to stand aside

[tu stænd əˈsaɪd][tu: stænd əˈsaid]

站开, 靠边站, 站在一边

  • He decided to stand aside .

    他决定 人民 一边

  • Mr Strauss-Kahn who was charged earlier this week with sexual assault and other crimes against a hotel maid in New York City had come under increasing pressure from finance ministers to stand aside .

    本周初, 斯特劳斯-卡恩被指控对纽约一家宾馆的女服务员实施了性侵犯和其他罪行。随后 面对的多国财长要求他 辞职的压力越来越大。

  • Greenspan has urged Washington lawmakers and policymakers to stand aside and let the economy heal on its own .

    格林斯潘敦促华盛顿的立法者和决策层 不要 经济进行干预,让经济依靠自身的力量进行自愈。

  • All these matters fade into insignificance compared with the repercussions of a strike by Israel against Iran from which it would be difficult for the US to stand aside .

    上述问题与以色列打击伊朗的后果相比,都算不了什么。美国很难 对此 袖手旁观

  • If the elder does not speak to us we should respectfully stand aside .

    如果长辈没有 说话,要退 一边恭敬地

  • If developing countries were to choose to do so they could stand aside as in the trade field from GATT .

    如果发展中国家 决意这样做的话,他们可以象对待贸易领域的关税与贸易总协定那样不予参加。

  • At the age of30 I feel it is right for me to stand aside and let younger players come through which allows me to concentrate on my club career .

    在30岁这个年龄,我觉得应该 机会 留给年轻人,我也应该把精力放在我的俱乐部生涯里。

  • The President said he was willing to stand aside if that would stop the killing .

    总统说,如果 下台能让杀戮停止的话,他 愿意 这样做。

  • The British Prime Minister used a speech to faith leaders to suggest that David Cameron the opposition Conservative leader was prepared to stand aside while the recession took its toll a policy which he said demeaned our humanity .

    布朗利用向宗教领袖发表的演讲指出,反对党保守党领袖大卫卡梅伦(davidcameron) 准备在经济衰退造成损失之际 作壁上观,他称这项政策“贬低了我们的人性”。

  • He decided to stand aside in favour of a better man .

    他决定 退 出来 机会让给比自己强的人。

  • If he does not speak to you step back and respectfully stand aside .

    如果他没有 你开口说话,就恭敬的退 一旁

  • On the other hand can the West continue to stand aside when civilians are being killed at an accelerating rate and a strategically vital region is threatened with meltdown ?

    另一方面,当被杀平民 数目以加速度增长,一个战略上至关重要的地区受到垮台的威胁,西方能 继续 袖手旁观吗?

  • But Britain and others chose to stand aside either because they disliked the political integration implicit in the new grouping or because they wanted to preserve their neutrality .

    而英国和其它国家则选择 置身 其外,要么是因为他们不喜欢新集团里隐含的政治融合,要么是因为他们想维持中立。

  • Regular commuters have become deft at performing what is known as the Tokyo pirouette which allows them to slide into the carriage and then stand without having to make eye contact with those who have moved aside .

    东京上班族纷纷变成挤地铁的高手,可以迅速挤进车厢,还可以仅靠脚尖 站立,不与那些被挤 一边的人有任何眼神交流。

  • And not to stand aside and watch .

    而且我 学会了绝不 袖手旁观

  • Our job as traders is to make decisions to buy sell or stand aside on the basis of our analysis .

    我们作为交易者,我们的工作是根据我们的分析来决定买,卖或 观望

  • She brings the message of God to Charles ; and The Church must stand aside .

    她替上帝 查理传达旨意,教会得 靠边

  • It is essential for old people like us to stand aside give newcomers a free hand and watch them mature .

    我们这些老人关键是 不管 ,让新上来的人放手干,看着 现在的同志成熟 起来