year of installation

[jɪr ʌv ˌɪnstəˈleʃən][jə: ɔv ˌɪnstəˈleiʃən]

[计] 安装年份

  • Installation fee is300 yuan one-time payment of six months or a year of cost-free installation .

    安装费是300元,一次性缴半年或一 的费用,免 安装费。

  • Two reindeer lock horns on Nov.3 last year in the main hall of Berlin 's Hamburger Bahnhof museum for contemporary art as part of Soma an installation by Belgian artist Carsten Hoeller .

    去年十一月三日在柏林汉堡巴恩霍夫当代艺术博物馆,两只驯鹿在比利时艺术家 卡斯登‧赫勒的 装置艺术个展「苏摩」中,鹿角相扣。

  • Since our country implemented the Western Development in the year of 2000 the west base installation and ecological environment have a large enhancement .

    2000 ,国家提出实施西部大开发战略以来,西部基础 设施、生态环境得到了极大的改善。

  • Finally in order to JinXi Petrochemical Company 1.2 million tons one year of gasoline hydrogenation installation project as an example by using comparative analysis of two models to explain the lack of a fixed pricing model and the superiority of the implementation of bill of quantities .

    最后,本文以锦西石化分公司120万 吨/年催化汽油加氢 安装工程项目为实例,通过采用两种模式的对比分析,阐述定额计价模式的不足及实行工程量清单计价模式的优越性。

  • Last year the foundation took the unprecedented step of forcing the installation of new software on the German-language Wikipedia .

    去年,基金会史无前例地强行在德语版维基百科上 安装了新软件。