



v.打呵欠( yawn的现在分词 )张开,裂开

  • Stop yawning in my class .

    在我的课堂上不 允许 哈欠

  • There is a yawning gap between political rhetoric and reality .

    政治高调和现实之间的 差距 越来

  • Even so there is a yawning gap with China .

    即便如此,印度与中国的差距 依然 巨大

  • But shaking up the economy and plugging the yawning chasm in the public finances requires legislation .

    认为应该是但是公共财务中重组经济和填补正在变大的窟窿(财政 赤字)需要立法的帮助。

  • A yawning man is lying on a lawn in the dawn .

    一个 呵欠的人在拂晓躺在草地上。

  • Although we associate yawning with sleepiness and boredom its function appears to be to wake us up .

    虽然我们把 哈欠与睡意和厌倦联系在一起,但 哈欠的作用似乎是使人清醒。

  • Heigh-ho - there I 'm yawning again .

    嗨嗬瞧我又 呵欠了。

  • Yawning or sighing are usually signs of mental or physical fatigue .


  • We were so bored that we couldn 't help yawning .

    我们厌烦得要命,禁不住 呵欠

  • He said there is some evidence that yawning is linked to excitement .

    他说有证据说明 哈欠与兴奋联系。

  • You may be yawning right now as you read this !

    你读到此时,可能 便 哈欠

  • As a matter of fact I found myself yawning a lot as I prepared this report .

    事实上,他发现他自己在准备这份报告 了很多 哈欠

  • The study described in the journal Child Development involved adult volunteers yawning in front of kids .

    这项刊登在儿童发展杂志的研究,还包括了成年的志愿者在小孩儿面前 打的 哈气

  • We should however be careful not to misinterpret the yawning gap between expectations and fulfilments .

    然而,我们要当心,千万不要对这种期盼和现实之间的 巨大鸿沟产生误解。

  • A yawning North-South gulf has opened up with both sides digging in .

    双方都坚持 自己 立场,南北之间出现了一条 鸿沟

  • This South African lion looks a bit grouchy but he was actually yawning .

    这头南非狮子看起来有点不高兴,实际上它是在 哈欠

  • Even when I started yawning he didn 't get the message but just kept talking .

    甚至当我打 呵欠时,他还是没有明白,只是继续谈下去。

  • But a yawning gap and grass nowhere .

    但有个 裂缝的缺口,并且寸草不生。

  • Some scientists believe that yawning makes you more a alert when you yawn you breathe more deeply you also stretch your muscle in your face and your neck .

    许多科学家认为 哈欠让你更加警觉。当你打哈欠时,你呼吸更深,你还伸展你脸部和脖子上的肌肉。

  • Yawning involves opening the mouth involuntarily while taking a long deep breath of air .


  • I 'm so tired she said yawning and stretching .

    我太累了,她 打着 欠伸 懒腰说道。

  • When he pumped pure oxygen into subjects for example their frequency of yawning did not change .

    当他将纯氧注入实验对象时,他们 哈欠的频率并没有发生什么变化。

  • I felt so sleepy I couldn 't stop yawning .

    我感到很困,止不住地 呵欠

  • Oh excuse me ; I can 't stop yawning .

    啊,对不起,我 实在忍不住 哈欠

  • He says almost anything connected with yawning can make people yawn .

    他说几乎任何和 哈欠有关的事都能使人们打哈欠。

  • Yawning and shivering slightly Harry climbed out of bed and tried to find his Quidditch robes .

    哈利 打着 哈欠,微微哆嗉着,从床上爬了起来,开始找他的队服。

  • He says yawning seems linked in some way to sleeping .

    他说从某方面上 哈欠似乎与睡眠有关。

  • 108 . At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown .

    108.拂晓时在草坪上, 呵欠的溺水者开始皱眉头。

  • While his administration is determined to force rapid economic development its approach has created a yawning income gap .

    尽管 新疆自治 政府决心推动经济快速发展,但其方式却造成了收入差距的 扩大

  • I was yawning ; it had been a long day and I was ready for bed .

    我不由地 哈欠 连天;这可是漫长的一天,我想要睡觉了。