torsional stress


  • In each construction stage there is no transverse deformation torque and torsional stress in the straight bridge .

    在各个施工阶段,直线桥没有横向变形、扭矩和 扭转

  • Measurement of Torsional Stress of 200 MW Turbo - generator

    200MW汽轮发电机组 测试

  • The research of the method for torsional stress analysis of the vehicle frame

    汽车车架 扭转 分析方法的研究

  • Calculation and Experiment of Torsional Stress in Seal Frame

    封闭框架的 扭转 计算与实验研究

  • Adopting a new design structure and using a single fiber Bragg grating simultaneous measurement of two parameters for the torsion ( torque or torsional stress ) and the temperature have been realized .

    采用一种新颖的扭梁设计结构,利用单光纤光栅成功地实现了扭转(扭 转角扭矩)与温度的双参量同时测量。

  • The high-temperature creep of iron under very small torsional stress and the effect of the adding alloying elements Si and W upon the creep have been investigated .

    我们用 扭转微蠕变的实验装置测定了纯铁的高温微 蠕变与晶界滑移激活能及加Si,W等合金元素的影响,从而研究Si与W等合金元素对晶界耐热性的影响。

  • The torsional stress of element in elastic stage and plastic stage is analyzed the torsional failure phenomenon of element is theoretically explained and three quarters factor of yield stress formula in torsinal test of circle shaft of plastic materials is certificated .

    对构件在弹性阶段和塑性阶段时的 进行了分析,对构件扭转破坏现象进行了理论上的解释,并对塑性材料的圆轴扭转实验屈服应力公式的3/4系数给出了证明。

  • Through the dynamics simulation of the flexible crankshaft system the torsional vibration dynamic stress and fatigue factors of safety are predicted .

    通过对运动件系统进行柔性多体动力学计算,分析了 曲轴 扭转振动、动态 和疲劳安全系数等问题,通过 计算得到的 数据与实验数据吻合较好。

  • Torsional Stress Analysis of Circular Shaft Under Circumaxile Shearing Loading

    受周向剪切载荷的圆轴 扭转 分析

  • A boundary collocation technique for evaluating the torsional rigidity and third stress intensity factor of cracked bars

    用边界配置法计算带裂纹 扭转杆的 刚度和第三型 强度因子

  • Under dead load which namely is finished phase the straight bridge has no lateral deformation horizontal angle torque and torsional stress .

    直线桥在恒载作用下,即成桥阶段,没有横向变形、横向转角、扭矩和 扭转

  • In torsional tectonic stress field there are en echelon chess-board feather ring-radiating and arcuate fault-block modes .


  • When the torsional vibration amplitude and stress exceed the limit the rubber torsional vibration damper should be designed to reduce the amplitude within the permitted range .

    振振幅或 超过限值时,设计橡胶扭振减振器将振幅衰减到容许范围内,消减曲轴系统的扭转振动。

  • The Application of Turbine-Generator Torsional Stress Analyzer and Relay

    汽轮发电机组 轴系 分析及保护装置的应用

  • With these difference equations and compensatory ones the torsion problem of this kind of beam can be solved to get its torsional shear stress and constant of torque .

    联立差分方程和补充方程即可求解此类复杂截面的扭转问题,得到 扭转 截面扭转常数。

  • Through experimental analysis this paper researches the regularities of local torsional stress local compression stress maximum shearing stress and so on in the upper part of web of steel crane runway girders under the roiling pressure of crane wheels and presents corresponding calculation formulas .

    通过试验分析,研究了钢吊车梁在滚动吊车轮压作用下腹板上部区域的局部 扭转 、局部挤压应力、最大剪应力等的变化规律,提出了相应的计算公式。

  • Analysis of Torsional Stress of Drill Stem Double Shoulder Connector

    钻杆接头双台肩 分析

  • Creep of polycrystalline iron under small torsional stress and the effect of carbon upon the creep

    多晶 纯铁的高温 蠕变及加碳的影响

  • Design Criterion of Torsional Stress of Turbine - generator Shaft System

    关于汽轮发电机轴系 设计准则

  • Finally based on modal principles a modal frequency response function is established ; and using these modal data engine critical speed crankshaft torsional vibration deformation stress and torque are calculated .

    本文最后根据 模态原理,建立模态频率响应函数,应用模态数据确定发动机临界转速, 计算曲轴 振变形、 截面扭矩等响应。

  • The preseismic stress field due to a compressional torsional fault and stress variation

    性断裂的震前应力场与 地应力变化异常

  • Influence of transverse crack model on shafting 's torsional shear stress

    轴系横向裂纹模型对其 扭转 的影响

  • The degree or angle of torsional stress . angle of twist per unit length of shaft

    扭力的 强度,扭力的角度轴的单位长度 转角

  • This paper analyzes the admissible stresses used to calculate the diamter of axles according to torsional stress and resultant stress and some suggestions are given .

    对按 扭矩估算轴径和按弯扭合成力矩计算转轴轴径公式中的许用应 进行了分析,给出了修正意见。