



  • A lawn aerator has a series of tine assemblies spaced along a driven shaft driven by a motor .

    一台草坪打孔机具有一系列 打孔 这些打孔 沿着由发动机驱动的轴间隔分布。

  • The forming of flank of conical twist drill was studied and mathematical model of twist drill tine was founded in order to get formula of back clearance .

    研究了锥面麻花钻后刀面的成型,建立了 钻尖的数学模型, 由此 确定了后角的计算公式。

  • Obama and his grandmother strode slowly up a slight hill toward the main house which had a new tine roof and fresh coats of blue and white paint thanks to money Obama had sent .

    奥巴马和他的奶奶慢慢的大步走上一个朝向他们主房屋的小山坡,多亏奥巴马寄来的钱,房子已经换上了新的 屋顶,也用蓝色和白色的油漆粉刷过,焕然一新。

  • My Dad looked at me for the longest tine and his eyes started to tear up .

    爸爸盯着我看了好长 时间,潸然泪下。

  • What is happening in the world at the present tine ?


  • Reciprocating power-driven tine harrow swinging arm head-positioning actuator

    动力驱动摆动式 钉齿耙摆臂式磁头定位驱动器

  • The art of paper-cut may be traced back to a period as early as the tine of discovery of Chinese paper making and is still prosperous across across China .

    剪纸艺术最早可追溯到 南北时期,与中国的造纸 同时出现,至今仍兴盛于中国 大江南北

  • Hydrodynamic Simulation and Analysis of Yawing of Bionic Robot Fish reciprocating power-driven tine harrow

    仿生机器鱼艏向摆动动力学仿真及分析动力驱动 摆动钉齿耙

  • He was on his way to visit his mother in another town and he wanted to telephone her to tell her the tine of his train so that she could meet him at the station in her car .

    他是在他的途中拜访他的母亲在另一个镇里,并且他想给她打电话告诉她他的火车 ,因此她在她的汽车能遇见他在驻地。

  • Our styles have evolved with tine to respond to new needs related to ergonomics and wearability but the inheritance of the skilled leather makers of the19th century has been preserved .

    为了响应工程学和耐用的新需要,我们的款式随着 时间 流逝,不断地演变。但是,一直继承着19世纪的皮革制造技术。

  • Kay would have come out this tine but she 's carrying another kid and she has the baby to look after .

    本来这次也要一 来的,但她又怀孕了,还要照顾孩子。

  • We 'll make a grass charm so Ma tine won 't beat him .

    我要施个魔法,马 就不会打他了。

  • I hope the last tine is fast a little come .

    我希望下一次的时间 快点到来。

  • Stop playing about with those girls you can 't afford to waste any more tine .

    别在同那些女孩子瞎 了,你可再不能浪费 时间了。

  • Be it a part tine job you is after ?

    你要找的是不是 全日 的工作?

  • They will nave not tine to stay in Paris .

    他们将没有 时间在巴黎停留。

  • Silence language is much more than language with tine and more profound .

    无声语言比有 语言多而深刻。

  • Those tine wine glasses are made of crystal .

    那些 漂亮的酒杯是用水晶做的。

  • At the large tine scale given the constant fuel delivery and power shaft speed the energy of the exhaust gas electrostatic signal will increase as the engine deteriorates gradually .

    而在大 时间尺度上的分析 发现,在一定的燃油供给和恒定的 自由涡轮转速条件下,尾气静电信号能量随着发动机性能的缓慢衰退而逐渐上升。

  • In rain or tine you must reach here on time .

    不管 天晴下雨,你们必须准时到达这里。

  • Idle time : The tine during which a machine or system is available for but not being used for production .

    停机时间:可用作生产的机器或系统而没有使用的 闲着时间。

  • Skirts in the Tang Dynasty were tine in craftsmanship and bright in color and therefore formed a unique skirt culture .

    唐代的 女裙工艺精美、色彩艳丽,形成了独特的“裙文化”。

  • This tine I recognized them . I got up and quietly opened the door .

    我再也坐不住,我 轻轻的开了门。

  • Follow that tine of inquiry and I think you will puzzle out an answer .

    按照 那种 方法探究 下去,我想你是会找到答案的。