to the last

[tu ði læst][tu: ðə lɑ:st]


  • I was lucky enough to catch the last bus .

    我真幸运赶上了 最后 班公共汽车。

  • Our troops are being used up to the last man .

    我们的部队已人 其用。

  • The most important business was left to the last

    最重要的事留 最后 解决

  • She does like to have the last word in any discussion

    她确实喜欢商量什么事都 最终自己说了算。

  • My legs failed me and I wasn 't able to run the last lap .

    腿不争气, 最后 圈跑不动了。

  • Obviously future deficits will be much higher if growth in the next decades tracks similar to the last decade .

    很明显,如果 十年 经济增速与 过去十年的增速持平,未来的赤字将会进一步恶化。

  • There was one who was shouting : Let us exterminate them to the last man and die at the point of our bayonet .

    有一个大声喊道:“让我们把他们歼灭 最后 !让我们死在我们的刺刀尖上!”

  • The captured soldiers and commanders died loyal to the last .

    被俘 将士 死尽节。

  • When I think of the word tour I think back to the last one I took : a Montreal bus filled with ( delightful ) senior citizens .

    说到“游览”这个词,马上 我想起 最近的一 游览经历:在蒙特利尔跟一群兴致勃勃的老年人一起坐大巴观光。

  • A gentleman to the last he did not run but merely attempted to stroll away


  • The Arab people will fight it out to the last man .

    阿拉伯人要打到底, 直到 最后 人。

  • He paid all his debts to the last penny .

    他还清了全部债务, 分文不欠。

  • Every movement no matter how casual and spontaneous needs to be worked out to the last detail

    对每一个动作,无论它显得多么随意和无意识,都不能放过 一丝细节。

  • We Chinese have the spirit to fight the enemy to the last drop of our blood .

    我们中华民族有同自己的敌人 血战到底的气概。

  • Mother drank a little then a little more then before they knew it she had drunk the whole glass down to the last drop .

    妈妈喝了一点,那一点,然后在他们认识到这点之前,她把一杯喝下 最后 滴。

  • Each soldier told him his name unitl he came to the last one .

    每个士兵都对他说了自已的名字。他走 最后一位士兵面前时,这个士兵保持着沉默。

  • To the last syllable of recorded time ;

    直到 最后 秒种的时间;

  • Perhaps it would be better to leave that to the last .

    也许还是留 最后再收拾为好。

  • According to the last census ( 2000 ) 94.6 % of Thais are Buddhists of the Theravada tradition .

    根据2000年 新统计,94.6%的泰国人是传统 小乘佛教教徒。

  • Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute

    宾特先生习惯拖 最后时刻才作决定。

  • It would be just his luck to miss the last boat .

    他就这运气,误 最后 班船也毫不出奇。

  • But the snowflakes that fall in the north remain to the last like powder or sand and never hold together whether scattered on roofs the ground or the withered grass .

    但是, 朔方的雪花在纷飞之后,却永远如粉,如沙,它们决不粘连,撒在屋上,地上,枯草上,就是这样。

  • Researchers and businesses have responded strongly to the last point . Never have there been so many tools systems and programs available for quitting smoking .

    科研人员和商家们 最后 点反映最强烈。从来没有一种能够用来戒烟的工具,系统或者工程。

  • From the first day of classes in the fall to the last day of classes in the spring summer can seem like an oasis .

    从秋天开始上课, 一直 春天,夏天就好像是沙漠里的绿洲。

  • He tried to defect to the West last year

    去年他试图叛逃 西方。

  • And thus it is that time goes by while I give it to every querulous man who claims it and thine altar is empty of all offerings to the last .

    因此,在我把时间让给每一个性急的,向我索要时间的人,我们的时间就虚度了, 最后神坛上就没有 点祭品。

  • Armstrong was tall and handsome to the last .


  • Why leave us to the last ?
