷歌并非在明显“作恶”,但作为如此有影响力的一家科技公司,它是有可能 误入歧途的。

  • Language is a tool for human beings to know the world and at the same time it sets up barriers which make man go astray .

    语言是人类认识世界的工具,但同时也 认识世界设置了障碍,把人 引入 歧途

  • Feuerbach 's Materialism involves abundant dialectics thought so we think that it is easy to go astray to name metaphysical Materialism .

    费尔巴哈的唯物主义哲学具有丰富的辩证法思想, 故称其为形而上学唯物主义容易引起误解。

  • Better to ask the way than go astray .

    问道 人总比 迷失于途 要强

  • If these problems are not resolved and there is no good legal system to regulate the development of organ transplantation the organ transplant will go astray .

    如果这些问题得不到解决,如果器官移植的发展没有良好的法律加以规制的话,器官移植必将 走入 歧途

  • Enterprises Must Be Sure Not to Go Astray in ISO 9000 Authentication

    企业切勿 步入ISO9000认证 误区

  • At this point how to conduct in-depth study on the elements the study does not go astray and naturally become a problem .

    此时, 如何 行为要件研究进行深入研究,又不 走入研究的 误区,自然成为一个问题。

  • The greater the distance to the donkey the farther they go astray .

    参加 游戏 比赛 距离毛驴越远,他们 偏离 目标 毛驴也越远。

  • To go astray or be lost in transit as mail or cargo .

    误送 误送或丢失,如邮件或货物。

  • We will be very vulnerable to the devil 's temptation and go astray .

    很容易被恶魔诱惑而 误入歧途

  • If you don 't listen to customers you will go astray .

    了解客户的意见很可能 误入歧途

  • For example the improper leisure or the indulgently leisure not only make us be easy to idle our time and go astray but also bring bad influence to society ethos .

    闲暇不当,闲暇的放任自流,不仅容易使我们 闲暇时虚度光阴, 误入歧途,而且会给社会风气带来极坏的影响。

  • After that however many parents seemed to go astray taking precautions that weren 't helpful and made little sense according to Dr.

    但是,除了这 以外,很多家长 无计可施了, 采取的预防措施帮助不大,“而且毫无道理”, 迈克尔·卡巴娜博士如是说。

  • And it is older men rather than their younger counterparts who are more likely to go astray the survey found .

    这项调查还发现,更为成熟男性要比起他们年轻的同僚更加 容易 误入歧途

  • The Angolan government keeps a tight lid on details of the relationship to the fury of its critics who suspect funds go astray .

    那些怀疑资金 挪用的批评人士感到愤怒的是,安哥拉政府对 安中关系的细节严加保密。

  • She was particularly good at the subtle use of stream of consciousness to explore the fate of women who are open to all kinds of torture or easy to go astray .

    她尤其善于用意识流的细微笔触,表现对遭受各种折磨和 误入歧途的女性命运的探索。

  • As managers strive desperately to make their impossible numbers some will go astray .

    如果企业管理者们 为了达成这些不可能实现的数字使劲浑身解数,有些 可能 因此 步入 歧途

  • Because many aspects of constraints are involved such as economic benefits employment issues resources technology ethics and others sometimes it is very hard to make choices . It is very necessary to use humanism theory to make guidance to avoid go astray .

    因为它们牵涉到经济利益、就业问题、资源、科技水平、道德伦理等社会方方面面的制约,有时候很难在其中做出抉择,非常需要人文思想理论来做出引导 避免 走入 歧途

  • If we don 't give attention to study and analysis of the eastern and western cultures in our teaching process the requirements and the aim of learning foreign languages can 't be reached and foreign language study based on the intercommunication will go astray .

    如果在教学过程中不注意研究和分析东西方文化,就达不到学习语言的目标和要求,以交际为目的外语学习就会 误入歧途