


  • 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region .

    2015年是 西藏自治区成立50周年。

  • The northern Tibet Grassland is like a boundless green sea with numerous boats on the grassland-yaks .


  • He says the recently delivered Tibet trains were entirely designed and made in China .

    他表示,最近交付使用的 进藏列车完全是在中国设计和制造的。

  • Component Analysis on Northern Tibet Yak Meat and Research on Its Nutrition Quality


  • The eastern margin of the Tibet Plateau is composed of the Minshan Block and Longmenshan .


  • Zabuye saline lake situated in the hinterland of Tibet plateau is a contemparysaline lake deposit .

    扎布耶盐湖位于 青藏高原腹地,是一个现代盐湖矿床。

  • It 's summer in Shanghai and I 've just returned from Tibet .

    夏天的上海,我刚刚从 藏区回来。

  • Glaciers and Lake Change in Response to Climate Change in the Nam Co Basin Tibet


  • Such censuses were conducted three times in Tibet in 1268 1287 and 1334 .

    1268年、1287年、 1334年进行了三次人口调查。

  • It was the year before last that he went to Xizang Tibet w_13 .

    他前年去的 西藏

  • This article summarized the Tibet snow lotus flower 's chemical composition the application method and for medicinal value .

    文章综述了 雪莲花的化学成分、使用方法及药用价值。

  • A number of explosion crater tests on ice-rich frozen soil were carried out along Qinghai & Tibet railway .

    青藏 高原沱沱河地区某一高含冰量冻土爆破漏斗的试验和爆破试验方法进行了研究。

  • Since it was my first time in Tibet I underestimated the cost .

    他说:因为这是我第一次 进藏,因此低估了此行的费用。

  • In 2013 only three cities - Haikou on the island province of Hainan Lhasa in Tibet autonomous region and the coastal resort city of Zhoushan - met the standards .

    2013年,只有海南省的海口、 西藏自治区的拉萨和海滨度假之城舟山3个城市达标。

  • The sedimentary facies change suggests that in the Late Palaeozoic the Baoshan regionunderwent a similar geological history aS did southern Tibet which is different from that ofthe Yangtze region .

    沉积相变化特征表明保山地区在晚古生代经历了与 藏南地区十分相似的地质历史,而与扬子地区完全不同。

  • Qumalaibuliangquan Road is in permafrost regions of Tibet Plateau whose geological condition is very poor .

    曲麻莱至不冻泉公路地处 青藏高原多年冻土地区,地质条件极其恶劣。

  • Meteorological Causes for Summer Drought in the North-East Side of the Tibet Plateau and its Long-Range Forecast Research


  • But it is far from alone in yielding over Tibet once China starts its thunderous blustering .

    不过,一旦中国开始咆哮起来大加指责,就 问题做出让步的可不单单英国一个。

  • Basic work and construction of scientific database in the basic researches for Tibet Plateau


  • The Himalayan region and the Tibet Plateau are strategically sensitive for the neighbours .

    喜马拉雅地区和 青藏高原是这两个邻国的战略敏感地带。

  • Tomorrow is go Panzhihua or go Dali or Tibet .

    明天是去攀枝花,还是去大理,还是 进藏

  • Thermal state of permafrost under high embankment along Qinghai & Tibet Railway is monitored and studied .


  • On the two sides of the Heaven Palace are Bell Tower and Runner Tibet .


  • The sense of scientific diet has spread from cities to the vast pasture areas in Tibet .

    讲究科学饮食已经从城镇波及到了广大 牧区

  • Lake Namco in Tibet is the world 's highest-lying saltwater lake rising 4718 metres above sea level and covering an area of 1940 square kilometres .

    中国 西藏的纳木湖是世界最高的咸水湖,海拔4718米,面积1940平方公里。

  • We yesterday just studied Tibet dance and Nonglian dance .

    我们昨天刚学习了 藏舞和蒙古舞。

  • Do uno Tibet is a part of Chn ?


  • Characteristics of the Jurassic saline deposits and its significance to hydrocarbon accumulation in Qiangtang Basin of Tibet area ;

    布曲组海相碳酸盐岩是北 塘盆地发育的重要的烃源岩之一。

  • Geophysical studies of Tibet are the basis for deep understand the structure of the crust and mantle uplift effect and continental dynamics of Tibetan Plateau Asia .

    青藏 高原的地球物理研究是深化认识高原本体和东亚壳、幔结构、隆升机制和大陆动力学响应的基础,故为中、外 地球 科学家们所 瞩目