tidal wave

[ˈtaɪdl wev][ˈtaɪdl weiv]


  • The recession is deepening and we are now seeing a tidal wave of job losses in all sections of the economy .

    经济衰退的情况在加剧,各个行业 相继出现失业 高峰

  • The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole

    这场波及全国的爱国 热潮还对那 工会运动起到了 推波助澜 作用

  • A tidal wave completely engulfed the village .


  • There is no giant crater and no deposits have been found reflecting a huge tidal wave .

    没有找到巨大的陨石坑,也未发现能反映特大 潮汐 的沉积物。

  • The tidal wave that swept Asia has been devastating and has sent ripples across the globe .


  • Tidal wave is a danger to navigation .


  • Finally it would trigger a tidal wave of influence-peddling as lobbyists scrambled to exploit the system for different industries and localities .

    最后,它会引起 海啸式的影响-说客争相利用该系统对不同行业和地区的规定进行推销。

  • Swing was big-band music and used large brass sections to provide a tidal wave of sound .

    摇摆爵士乐的特征是启用大型乐队,铜管乐器用得很多,以给人一种 音浪的感觉。

  • He played down the threat of a big tidal wave .

    他淡化了发生大规模 海啸的威胁。

  • Have a tidal wave come up and submerged every living thing .


  • A tidal wave of publications .

    浪潮 涌现的出版物。

  • But most catastrophic of all the explosion produced a tidal wave .

    这次爆炸带来最严重的灾害便是 海啸

  • With the momentum of an avalanche the tidal wave crashed into the seaside town .


  • It 'll create a tidal wave three miles high .

    它会造成三里高的 海啸

  • Investment has been focused on updating systems at a faster pace than the ever-increasing tidal wave of messages .

    投资集中于以比信息增长 更快的速度更新系统。

  • A tidal wave sunk his ship and nearly drowned him as well but he beat the storm in the same way he defeats all his enemies-persistence .

    一次 大潮弄沉了他的船也差点淹死了他,但他用击败自己所有敌人的办法打败了风暴,那就是坚持。

  • But there has been nothing like the triple threat in Japan wrought by last week 's earthquake and tidal wave combined with growing worries of a nuclear reactor meltdown .

    不过与地震后的日本相比,这些都微不足道了。上周的日本地震、地震引发的 海啸,再加上人们对震区核反应堆熔毁的恐慌日益加深,为日本汽车业带来了三重威胁。

  • You want to ripple the waters not create a crushing tidal wave .

    你要制造的是滔天巨浪而不是像 潮汐一样 高低 起伏

  • Soon after the September18th Incident a tidal wave for Constitution Movement rose in China .

    “九一八”事变后,国内掀起了一 宪政运动的 浪潮

  • There was a tidal wave of new arrivals .

    新到的人有 浪潮一般。

  • His speech caused a tidal wave of indignation throughout the country .

    他的演说在全国掀起了 怒潮

  • The eurozone risks a tidal wave of fiscal and banking crises .


  • The result has been a tidal wave of foreclosures that have incurred massive losses on financial institutions and some insurance firms .

    其结果引发了许许多多人丧失了房屋 赎回权,让金融机构和一些保险公司蒙上巨大损失。

  • Study on numberical modelling of the whole pearl river estuary and tidal wave propagation characteristics

    珠江河口整体数值模拟及 传播特征研究

  • The prospect of a tidal wave of global acquisitions by Asian companies can easily lead to hallucinations .

    亚洲企业将发起全球收购 浪潮的前景,可能很容易让人们产生幻觉。

  • Their invasion of the city has the effect of a tidal wave inundating first the immigrant colonies .

    他们的涌入城市,象 潮头一样首先淹没了移民地带。

  • Many animals were drowned by the tidal wave .

    许多动物被 浪潮淹死了。

  • A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing catastrophic damage

    地震引起的 海啸袭击了沿海地区,导致灾难性的破坏。

  • Most crisis-hit emerging economies experienced huge recessions and a tidal wave of insolvencies .

    多数遭受危机冲击的新兴经济体都经历了严重的经济衰退和 大批的破产 浪潮